

  1. Equity and inclusion 8 March 2011

    International Women’s Day: Invest in education of girls!

    There is no tool more effective for development and poverty reduction than the education of girls. Today, on International Women’s Day, EI demands greater investment in and political commitment to achieving this goal.

    International Women’s Day: Invest in education of girls!
  2. Equity and inclusion 8 March 2011

    8 March: EI celebrates International Women' Day

    Women around the world continue to face systemic discrimination and inequality in education opportunities and access to decent work.

    8 March: EI celebrates International Women' Day
  3. Standards and working conditions 7 March 2011

    Kenya: Unionists demand permanent contracts for teachers

    The Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) acting national chairman Wilson Sossion has urged the government to stop hiring teachers under fixed-term contracts.

    Kenya: Unionists demand permanent contracts for teachers
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 4 March 2011

    GCE General Assembly elects new Board

    A new Global Campaign for Education (GCE) Board has been elected to steer the movement for the next three years at the 4th GCE General Assembly held 23-24 February in Paris.

    GCE General Assembly elects new Board
  5. Equity and inclusion 3 March 2011

    EI Demands Gender Pay Equity Now!

    March 5 is European Equal Pay Day which serves to remind us all that a gender pay gap still exists within every single European country.

    EI Demands Gender Pay Equity Now!
  6. Trade union rights are human rights 3 March 2011

    Cyprus: teacher unions urge Turkey to end political and economic pressure

    Cyprus: Union urges Turkey to end political and economic pressure EI affiliate, the Cyprus Turkish Teachers’ Trade Union (KTOS), has joined other national unions to denounce the impact of AKP policies on education workers in the country.

    Cyprus: teacher unions urge Turkey to end political and economic pressure
  7. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 1 March 2011

    GMR 2011: Armed conflict stalls EFA progress

    Armed conflict is destroying the hopes and aspirations of generations of children, youth and adults on a previously undocumented scale, reveals the 2011 edition of the Education for All Global Monitoring Report (GMR).

    GMR 2011: Armed conflict stalls EFA progress
  8. Union growth 1 March 2011

    EI combats attacks on teachers' union rights

    The threat from the hard-line Republican Governor of Wisconsin, Scott Walker to remove teachers’ collective bargaining rights, as well as health and pension benefits, has brought thousands of pro-union activists onto US streets.

    EI combats attacks on teachers' union rights
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 1 March 2011

    Pakistan: Striking teachers win negotiations for better conditions

    More than 7,000 Pakistani teachers have called off their indefinite strike after the Prime Minister, Yousuf Raza Gilani, issued a special directive in relation to upgrading teachers’ conditions bringing uniformity to pay scales within the education system.

    Pakistan: Striking teachers win negotiations for better conditions
  10. Union renewal and development 1 March 2011

    ETUCE Committee elects new Vice President

    At its two-day meeting in Brussels, Belgium, the ETUCE Committee has elected Monika Konczyk, from NSZZ Solidarnosc, in Poland, as the new Vice President for the Europe Region of Education International.

    ETUCE Committee elects new Vice President
  11. Standards and working conditions 1 March 2011

    New York City threatens massive teacher redundancies

    Amid stout battles to save collective bargaining rights for teachers, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and National Education Association (NEA) have learned that up to 5,000 teachers are threatened with redundancy in New York.

    New York City threatens massive teacher redundancies
  12. Trade union rights are human rights 25 February 2011

    Greece: Teacher unions join forces to fight neo-liberal policies

    The Greek Federation of Secondary Education School Teachers (OLME) and the Primary Education Teachers’ Federation (DOE) are protesting against austerity measures which are damaging education by holding a 48-hour strike.

    Greece: Teacher unions join forces to fight neo-liberal policies
  13. Equity and inclusion 25 February 2011

    Sexual violence: combating impunity in DRC

    EI has welcomed the conviction and sentencing of high-ranking officers in the Congolese army for committing mass rapes of women in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

    Sexual violence: combating impunity in DRC
  14. Trade union rights are human rights 25 February 2011

    A season of change in the Arab world

    The speed of political and social change in the Middle East and North Africa has astounded the international community.

    A season of change in the Arab world
  15. Trade union rights are human rights 24 February 2011

    Historian of education defends teachers’ right to organise

    Eminent academic Diane Ravitch has delivered a stinging rebuke of Wisconsin's Governor, Scott Walker, and his efforts to reduce pay of teachers and public sector workers, while restricting their collective bargaining and union rights.

    Historian of education defends teachers’ right to organise
  16. Union renewal and development 24 February 2011

    New Zealand: Unions support teachers after massive earthquake

    EI affiliates in New Zealand are bringing urgent relief to teachers and students in communities that were badly affected by a devastating earthquake, measuring 6.3 on the Richter scale, which struck the region around Christchurch on 22 February.

    New Zealand: Unions support teachers after massive earthquake
  17. Equity and inclusion 23 February 2011

    Women bloggers help to shape UN agenda

    Trade union women are giving workers a voice to share their experiences on a joint ITUC-PSI-EI blog dedicated to the United Nations’ 55th session of the Commission on the Status of Women.

    Women bloggers help to shape UN agenda