

  1. Equity and inclusion 27 May 2011

    OECD: EI speaks up for young people, jobs and gender equality

    EI has broken new ground today by addressing the full Ministerial Council of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) on the need to tackle youth unemployment and gender inequality.

    OECD: EI speaks up for young people, jobs and gender equality
  2. Union renewal and development 25 May 2011

    Pakistan: New schools open after flooding

    EI welcomes the opening of new schools in rural parts of Pakistan which were devastated by flooding last July.

    Pakistan: New schools open after flooding
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 May 2011

    New OECD Index shows education contributes to better life

    Education is one of the 11 most essential dimensions for a better life, according to a new report from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

    New OECD Index shows education contributes to better life
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 May 2011

    Trade unions demand coherence for decent work G20 high-level conference

    The Trade Union Advisory Committee (TUAC) of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has called on leaders meeting at the G20 high-level conference on Strengthening Economic and Social Policy Coherence to take action to achieve decent work standards.

    Trade unions demand coherence for decent work G20 high-level conference
  5. Equity and inclusion 19 May 2011

    Dutch students bring a resolution on child labour to the European Commission

    Twenty-eight students and four teachers from the public school Stedelijk Gymnasium Nijmenen, Netherlands, have been invited by EI to learn more about trade union work on child labour worldwide and present a resolution to the European Commission.

    Dutch students bring a resolution on child labour to the European Commission
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 19 May 2011

    Schools must be inclusive spaces for teachers and students with disabilities

    Since beginning of May, 100 states have signed the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. EI welcomes the commitment of states to create more inclusive societies and demands concrete steps to move from paper to practice.

    Schools must be inclusive spaces for teachers and students with disabilities
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 18 May 2011

    Crucial role of Teacher Unions’ voices in HIV/AIDS prevention worldwide

    The EI EFAIDS Closing Conference, held in Brussels on 16-17 May, came to an end with the session "On the path to 2015." Affiliates and partner organisations representatives from far and wide reflected on lessons learned as well as on teacher unions’ role and sustainability within Education for All (EFA)...

    Crucial role of Teacher Unions’ voices in HIV/AIDS prevention worldwide
  8. Union renewal and development 18 May 2011

    Indian and Spanish teachers strengthen their trade union links in Madrid

    Representatives of EI affiliate, Federación de Enseñanza de Comisiones Obreras (FE.CC.OO) met EI Vice-President and General Secretary of the All India Primary Teachers Federation (AIPTF), Subramaniam Eswaran, on May 11 in Madrid.

    Indian and Spanish teachers strengthen their trade union links in Madrid
  9. Union renewal and development 18 May 2011

    EI: “ICT in education is a tool, not an end in itself”

    Education International is participating in the World Summit on the Information Society currently held in Geneva from 16-20 May. Representing EI on the panel in two sessions on “E-learning: Teachers Count” and “Education and ICTs”, Hans Laugesen from the Gymnasieskolernes Lærerforening (Denmark) presented teachers' perspective with regard to the use...

    EI: “ICT in education is a tool, not an end in itself”
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 17 May 2011

    EI and Oxfam launch the Quality Educators for All Programme

    More than fifty teacher unions and partner organisations’ representatives attended the launch of the EI/Oxfam Novib (Oxfam Netherlands) Quality Educator for All Programme on 17 May at EI’s headquarters in Brussels, Belgium.

    EI and Oxfam launch the Quality Educators for All Programme
  11. Equity and inclusion 16 May 2011

    Equal rights, respect, and dignity for all workers

    The global federation of unions, Education International (EI), Public Services International (PSI), and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) join other human rights defenders in celebrating International Day against Homophobia. Working in cooperation, the three global unions restate their pledge to resist all form of discrimination, intolerance and persecution based...

    Equal rights, respect, and dignity for all workers
  12. Trade union rights are human rights 16 May 2011

    Iraq withdraws recognition of trade unions

    Education International (EI) has condemned the recent interference of the Iraqi government in the internal affairs of the Iraqi trade unions.

    Iraq withdraws recognition of trade unions
  13. Trade union rights are human rights 16 May 2011

    Teacher unions look forward to building on successful EFAIDS programme

    Education International (EI) brought together affiliates and representatives of partner organisations, which were involved in the EFAIDS programme, for the Closing Conference of the project, on 16-17 May in Brussels. The participants reaffirmed their commitment to achieving the right to education for each child, and, as a consequence, their continued...

    Teacher unions look forward to building on successful EFAIDS programme
  14. Union growth 12 May 2011

    Yemen: 20 teachers killed since protests began

    EI affiliate member, the Yemeni Teachers’ Syndicate (YTS) has denounced the serious escalation in violence against teacher trade unionists in the country as protests grow against the 32-year rule of President Ali Abdullah Saleh.

    Yemen: 20 teachers killed since protests began
  15. Standards and working conditions 10 May 2011

    Cambodia: Survey finds low pay, corruption, and lack of training challenge teachers

    The Cambodian Independent Teachers' Association (CITA) has published the results of a national survey to identify the challenges faced by teachers face in their workplace and within the union movement.

    Cambodia: Survey finds low pay, corruption, and lack of training challenge teachers
  16. Union growth 10 May 2011

    Georgia: Worst European country for human and trade union rights

    Fifty trade union organisations and NGOs’ representatives from all over Europe, will come together on 6 June in Brussels, Belgium, deploring that Georgia is rapidly becoming the Europe’s black sheep concerning workers’ rights.

    Georgia: Worst European country for human and trade union rights
  17. Standards and working conditions 9 May 2011

    Belgium: French community schools go out on strike

    Teachers in French community schools across Belgium have taken strike action on 5 May. This is the first time in 15 years that francophone unions which are members of Belgium’s CSC and CGSP union confederations have taken joint industrial action. Their grievances include inadequate investment in the country’s French community...

    Belgium: French community schools go out on strike
  18. Union renewal and development 6 May 2011

    Congress News and Information

    Additional practical information is now available, concerning the participants of the 6th EI World Congress, which will be held in Cape Town, South Africa, in the Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC) from July 22nd to July 26th, 2011.

    Congress News and Information