

  1. Standards and working conditions 6 May 2011

    Canada: Teachers support Saskatchewan colleagues without contract

    The Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF), one of Education International’s national affiliates, has urged the provincial Government of Saskatchewan and its School Boards Association to quickly return to the bargaining table with the unions 12,000 teachers who have been without a contract since 31 August, 2010.

    Canada: Teachers support Saskatchewan colleagues without contract
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 5 May 2011

    UAE cracks down on teacher association

    EI has condemned the brutal takeover of the Teachers’ Association in the United Arab Emirates, a prominent civil society organisation calling for greater democracy in the country.

    UAE cracks down on teacher association
  3. Standards and working conditions 3 May 2011

    UK: teachers decide on strike over pensions

    The National Union of Teachers (NUT) confirmed during its annual Conference, held 22-26 April in Harrogate, UK, that it will take coordinated action with another national affiliate of EI, the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL), as part of the struggle over pensions.

    UK: teachers decide on strike over pensions
  4. Union renewal and development 3 May 2011

    COPE releases a summary of 2010 activities

    The Council of Pacific Education (COPE), an EI affiliated umbrella body of teacher organisations in the Pacific, has published the Journal of the Pacific teacher union’s latest edition.

    COPE releases a summary of 2010 activities
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 29 April 2011

    Global Action Week 2011 begins

    Education International (EI) and its affiliates worldwide will participate in several actions around the theme of women and girl’s education on the occasion of Global Action Week (GAW), from 2-8 May.

    Global Action Week 2011 begins
  6. Union renewal and development 29 April 2011

    Winds of change for social justice and democracy

    On Labour Day, as trade unionists around the world celebrate the role of workers in the fight for democracy and social justice, the international union movement takes inspiration from winds of change sweeping across Arab countries.

    Winds of change for social justice and democracy
  7. Fighting the commercialisation of education 28 April 2011

    EI insists on education services being excluded from trade agreements

    Teacher unionists are deeply involved in the make or break talks being held this week in Geneva, Switzerland, in what many see as the last attempt to rescue the troubled Doha Round of international trade negotiations.

    EI insists on education services being excluded from trade agreements
  8. Union growth 21 April 2011

    UK: Unionists back Zimbabwe Vigil

    The UK Trades Union Congress (TUC) has supported the lunchtime Vigil organised by Action for Southern Africa (ACTSA) outside the Zimbabwe Embassy in London, UK.

    UK: Unionists back Zimbabwe Vigil
  9. Equity and inclusion 21 April 2011

    Zambia National Union of Teachers holds its first Women’s Conference

    Three months after EI’s First World Women’s Conference “On the Move for Equality”, ZNUT convened its Women’s Conference and for the first time elected the ZNUT Women’s Committee. This body will preside over women’s activities, promote and monitor women’s participation and involvement in union affairs at all levels.

    Zambia National Union of Teachers holds its first Women’s Conference
  10. Equity and inclusion 21 April 2011

    Zambia National Union of Teachers holds its first Women’s Conference

    Three months after EI’s First World Women’s Conference “On the Move for Equality”, ZNUT convened its Women’s Conference and for the first time elected the ZNUT Women’s Committee. This body will preside over women’s activities, promote and monitor women’s participation and involvement in union affairs at all levels.

    Zambia National Union of Teachers holds its first Women’s Conference
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 20 April 2011

    Survey finds poverty hitting pupils' learning

    A survey by the ATL (UK) teachers' union has found that many pupils living in poverty come to school hungry, tired and in worn-out clothes.

    Survey finds poverty hitting pupils' learning
  12. Union growth 19 April 2011

    Mauritania: teachers urge government to negotiate

    EI’s Mauritanian affiliate Syndicat National de l’Enseignement Secondaire (SNES) has joined forces with Syndicat Indépendant des Professeurs de l'Enseignement Secondaire (SIPES) to call for a three-day strike from 8-10 May in order to bring the Government of Mauritania to the negotiation table.

    Mauritania: teachers urge government to negotiate
  13. Trade union rights are human rights 19 April 2011

    Students return to Brazil school where gunman shot 12

    Students have returned to the school in Brazil where a gunman killed 12 children on 7 April. Those killed were between 10 and 13 years old, and all but two were girls.

    Students return to Brazil school where gunman shot 12
  14. Standards and working conditions 19 April 2011

    EI taskforce tackles teacher migration and mobility issues

    Teacher migration and mobility is a global phenomenon that requires a concerted and coordinated effort from the trade union movement to curb the violation of migrant teachers’ labour rights.

    EI taskforce tackles teacher migration and mobility issues
  15. Trade union rights are human rights 19 April 2011

    UK teachers awarded millions in compensation

    The NASUWT, one of the largest teacher unions in the UK, has secured millions of pounds in compensation for its members who suffered accidents, assaults and injuries suffered on school grounds in 2010.

    UK teachers awarded millions in compensation
  16. Equity and inclusion 18 April 2011

    Democratic Republic of Congo: promoting gender equality in teaching

    Almost forty teachers’ union leaders have assembled in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to participate in a workshop on gender equality. The two-day training, which was held from 28-29 March, was organised by EI’s African Women Education Network (AWEN).

    Democratic Republic of Congo: promoting gender equality in teaching
  17. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 14 April 2011

    Global Unions demand more equitable and sustainable growth and development

    The Council of Global Unions, to which EI belongs, has issued a statement to the 2011 meeting of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank to demand they “pay as much attention to employment deficits as they do to fiscal deficits and to take co-ordinated action to support job...

    Global Unions demand more equitable and sustainable growth and development