

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 November 2011

    Tax avoidance by multinationals: this shameful game must stop

    In the context of the current financial and economic crisis, education unions have been asked to accept severe cutbacks and austerity measures on the basis that there is no more money available for public services.

    Tax avoidance by multinationals: this shameful game must stop
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 25 November 2011

    On December 1, in your school or your union, talk about HIV and AIDS!

    Each year on December 1, millions of people throughout the world commemorate World AIDS Day. World AIDS Day is about raising awareness of HIV and AIDS and is a great opportunity to take action on HIV and AIDS education in schools.

    On December 1, in your school or your union, talk about HIV and AIDS!
  3. Equity and inclusion 24 November 2011

    Living free of the fear of violence

    On 25 November, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, EI calls upon education unions to raise awareness of the scope of the phenomenon of violence against girls and women and organise prevention measures to eradicate it.

    Living free of the fear of violence
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 23 November 2011

    Bahrain: The international teacher trade union movement shows solidarity

    EI General Secretary, Fred van Leeuwen, recently visited the Kingdom of Bahrain, in order to get first-hand impressions of the situation in a country that has seen severe mistreatment of teachers in the past months, following “Arab Spring”-inspired upheavals throughout the middle eastern state.

    Bahrain: The international teacher trade union movement shows solidarity
  5. Trade union rights are human rights 23 November 2011

    Together combating teachers’ stress

    The EI European Region, ETUCE, wrapped-up a research project on teachers’ work-related stress and presented the results from a European-wide survey on this issue during a Conference held in Berlin on 18-19 November.

    Together combating teachers’ stress
  6. Standards and working conditions 21 November 2011

    American Education Week Focuses on Commitment to Students and Educators

    All around the United States, communities are joining Education International's two affiliates, the National Education Association (NEA) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), this week to celebrate American Education Week. The annual observance, now in its 90th year, honors students’ hard work to learn, recognizes the professionalism and dedication...

    American Education Week Focuses on Commitment to Students and Educators
  7. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 17 November 2011

    Haiti: A campaign for the provision of quality public education for everyone

    On 18th November the National Confederation of Teachers in Haiti (CNEH), affiliated to Education International, in collaboration with other teachers' unions in the country, launched a major campaign for “quality state education for both boys and girls.”

    Haiti: A campaign for the provision of quality public education for everyone
  8. Union renewal and development 16 November 2011

    Affiliates celebrate EI Development Cooperation Policy

    Participants at EI’s annual Development Cooperation Network meeting have welcomed the adoption of a new Development Cooperation Policy at EI’s sixth World Congress in South Africa.

    Affiliates celebrate EI Development Cooperation Policy
  9. Leading the profession 15 November 2011

    IMF: Neoliberal agenda proven wrong by crisis

    A new International Monetary Fund (IMF) research paper finds that "good governance" – as defined by the World Bank market friendliness indicators – and financial market liberalisation both have had a strongly negative effect on countries' performance in the crisis.

    IMF: Neoliberal agenda proven wrong by crisis
  10. Standards and working conditions 14 November 2011

    Argentina: Teachers challenge privatisation

    Teachers in Buenos Aires, Argentina, have announced plans to strike from 16-17 November against a bill that will establish a computerised rating system to decide teachers’ employment and promotion.

    Argentina: Teachers challenge privatisation
  11. Union renewal and development 14 November 2011

    Turkey: EI and its affiliates support earthquake victims

    Following devastating earthquakes in the eastern provinces of Turkey, more than 600 people have died, amongst them 75 teachers. With winter approaching fast, survivors are facing tremendous difficulties. EI and its affiliates Egitim Sen, Turkey, and Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW) of Germany are calling for donations to help the...

    Turkey: EI and its affiliates support earthquake victims
  12. Equity and inclusion 14 November 2011

    Uganda: Affiliate supports women’s empowerment within unions

    The Uganda National Teachers Union (UNATU) has introduced a new policy that guarantees at least 33 per cent of female representation across all levels of union leadership.

    Uganda: Affiliate supports women’s empowerment within unions
  13. Union growth 10 November 2011

    USA: Ohioan voters reject anti-worker law and agenda

    EI’s U.S. affiliates, the National Education Association (NEA) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), have celebrated the historical vote overwhelmingly repealing Senate Bill 5, a controversial bill signed into law by Governor John Kasich. This legislation was designed to silence the public workers’ voices and strip away their collective...

    USA: Ohioan voters reject anti-worker law and agenda
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 9 November 2011

    EI calls on donors to respect GPE pledges

    EI welcomes the renewed commitment and energy shown at the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Pledging Conference, held on 8 November in Copenhagen, Denmark, towards a revived education compact. It simultaneously laments the ambition as we have yet to see the serious increase in aid to education from all donor...

    EI calls on donors to respect GPE pledges
  15. Union growth 8 November 2011

    Estonia: massive support for educators’ demand for salary raise

    The Estonian Educational Personal Union (EEPU), one of EI’s national affiliates, has joined a successful demonstration supporting educators’ justified salary demands, held on 25 October in the capital city, Tallinn, in front of the Riigikogu (the Estonian Parliament).

    Estonia: massive support for educators’ demand for salary raise
  16. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 7 November 2011

    EI tightens relations with UNESCO to achieve Education for All

    An EI delegation was present at the 36th UNESCO General Conference, held from 25 October to 10 November, at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France.

    EI tightens relations with UNESCO to achieve Education for All
  17. Union renewal and development 7 November 2011

    Canada: Media Literacy Week raises students’ online awareness

    The Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF), an EI affiliate, together with the Media Awareness Network, is organising the Media Literacy Week from 7-11 November under the theme “Digital Citizenship.” This year’s event aims at inspiring young people to reflect on their online lives, and their rights and responsibilities as they navigate...

    Canada: Media Literacy Week raises students’ online awareness