

  1. Union renewal and development 8 May 2012

    Latin America: call for joint strategies for quality education

    The President of the Regional Committee in Latin America, Hugo Yasky, has called for a joint trade union strategy to promote quality public education within the region. At the opening of the Committee’s annual meeting on 7 May, Yasky emphasised education unions’ crucial role in “defending the fundamental right to...

    Latin America: call for joint strategies for quality education
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 4 May 2012

    Together preventing third-party violence in schools

    Participants shared good practices at a seminar on how to prevent and mitigate third-party violence in schools. The seminar, organised by EI's European Region, ETUCE, was attended by representatives from both teacher unions and education employers on 26 April in Warsaw, Poland.

    Together preventing third-party violence in schools
  3. Union growth 4 May 2012

    Bahrain: BTA court case postponed for fourth time to 30 May

    EI has learned that the Supreme Criminal Appeals Court has adjourned the case of Mahdi Issa Abu Dheeb and Jalila Al-Salman, from the Bahraini Teachers Association (BTA), to 30 May, and refused to release Mahdi on bail once more. Both were arrested after a crackdown by authorities following pro-democracy demonstrations.

    Bahrain: BTA court case postponed for fourth time to 30 May
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 3 May 2012

    India: disadvantaged children allocated school places

    One in four places in private schools in India will be reserved for socially and economically disadvantaged groups. This comes after the Indian Supreme Court endorsed Clause 12 in the Right to Education Act last month.

    India: disadvantaged children allocated school places
  5. Leading the profession 2 May 2012

    Investing in higher education for the future

    The Ministers responsible for higher education in the 47 countries of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) adopted the Bucharest Communiqué – the highest political statement legitimising actions by governments across EHEA.

    Investing in higher education for the future
  6. Union renewal and development 2 May 2012

    Taiwan: moving ahead on teachers' rights

    “We want to see the teachers’ union blossom,” Vice President of Taiwan, Mr. Vincent C. Siew, told an EI delegation - headed by General Secretary Fred van Leeuwen and Chief Regional Coordinator Aloysius Mathews - visiting Taiwan this week.

    Taiwan: moving ahead on teachers' rights
  7. Union renewal and development 27 April 2012

    Global Unions: Governments must act for a sustainable and equitable recovery

    It is more than five years since the financial crisis hit, followed rapidly by a larger economic crisis. This economic earthquake exposed the dangers of financialisation; of having the real economy subservient to finance; and of two decades of growing inequality.

    Global Unions: Governments must act for a sustainable and equitable recovery
  8. Trade union rights are human rights 26 April 2012

    EI pleads with Bahraini government officials to respect human and trade union rights

    In a meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister of Bahrain, Shaikh Khalid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa, and the Minister of Labour, Jameel Humaidan, EI General Secretary Fred van Leeuwen has requested that the dissolution of the Bahraini Teachers’ Association (BTA) in 2011 be lifted and that its leaders be released...

    EI pleads with Bahraini government officials to respect human and trade union rights
  9. Standards and working conditions 25 April 2012

    Chile: March in defense of public education

    On 25 April, EI joined Chilean education unions on a massive march in favour of public education, taking place in the country´s capital, Santiago. Over 50.000 people called for the fundamental right to quality education to be guaranteed and funded by the state.

    Chile: March in defense of public education
  10. Trade union rights are human rights 24 April 2012

    Join the “Stand 4 Change” Day against bullying on 4 May!

    Consistent with its policy that schools must be safe and secure and education should advance human rights principles by promoting inclusiveness, EI has joined major anti-bullying campaigners in the US to create awareness in schools and communities about bullying and harassment prevention.

    Join the “Stand 4 Change” Day against bullying on 4 May!
  11. Standards and working conditions 24 April 2012

    New channel to inspire educators worldwide

    EI has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with World Teachers Video Network (WTVN) to jointly reflect and promote EI policies and principles. WTVN is a global TV platform aiming at raising the standards of teaching and learning by sharing good practice through broadcast-quality video.

    New channel to inspire educators worldwide
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 20 April 2012

    Millions of educators to support quality early childhood education

    This week, millions of teachers, students and education advocates around the world join forces in calling on public authorities and development partners to ensure that all young children have access to quality early childhood education (ECE). This call is made during and after the Global Action Week (GAW) for Education,...

    Millions of educators to support quality early childhood education
  13. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 20 April 2012

    Global Unions challenge International Financial Institutions

    The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB) hold their 2012 Spring Meetings in Washington, from 20-22 April. Global Unions, which includes EI, will be represented to bring the voice of workers to this key event.

    Global Unions challenge International Financial Institutions
  14. Union growth 19 April 2012

    Ivory Coast: teachers' role in reconciliation and reconstruction

    At its 22nd congress held in Yamoussoukro between 1-4 April, the Syndicat National de l’Enseignement Secondaire de Côte D’Ivoire (SYNESCI) elected a new executive board. It also emphasised the crucial role of educators in national reconciliation and reconstruction.

    Ivory Coast: teachers' role in reconciliation and reconstruction
  15. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 18 April 2012

    Spain: new cuts hit public education

    The Spanish government has informed the country’s devolved Autonomous Regions about new ‘reform measures’ for public education to be passed by royal decree on Friday. They involve a €3 billion cut in the education budget which will necessitate an increase in teaching hours, the dismissal of 100,000 teaching staff and,...

    Spain: new cuts hit public education
  16. Standards and working conditions 17 April 2012

    France: trade union calls for enhanced status for the teaching profession and education for all

    EI General Secretary, Fred van Leeuwen, took part in the national congress of one of the largest French EI members, the Syndicat national des enseignements de second degré (SNES-FSU). This congress, held in Reims, from 2-6 April, focused on “(Re)constructing secondary education for all”.

    France: trade union calls for enhanced status for the teaching profession and education for all
  17. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 17 April 2012

    Slovenia: Strike in protest at 15% cut in teachers’ salaries

    The EI national affiliate, the Education, Science and Culture Trade Union of Slovenia (ESTUS), has called for strike action by its members on 18 April. The trade union is opposed to an amendment to the 2012 national budget adopted by the Government which includes significant cuts in the budget for...

    Slovenia: Strike in protest at 15% cut in teachers’ salaries
  18. Standards and working conditions 16 April 2012

    France: Union addresses economic and social challenges in education

    EI General Secretary, Fred van Leeuwen, took part in the national congress of one of the largest French EI member, UNSA-Education. The topic of the UNSA Education congress, “Taking up the challenges of the education system”, served as the core issue for the discussions held from 28-30 March 2012 in...

    France: Union addresses economic and social challenges in education