

  1. Fighting the commercialisation of education 28 October 2010

    South Africa to support EU trade partnership

    In an apparent about-turn, South African officials now say they are prepared to conclude an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between the European Union and the five-nation South African Customs Union (SACU) by the year’s end.

    South Africa to support EU trade partnership
  2. Fighting the commercialisation of education 28 October 2010

    Study warns of environmental impact from Canada-EU trade pact

    A report released the end of August cautions a comprehensive free trade deal between Canada and the European Union could lead to rising greenhouse gas emissions, privatization of water services, and disruptions to "First Nations" communities.

    Study warns of environmental impact from Canada-EU trade pact
  3. Standards and working conditions 28 October 2010

    France: teachers and students unite for quality public education

    The French Republic is currently experiencing a huge social movement. The outcry against the pension reforms, imposed by Nicolas Sarkozy’s government, has brought the French masses out into the streets.

    France: teachers and students unite for quality public education
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 22 October 2010

    Turkey: EI condemns further delay in the court decision

    The High Court in Izmir has yet again postponed until 1 February 2011 its decision in the case concerning 31 public sector unionists, including 27 teacher unionists from Egitim Sen.

    Turkey: EI condemns further delay in the court decision
  5. Equity and inclusion 22 October 2010

    Promoting quality public services to fight women's poverty

    This year’s theme of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, “From Poverty to Decent Work: bridging the gap”, is highly relevant to EI’s First World Women’s Conference.

    Promoting quality public services to fight women's poverty
  6. Union growth 21 October 2010

    Northern Cyprus: EI is monitoring court decision

    EI is supportive of teacher unionists in Northern Cyprus which face a condemnation by court on 25 October for protesting at funding cuts in education.

    Northern Cyprus: EI is monitoring court decision
  7. Union renewal and development 21 October 2010

    Help secure G-20 support for a financial transactions tax!

    EI is inviting member organisations and all concerned individuals to sign an international civil society statement that will be delivered to G-20 leaders during their summit in Seoul from 11–12 November, 2010.

    Help secure G-20 support for a financial transactions tax!
  8. Standards and working conditions 20 October 2010

    School leaders call for protection of education budgets and workers’ rights

    School leaders and representatives of EI member organisations have expressed serious concerns about the impact of the financial and economic crisis on education budgets, trade union and labour rights.

    School leaders call for protection of education budgets and workers’ rights
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 19 October 2010

    Chile: Miners rescued, concern remains for workers’ safety

    EI and its affiliate, Colegio de Profesores, have welcomed the successful rescue of 33 miners in Copiapó, Chile, and called on authorities to guarantee workers’ rights to health and safety in the workplace.

    Chile: Miners rescued, concern remains for workers’ safety
  10. Union renewal and development 15 October 2010

    Invest in quality public services now!

    In the face of cuts to public services, leaders of trade unions, governments and civil society have made the unprecedented joint commitment to work together.

    Invest in quality public services now!
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 14 October 2010

    EI and ESU launched a Toolkit on Student-Centred Learning

    At the final event of the joint project with the European Students’ Union currently taking place in Leuven, Belgium, Education International launched a toolkit for staff and students to promote the concept of student-centred learning.

    EI and ESU launched a Toolkit on Student-Centred Learning
  12. Equity and inclusion 13 October 2010

    EI lends support to the World March of Women

    EI has sent a message of solidarity to the World March of Women taking place in Bukavu, in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), which is set to close its third international action from 14 to 17 October, 2010.

    EI lends support to the World March of Women
  13. Union renewal and development 13 October 2010

    Peace, principles and courage to fight crisis together

    In a rousing call to action, Greenpeace’s Kumi Naidoo has told 400 delegates at the Quality Public Services - Action Now! Conference in Geneva, Switzerland, to challenge the threat to vital public services with “peace, principles and courage”.

    Peace, principles and courage to fight crisis together
  14. Union renewal and development 13 October 2010

    Young workers: Champions of Quality Public Services

    “There is no work-life harmony; there is only work-life integration – you have to live as you work.” This joke set the tone for the Young Workers’ Forum held on 11 October, leading into the Quality Public Services, Action Now! Conference.

    Young workers: Champions of Quality Public Services
  15. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 11 October 2010

    Toolkit launched to foster student-centred learning

    “Academics and students are ready to create a stimulating learning environment,” says EI Deputy General Secretary, Monique Fouilhoux, ”but are higher education institutions ready to provide the necessary support?”

    Toolkit launched to foster student-centred learning
  16. Union growth 11 October 2010

    EI condemns coup attempt in Ecuador

    With the overthrow of President Zelaya in Honduras still a fresh memory, EI has condemned the attempted coup in Ecuador, and expressed its commitment to defending the principle of democratically elected governments in all regions.

    EI condemns coup attempt in Ecuador
  17. Union renewal and development 8 October 2010

    EI Africa Conference to advocate for investment in quality education

    Educators from across Africa are invited to attend the seventh Education International (EI) Africa Region Conference, to take place in November, in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo.

    EI Africa Conference to advocate for investment in quality education