

  1. Standards and working conditions 30 August 2011

    Spain: public education is paying for the crisis

    In a letter to secondary school teachers in Madrid, the city’s region mayor, Esperanza Aguirre, called on teachers’ ‘sense of duty’ in this time of crisis to do two more contact hours a week from the beginning of the new school year.

    Spain: public education is paying for the crisis
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 30 August 2011

    UK: GCSE results show great achievements by students and teachers

    The General Secretary of the National Union of Teachers, Christine Blower, has commented on the publication of this year’s GCSE results, saying “GCSE results this year are outstanding and the hard work that has gone into them should be applauded.”

    UK: GCSE results show great achievements by students and teachers
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 23 August 2011

    Chile mobilises for Public Education

    In recent months, Chilean civil society has organised en masse to defend the right to public education for all.

    Chile mobilises for Public Education
  4. Union renewal and development 12 August 2011

    Congress resolutions and documents now available online

    Resolutions and other documents adopted by the Sixth World Congress, held in Cape Town, South Africa, on 22-26 July 2011, are now available on-line to download.

    Congress resolutions and documents now available online
  5. Trade union rights are human rights 11 August 2011

    Bahrain: EI calls for detained teachers to be released

    Education International has issued a new appeal to Bahraini authorities to release Jalila al-Salman and Mahdi 'Issa Mahdi Abu Dheeb, Vice-President and President of the Bahraini Teachers Association (BTA) arrested along with several other board members of the BTA. Education International (EI) issued a first Urgent Action Appeal in April...

    Bahrain: EI calls for detained teachers to be released
  6. Leading the profession 10 August 2011

    UK: New analysis highlights education divide

    Research undertaken by one of EI’s British affiliates, the University and College Union (UCU), has highlighted significant disparities in educational achievement among different areas of the same cities across the nation.

    UK: New analysis highlights education divide
  7. Union renewal and development 10 August 2011

    Equal Education celebrates tenth library opening

    Equal Education has celebrated the opening of its tenth library, established through the Bookery Project, at Kayamandi High School in Kayamandi, South Africa.

    Equal Education celebrates tenth library opening
  8. Standards and working conditions 9 August 2011

    USA: Education workers demonstrate against privatisation

    Thousands of students, teachers and education advocates from across the USA have gathered in the capital, Washington DC, for the ‘Save Our Schools’ march and rally to demonstrate against privatisation and to stand up for public schools.

    USA: Education workers demonstrate against privatisation
  9. Standards and working conditions 8 August 2011

    Greece: Teachers plan new strikes for September

    Teachers and university professors in Greece are planning a new wave of strikes in September after seeing their pay and benefits cut by the equivalent of two months of pay a year. Hundreds of thousands of people, including teachers, have been demonstrating on the streets of Greece over the last...

    Greece: Teachers plan new strikes for September
  10. Standards and working conditions 8 August 2011

    Liberia: Teachers struggle for a living wage

    Members of the National Teachers Association of Liberia (NTAL) have launched a campaign for a decent living wage for all school teachers and education workers. Professional teachers currently earn as little as US$100 per month – which is an inadequate sum to survive on in a country where food prices...

    Liberia: Teachers struggle for a living wage
  11. Union growth 8 August 2011

    Bahrain: EI demands release of detained teachers

    EI and Amnesty International are calling for the release of Jalila al-Salman and Mahdi Issa Mahdi Abu Dheeb, two members of the Bahrain Teachers' Association (BTA) who were arrested during the unrest in March and April 2011. They remain incarcerated awaiting trial in a civilian court, which has been postponed...

    Bahrain: EI demands release of detained teachers
  12. Standards and working conditions 8 August 2011

    Sierra Leone: Teachers’ pay award blocked by IMF

    Teachers in Sierra Leone have had their pay rise blocked by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Despite the fact that teachers can earn as little as US$50 per month in Sierra Leone which is wholly inadequate to sustain one person, let alone to provide for an entire family, an IMF...

    Sierra Leone: Teachers’ pay award blocked by IMF
  13. Union renewal and development 8 August 2011

    Murdoch brings in neo-liberal schools boss to fix scandal

    Former New York schools boss, Joel Klein, has been brought in by the media tycoon Rupert Murdoch to try and sort out the scandal which has engulfed his company in recent weeks.

    Murdoch brings in neo-liberal schools boss to fix scandal
  14. Union renewal and development 8 August 2011

    Listen to RadioLabour's special broadcast about Congress

    RadioLabour is the international labour movement's radio service. On the occasion of Education International's Congress, RadioLabour broadcast a special report. Listen to EI President, Susan Hopgood, EI Vice-President for Africa, Irene Duncan-Adanusa, NAPTOSA General Secretary, Henry Hendricks, and SADTU General Secretary, Mugwena Maluleke, as they discuss the main topics pertaining...

    Listen to RadioLabour's special broadcast about Congress
  15. Union renewal and development 1 August 2011

    Fred van Leeuwen: Advancing the teaching profession

    During his address to Education International's 6th World Congress in Cape Town, South Africa, EI General Secretary, Fred van Leeuwen, has encouraged educators from all over the world, gathered at the meeting, to become active and mobilise in order to confront the challenges the international teacher trade union movement faces.

    Fred van Leeuwen: Advancing the teaching profession
  16. Union renewal and development 1 August 2011

    Susan Hopgood: Much is at stake for education

    During her address to Education International's 6th World Congress in Cape Town, South Africa, EI President, Susan Hopgood, has called on educators from all over the world, gathered at the meeting, to stand together and fight the challenges that lie ahead of the international teacher trade union movement.

    Susan Hopgood: Much is at stake for education
  17. Union renewal and development 1 August 2011

    EI awards outstanding teachers

    Education International has honoured two outstanding teachers during an awards ceremony which took place at its 6th World Congress in Cape Town, South Africa. Pauline Ladouceur received the Albert Shanker Education Award while Gülçin Isbert was given the Mary Hatwood Futrell Human and Trade Union Rights Award in absentia.

    EI awards outstanding teachers
  18. Union renewal and development 25 July 2011

    The magic of the teaching profession

    Bob Harris, the Senior Consultant to EI’s General Secretary, who will retire at the end of the sixth EI World Congress after a distinguished career serving teachers around the world, delivered a moving address in which he thanked teachers and education unions who have worked together for international unity.

    The magic of the teaching profession