

  1. Union renewal and development 25 March 2011

    Countdown begins with action plan for Congress 2011

    The Executive Board of Education International, the global union federation representing 30 million education personnel across 171 countries, has concluded its 37th meeting in Cape Town, South Africa, with a clear plan of action leading up to its World Congress in July 2011.

    Countdown begins with action plan for Congress 2011
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 24 March 2011

    UK: Unions march for alternative economic choices and growth

    EI’s British member organisations are backing their national Trades Union Congress (TUC) call for action and will join a March for the Alternative on 26 March.

    UK: Unions march for alternative economic choices and growth
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 24 March 2011

    Honduras: EI Executive Board condemns workers’ repression

    The EI Executive Board in Cape Town has condemned the murder of teacher Ilse Ivania Velásquez as a new low in an increasingly deteriorating situation in Honduras.

    Honduras: EI Executive Board condemns workers’ repression
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 23 March 2011

    EI General Secretary tells Summit 'nations are built on public schools'

    At the International Summit on the Teaching Profession, EI General Secretary, Fred van Leeuwen, has told participants of a "global consensus that the teaching profession is the most crucial in-school factor to achieving high quality education."

    EI General Secretary tells Summit 'nations are built on public schools'
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 18 March 2011

    Teachers celebrate Global Action Week 2011

    Global Action Week is an annual campaign to raise awareness and call on governments around the world to keep their promises on the UN Millennium Development Goal of achieving Education for All.

    Teachers celebrate Global Action Week 2011
  6. Union renewal and development 17 March 2011

    EI launches Japan earthquake and tsunami fund

    In solidarity with teachers, students and the people of Japan, EI has established a solidarity fund to aid relief efforts after the powerful earthquake that hit the country on 11 March.

    EI launches Japan earthquake and tsunami fund
  7. Union growth 17 March 2011

    Bahrain: University students attacked as violence escalates

    EI has condemned the suspension of higher education in Bahrain as the brutal repression of pro-democracy protesters demanding political reforms within the kingdom continues.

    Bahrain: University students attacked as violence escalates
  8. Union growth 17 March 2011

    South Africa: Government must endorse UN policy on human rights

    EI and its national affiliates, SADTU, NAPTO, and SAOU, are urging the Government of South African to sign up to the joint statement on ending violence and related human rights violations based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

    South Africa: Government must endorse UN policy on human rights
  9. Standards and working conditions 17 March 2011

    EI and affiliates join international summit on teaching profession

    Leaders of EI affiliates have joined their national education minister counterparts in a Summit on the Future of the Teaching Profession organised by EI, the OECD and U.S. Department of Education in New York City, from 16-17 March.

    EI and affiliates join international summit on teaching profession
  10. Union renewal and development 17 March 2011

    Japan: EI expresses solidarity with victims and families of disaster

    Education International has sent a message of support to its affiliate in Japan after a devastating earthquake hit the north-east of the country on 11 March, triggering a massive tsunami and causing extensive damage and loss of life.

    Japan: EI expresses solidarity with victims and families of disaster
  11. Leading the profession 15 March 2011

    Research is 'key tool to substantiate our claims'

    The General Secretary, Fred van Leeuwen, has told participants who gathered at the seventh EI Research Network meeting, to press on because “without research or data on a raft of indicators, it is virtually impossible to achieve our objectives.”

    Research is 'key tool to substantiate our claims'
  12. Fighting the commercialisation of education 10 March 2011

    WTO Talks Falter in Face of New Deadline

    Talks aimed at liberalizing the global trade in goods, agricultural products and services are once again in trouble as negotiators have been unable to bridge their differences despite an intensive week-long push to reach a solution.

    WTO Talks Falter in Face of New Deadline
  13. Fighting the commercialisation of education 10 March 2011

    Progress cited in domestic regulation talks

    While overall negotiations remain stalled, officials cited some progress in other aspects of the Doha Round, including controversial talks aimed at developing new legally-binding disciplines for domestic regulations that may affect trade.

    Progress cited in domestic regulation talks
  14. Fighting the commercialisation of education 10 March 2011

    Is there a future for Doha?

    While acknowledging that the end of year deadline to conclude the talks is extremely tight, Mexican Ambassador de Mateo was somewhat optimistic that a conclusion this year would be possible.

    Is there a future for Doha?
  15. Union growth 10 March 2011

    USA: Senators restrict public-sector and teacher unions' rights

    Republicans in the Wisconsin state senate have approved a regressive plan to strip public-sector and teacher trade unions of most of their collective bargaining rights.

    USA: Senators restrict public-sector and teacher unions' rights
  16. Standards and working conditions 9 March 2011

    German teachers set to strike over low pay

    Teachers and public servants from the federal states of Saxony and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, have stepped up their campaign over inadequate pay and the need to improve their professional status, by taking the decision to strike.

    German teachers set to strike over low pay
  17. Leading the profession 8 March 2011

    Education researchers gather to ‘measure what we value’

    Participants have gathered at the EI Research Network meeting to discuss the global threats to unions from the reduction in public expenditure on education and privatisation, to testing and ranking systems that only tell part of the story.

    Education researchers gather to ‘measure what we value’