

  1. Union renewal and development 21 July 2011

    Education union communicators share strategies

    Union communications officers from Norway to Sierra Leone, from Latvia to Australia, have convened at EI's Communicators’ Network (ComNet) pre-Congress meeting in Cape Town to share experiences on how to advance their organisations’ agendas.

    Education union communicators share strategies
  2. Union renewal and development 20 July 2011

    Higher Education Caucus vows to fend off attacks

    Over the last four years, the financial meltdown – which was sparked by reckless speculation and unregulated greed by the financial services sector – has dramatically altered the political and economic landscape of the higher education and research sector. Many governments have been encouraged by international financial institutions to take...

    Higher Education Caucus vows to fend off attacks
  3. Equity and inclusion 20 July 2011

    Millions of girls at risk of missing out on primary education

    Millions of girls are being forced out of school because of poverty, the threat of sexual violence and poor-quality schools – despite improved enrolment rates, according to a new report from the Global Campaign for Education (GCE) of which EI is a founding member.

    Millions of girls at risk of missing out on primary education
  4. Standards and working conditions 20 July 2011

    Canada: Teachers report on state of public education

    The Canadian Teachers Federation (CTF), a member of Education International, has published a report on the state of Canadian public education from the perspective of teachers. The study involved 434 teachers from around Canada and highlights the growing concerns about budget and staff cuts.

    Canada: Teachers report on state of public education
  5. Union renewal and development 19 July 2011

    Trade unionists commit to building strong alliances for LGBT rights

    More than 150 trade unionists and equality campaigners have concluded an historic meeting in Cape Town, South Africa, to celebrate the biggest Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender event in Africa.

    Trade unionists commit to building strong alliances for LGBT rights
  6. Union renewal and development 19 July 2011

    Congress: Minister Xingwana to address Women’s Caucus

    South Africa’s Minister for Women, Children and Persons with Disabilities, the honourable Lulama Xingwana will deliver the keynote address at EI’s Women’s Caucus on 21 July.

    Congress: Minister Xingwana to address Women’s Caucus
  7. Union renewal and development 18 July 2011

    Workers demand LGBT rights on birthday of Nelson Mandela

    More than 150 trade unionists and equality campaigners have gathered in Cape Town to celebrate the African continent’s biggest-ever Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender rights event.

    Workers demand LGBT rights on birthday of Nelson Mandela
  8. Standards and working conditions 18 July 2011

    Jamaica: JTA wins salary battle after nearly two years

    Following over a year of negotiations with the government, the Jamaica Teachers’ Association (JTA) will sign a wage agreement to secure salary increases for its 24,000 members.

    Jamaica: JTA wins salary battle after nearly two years
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 18 July 2011

    Bahrain: Serious assault on teachers’ rights

    EI has condemned the decision of Bahrain’s Ministry of Social Development to dissolve the Bahrain Teachers’ Association (BTA) and to prosecute its leaders in a military court on spurious charges of ‘leaving work on purpose, encouraging others to do so, and taking part in illegal gatherings.’

    Bahrain: Serious assault on teachers’ rights
  10. Standards and working conditions 18 July 2011

    Taiwan: EI welcomes inauguration of new teachers' union

    EI has welcomed the inauguration of the National Federation of Teacher Unions (NFTU) in Taiwan. The historic milestone in Taiwanese trade unionism was celebrated in the presence of President Ma Ying-jeou, who was joined by the Chairwoman of the Executive Yuan Labour Committee, Wang Ruxuan, and Deputy Education Minister, Lin...

    Taiwan: EI welcomes inauguration of new teachers' union
  11. Standards and working conditions 18 July 2011

    Taiwan: EI expresses solidarity at the inauguration of the new National Federation of Teacher Unions

    The inauguration of the new National Federation of Teacher Unions took place on 11 July. The milestone in the history of trade unionism was attended by President Ma Yingjeou, Chairwoman of the Labour Committee of Executive Yuan, Wang Ruxuan, and Deputy Education Minister, Lin Congming.

    Taiwan: EI expresses solidarity at the inauguration of the new National Federation of Teacher Unions
  12. Trade union rights are human rights 15 July 2011

    UN: Resolution on the right to education in armed conflict areas

    EI welcomes a new resolution adopted by the United Nations Security Council as a major step forward in preventing attacks and making schools safe for children and education personnel in armed conflict situations.

    UN: Resolution on the right to education in armed conflict areas
  13. Standards and working conditions 15 July 2011

    France: Teachers deplore impact of government policy on the profession

    EI’s French affiliate, le Syndicat national des enseignements de second degré (SNES), has denounced its government’s failure to fill hundreds of teacher vacancies which have been subject to a new national exam.

    France: Teachers deplore impact of government policy on the profession
  14. Equity and inclusion 14 July 2011

    Women’s rights: from law to practice

    In one week, hundreds of teacher unionists from all over the world will convene in Cape Town for Education International’s Women’s Caucus, a day before the start of the sixth EI World Congress. One of the main themes will be closing the implementation gap and making women’s rights reality.

    Women’s rights: from law to practice
  15. Union renewal and development 13 July 2011

    Education leaders to tackle the impact of financial crisis

    EI is bringing together the most influential education union leaders and teachers at its sixth World Congress from 22-26 July in Cape Town, South Africa, to examine the challenges facing education from budget cuts; declining resources; de-professionalisation of teachers, and the rising cost of quality education for all.

    Education leaders to tackle the impact of financial crisis
  16. Trade union rights are human rights 12 July 2011

    Sri Lanka: Thugs attack teacher unionists

    Teachers protesting in Kurunegala, Sri Lanka, have been attacked by groups of armed thugs who are suspected of having close links with the government, according to the National Trade Union Centre (NTUC).

    Sri Lanka: Thugs attack teacher unionists
  17. Union renewal and development 11 July 2011

    Education unions set to tackle discrimination and social inequalities

    From 18-21 July, participants will join pre-EI Congress events to build action plans that protect and promote workers’ rights in education and employment, social justice and equality. Trade unions and schools can be vehicles for positive work to tackle inequalities, making human rights and education a reality for all women...

    Education unions set to tackle discrimination and social inequalities
  18. Trade union rights are human rights 8 July 2011

    Egypt: Independent teachers’ union fights for rights

    The independent teachers’ union in Egypt is fighting for the enactment of legislation to ensure trade union rights. EI’s member, the Independent Teachers Union of Egypt – which was founded July 2010 before the revolution – is part of the new Independent Trade Union Federation.

    Egypt: Independent teachers’ union fights for rights