

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 9 February 2011

    Demands grow for Francophone community to play greater EFA role

    The Bureau of Francophone Teachers’ Union Committee (CSFEF) has expressed concern at the weak role played by the International Organisation of Francophonie (IOF) in Education for All alliances.

    Demands grow for Francophone community to play greater EFA role
  2. Union renewal and development 9 February 2011

    First meeting of new EI Region

    The Bureau of the newly created EI Region, the European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE), has convened in Brussels, Belgium.

    First meeting of new EI Region
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 8 February 2011

    Canada: CTF conference tackles issues facing families

    Participants at the Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF) Women's Symposium have debated issues facing families including violence; poverty reduction; marginalisation of children; diversity and healthy lifestyles at a three-day event.

    Canada: CTF conference tackles issues facing families
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 7 February 2011

    Day of action for democracy and civil rights in Egypt

    As Egypt operates under immense uncertainty following two weeks of deadly anti-government protests, trade unionists around the world are joining a Day of Action for Democracy on 8 February.

    Day of action for democracy and civil rights in Egypt
  5. Trade union rights are human rights 7 February 2011

    Iran: Continuing harassment and detention of teachers condemned

    EI has once again raised its concerns about the harassment and intimidation of Iranian teacher trade unionists by the national authorities.

    Iran: Continuing harassment and detention of teachers condemned
  6. Trade union rights are human rights 3 February 2011

    EI condemns “desperate tactics” as Egypt uprising turns violent

    EI has called for Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak to bring an immediate end to the violence being led by his regime against peaceful demonstrators who continue to demand fundamental rights and democratic change.

    EI condemns “desperate tactics” as Egypt uprising turns violent
  7. Union renewal and development 3 February 2011

    UK: Training of teachers vital to managing pupil behaviour

    The National Union of Teachers has responded to a parliamentary Education Committee report into behaviour and discipline in schools by demanding that teachers have access to continuous professional development.

    UK: Training of teachers vital to managing pupil behaviour
  8. Union renewal and development 2 February 2011

    Canada: Teachers in shock as education program is rejected

    The Conservative government in Canada is to end funding for the international program of the Canadian Teachers' Federation (CTF) after a year-long process of arduous negotiations.

    Canada: Teachers in shock as education program is rejected
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 31 January 2011

    Colombia: Murder of teacher unionists continue into 2011

    EI condemns the brutal murder of Colombian teacher trade unionist, Manuel Esteban Tejada, on 10 January. His assassination brings the death toll to 28 teacher unionists who have been killed in Colombia in the past year.

    Colombia: Murder of teacher unionists continue into 2011
  10. Standards and working conditions 31 January 2011

    Serbian teachers to strike over low salaries

    Teacher unions in Serbia have elected to strike after a string of failed attempts to negotiate with the government which has refused to engage in social dialogue relating to poor working conditions and inadequate pay for teachers.

    Serbian teachers to strike over low salaries
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 31 January 2011

    Teachers join voices on Education for All in Africa

    Teacher unionists from around the world have called for renewed investment in education and teachers to ensure Africa’s future and to meet Education For All commitments on the recruitment and retention of qualified teachers.

    Teachers join voices on Education for All in Africa
  12. Equity and inclusion 28 January 2011

    Global union federations: Protect human rights and LGBT advocates

    The global union federations Education International and Public Services International deplore the violent murder of David Kato, on January 26 in Kampala, Uganda.

    Global union federations: Protect human rights and LGBT advocates
  13. Standards and working conditions 28 January 2011

    Trade unionists demand robust social protection to weather crisis

    An international trade union delegation has met with World Bank and International Monetary Fund directors to urge leaders to combat the economic crisis to foster inclusive growth by committing to social protection strategies.

    Trade unionists demand robust social protection to weather crisis
  14. Equity and inclusion 26 January 2011

    Women's conference pushes for a better world

    'There can be a better world' was the rallying cry of almost 400 participants from 87 countries who participated in EI's first World Women's Conference, On the Move for Equality, in Bangkok, 20-23 January.

    Women's conference pushes for a better world
  15. Trade union rights are human rights 24 January 2011

    Tunisia faces teacher strike, protests against new government

    Teachers across Tunisia have gone on strike today, when many students intended to return to class, after weeks of mass protests that brought down the government of former President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali.

    Tunisia faces teacher strike, protests against new government
  16. Equity and inclusion 22 January 2011

    Empowering women and girls through education

    EI's first World Women's Conference continued into its second day as women unionists around the world debate ways to empower girls and women through education.

    Empowering women and girls through education
  17. Equity and inclusion 21 January 2011

    Maternity protection and social benefits vital to women

    In a workshop session on ‘Maternity Protection and Social Benefits’ at the EI World Women’s Conference,participants shared concerns about the lack of maternity protection and the curtailment of social benefits on women worldwide.

    Maternity protection and social benefits vital to women
  18. Equity and inclusion 21 January 2011

    Women unionists take stock of the status of women in today's world

    The EI World Women's Conference began with a stock-taking of the status of women in the world 30 years after the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women and 15 years after the Beijing Platform for Action.

    Women unionists take stock of the status of women in today's world