

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 6 March 2012

    The Netherlands: Huge Teachers’ Demonstration Against Cutbacks

    Almost 50,000 teachers and education support staff in The Netherlands showed their anger today over plans by the Dutch government to cut the country’s special education budget by €300 million. The measure would increase class sizes and may cause more than 3,000 teachers and support staff to lose their jobs...

    The Netherlands: Huge Teachers’ Demonstration Against Cutbacks
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 5 March 2012

    Egypt: Independent trade union leader sentenced to 6 months’ in jail

    Kamal Abbas, a leading figure in the fight to create independent democratic trade unions in Egypt, has been sentenced to six months in prison for the "crime" of insulting a Mubarak-era union officer at the 2011 International Labour Organisation conference.

    Egypt: Independent trade union leader sentenced to 6 months’ in jail
  3. Union growth 5 March 2012

    USA: Stand with Wisconsin

    On 9 March, 2011, Wisconsin governor Scott Walker pushed through a bill stripping unions of their rights. One year onwards, after massive citizen protests, enough signatures have been gathered to force an election to recall Walker.

    USA: Stand with Wisconsin
  4. Standards and working conditions 5 March 2012

    Swaziland: Union demands 1,200 dismissed teachers be reinstated

    The Swaziland National Association of Teachers (SNAT), an EI national affiliate, has condemned the authorities’ decision to make 1,200 primary teachers redundant due to the financial crisis hitting this Kingdom.

    Swaziland: Union demands 1,200 dismissed teachers be reinstated
  5. Equity and inclusion 2 March 2012

    Trade union delegation contributes to debates at UNCSW

    Trade unionists are deeply involved in discussions at the 56th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW), being held in New York, USA, from 27 February-9 March. As a member of the trade union delegation, EI has contributed extensively at official panels.

    Trade union delegation contributes to debates at UNCSW
  6. Equity and inclusion 1 March 2012

    International Women’s Day: Teachers are on the move for equality

    To mark International Women’s Day, 8th March, Education International is calling upon member organisations to engage in activities highlighting women’s and girls’ right to quality education and to economic empowerment and to emphasise in those activities the intrinsic value of gender equality, fairness and solidarity to society.

    International Women’s Day: Teachers are on the move for equality
  7. Union growth 29 February 2012

    European trade union federations back Spanish workers’ demands

    European trade unions are backing Spanish trade union confederations in their campaign against the reform of the labour code in Spain. EI European region, the European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) has issued, together with the European Federation of Public Service Unions and the European Transport Federation, a Solidarity...

    European trade union federations back Spanish workers’ demands
  8. Trade union rights are human rights 27 February 2012

    Canada: Standing together against violence in schools

    The Centrale des syndicats du Québec (CSQ) has published a guide designed to help education staff to prevent and intervene against violence in their workplace.

    Canada: Standing together against violence in schools
  9. Standards and working conditions 27 February 2012

    Australian teachers win public debate on adequate education funding

    “There is an urgent need for the reform of school funding arrangements and an investment of at least an extra 3.8 billion Australian dollars a year in the public schools of Australia”. This is the main conclusion of a Panel to Review the Funding for Schooling established by the Australian...

    Australian teachers win public debate on adequate education funding
  10. Equity and inclusion 24 February 2012

    Girls will suffer if rural and indigenous education not funded, say unions

    Four Global Union Federations (GUFs) have called for the continued educational empowerment of women, especially in light of the economic crisis. The GUFs are jointly lobbying the governments that will come together in New York for the 56th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW) from...

    Girls will suffer if rural and indigenous education not funded, say unions
  11. Union growth 23 February 2012

    Bahrain: Mahdi Abu Dheeb denied release on bail yet again

    The Bahraini Supreme Court of Appeal has once more turned down Bahrain Teacher Association’s president Mahdi Abu Dheeb’s request for temporary release because of health reasons.

    Bahrain: Mahdi Abu Dheeb denied release on bail yet again
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 22 February 2012

    Seminar tackles impact of economic crisis on Early Childhood Education

    Over 50 participants from 25 European countries attended a seminar on Early Childhood Education (ECE) organised by EI's European region, the ETUCE. Held from 20-21 February in Budapest, Hungary, the event tackled a wide range of issues linked to ECE, particularly the impact of the economic crisis on the sector.

    Seminar tackles impact of economic crisis on Early Childhood Education
  13. Leading the profession 20 February 2012

    Seminar at Cambridge University explores the future of the teaching profession

    Teacher quality and the development of the teaching profession came under the microscope at a gathering of internationally renowned education policy experts at the University of Cambridge on 16 and 17 February.

    Seminar at Cambridge University explores the future of the teaching profession
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 20 February 2012

    OECD calls for more support for disadvantaged students and schools

    In a recently published report, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has called on governments to do more to help students from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds to succeed in school.

    OECD calls for more support for disadvantaged students and schools
  15. Union growth 17 February 2012

    Turkey: Sign urgent appeal to condemn the arrests of female union officers in connection with 8th of March celebrations

    EI and ETUCE strongly condemn the police raid against union members of the Confederation of Public Employees’ Unions (KESK) on 13 February in Ankara. Fifteen women union leaders were dragged from their bed and taken into custody. The union offices and personal computers were also searched.

    Turkey: Sign urgent appeal to condemn the arrests of female union officers in connection with 8th of March celebrations
  16. Trade union rights are human rights 16 February 2012

    Cameroon: Strike action to protest at broken government promises

    One of EI’s national affiliates, the Fédération Camerounaise des Syndicats de l'Education(FECASE), has joined other education unions supported by the Public Sector Union Confederation (CSP) calling for a strike in the basic and secondary education sectors on 14-17 February. Trade Unionists condemn the government’s attitude, saying it is not adhering...

    Cameroon: Strike action to protest at broken government promises
  17. Trade union rights are human rights 15 February 2012

    Bahrain: Teacher leader on hunger strike

    Mahdi Abu Dheeb, the imprisoned president of Bahrain's Teachers’ Association, has begun a hunger strike to protest about his unfair detention and continued ill-treatment in prison.

    Bahrain: Teacher leader on hunger strike