

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 26 March 2012

    Bahrain: Academic freedom under threat

    Every week, Education International receives anxious requests from Bahraini students, parents and academics alarmed about the on-going infringements of academic freedom and human rights directed at professors, students, and staff at higher education institutions in Bahrain.

    Bahrain: Academic freedom under threat
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 22 March 2012

    Portugal: unions demand new social policy

    On 22 March, Portugal woke up to a general strike, supported by EI’s affiliate, Federaçao Nacional dos Professores (FENPROF). The devastating cuts to essential public services, including education, have essentially become an attack on the Portuguese people. Unions and civil society demand new social policy and a change in direction...

    Portugal: unions demand new social policy
  3. Standards and working conditions 22 March 2012

    UK: Unions strike over pension proposals

    EI’s national affiliates in the UK, the National Union of Teachers (NUT) and the University and College Union (UCU), are calling a one-day strike in London on 28 March, as the next step in their pension campaign. Trade unionists are protesting against changes to the Teachers' Pension Scheme.

    UK: Unions strike over pension proposals
  4. Union growth 21 March 2012

    Bahrain: Teacher leaders still detained

    After two previous postponements, the Bahraini Supreme Court of Appeal has scheduled a new hearing of the case of Bahraini Teachers’ Association leaders Mahdi Abu Dheeb and Jalila Al Salman on 2 April. Both were arrested in April 2011 after a crackdown by authorities following pro-democracy demonstrations.

    Bahrain: Teacher leaders still detained
  5. Trade union rights are human rights 21 March 2012

    Mali: Teachers faced with violence in the north of the country

    EI is deeply concerned after the recent coup attempt in Mali. The Syndicat national de l’Education et de la Culture (SNEC), its national affiliate, has told EI of the alarming level of violence currently raging through the north of the country, causing the closure of a large number of schools...

    Mali: Teachers faced with violence in the north of the country
  6. Standards and working conditions 19 March 2012

    Establishing an international dialogue between education unions and education ministers

    “Far too many governments and political parties believe that their goal should be to run an education system in which powers are totally devolved to principals and there is a ferocious evaluation system for pupils, teachers and schools which keeps track on how the money is being spent,” said Susan...

    Establishing an international dialogue between education unions and education ministers
  7. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 March 2012

    VET vital in times of crisis, say European education unionists

    EI European region, the European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) organised, in cooperation with the European Trade Union Institute, a Seminar on Inclusive Vocational Education and Training (VET) during the Economic Crisis, held in Sesimbra, Portugal, from 8-10 March. This event aimed at providing education unions with information on...

    VET vital in times of crisis, say European education unionists
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 March 2012

    South Africa: Stop students’ exodus from public schools!

    South African education unions demand government measures to counter the trend of students leaving public schools to join private schools.

    South Africa: Stop students’ exodus from public schools!
  9. Standards and working conditions 14 March 2012

    Brazil: Teachers strike over low pay

    Public school teachers in Brazil have joined a national strike from 14-16 March. EI’s affiliate, Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores em Educação (CNTE), is coordinating the nationwide movement aiming at achieving two key demands.

    Brazil: Teachers strike over low pay
  10. Trade union rights are human rights 14 March 2012

    EI expresses its sympathy after a bus crash killed Belgian students

    EI General Secretary, Fred van Leeuwen, has sent a condolence letter to EI Belgian affiliates, sending EI’s deepest condolences to school communities directly affected, and particularly to families who have lost a child, sibling or partner, after a devastating bus crash. On 13 March, a bus carrying 52 people crashed...

    EI expresses its sympathy after a bus crash killed Belgian students
  11. Union renewal and development 14 March 2012

    EI Asia-Pacific region’s newsletter now online

    EI regional office in Asia-Pacific has published its latest newsletter. It reviews the adoption of the EI Education Policy Paper at EI 6th World Congress. And it addresses the required education of union leaders in Asia-Pacific about this document, to guarantee education as a human right and a public good.

    EI Asia-Pacific region’s newsletter now online
  12. Standards and working conditions 14 March 2012

    Germany: Schools take the lead at leaders’ Congress

    ‘Schools take the lead’ was the theme of the first German school leaders’ Congress attended by over 1,200 school leaders from all over Germany, as well as Austria, Switzerland, Finland and Italy.

    Germany: Schools take the lead at leaders’ Congress
  13. Standards and working conditions 13 March 2012

    Canada: unions step up to the plate on Quebec’s education future

    Over 400 education professionals along with lecturers (sociologists, academics and trade unionists) from Quebec and France, discussed the big issues in education today at the two-day Grand Rendez-vous de l’Education (Education Summit) 2012 hosted by its affiliate, Centrale des syndicats du Québec (CSQ), on 21-22 February 2012 in Laval.

    Canada: unions step up to the plate on Quebec’s education future
  14. Standards and working conditions 12 March 2012

    National leaders and education unionists debate on the future of the teaching profession

    From 14-15 March, Education Ministers, national and international union leaders and accomplished teachers from 24 countries and regions with high-performing and rapidly improving education systems will convene for the second international Summit on the Teaching Profession, in New York, USA. This year’s theme focuses on “Preparing Teachers and Developing School...

    National leaders and education unionists debate on the future of the teaching profession
  15. Equity and inclusion 8 March 2012

    Spain: FETE-UGT rewards the work of Republican female teachers

    Spain’s female teachers of the Second Spanish Republic have received the award 8 de marzo, in acknowledgement of the important work carried out by them during the 1930s.

    Spain: FETE-UGT rewards the work of Republican female teachers
  16. Trade union rights are human rights 8 March 2012

    EI launches Urgent Action Appeal to stop Iranian teacher’s execution

    Education International (EI) urgently calls on teachers and human rights activists worldwide to request the authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran to stay the execution of Prof. Abdolreza Ghanbari, a university lecturer, sentenced to death for “enmity towards God”.

    EI launches Urgent Action Appeal to stop Iranian teacher’s execution
  17. Equity and inclusion 7 March 2012

    8th March: International Women’s Day: Teachers on the Move for Equality

    To mark International Women’s Day, 8th March, EI, which represents thirty million teachers and other education employees throughout the world, the majority of whom are women, is highlighting women’s and girls’ right to quality education and to economic empowerment. In this context, EI wishes to emphasise the intrinsic value of...

    8th March: International Women’s Day: Teachers on the Move for Equality