

  1. Standards and working conditions 11 August 2010

    United States: Historic victory for education, teachers and unions

    The US House of Representatives has voted to approve new legislation that will inject more than $10 billion in aid to states and school districts to save education jobs that were threatened by budget cuts.

    United States: Historic victory for education, teachers and unions
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 11 August 2010

    African affiliates campaign to increase education finance

    Education International has joined civil society organisations to lead a regional workshop on education financing for trainers in Malawi. The training is part of a programme to build capacity among Education for All (EFA) coalitions.

    African affiliates campaign to increase education finance
  3. Standards and working conditions 10 August 2010

    UK: School staff victims of unfounded allegations

    More than 1,700 staff in UK schools were accused of misbehaviour by parents or pupils last year.

    UK: School staff victims of unfounded allegations
  4. Union growth 9 August 2010

    Korea: EI takes action to support teachers threatened by dismissal

    EI and its affiliate the Korean Teachers and Education Workers’ Union (KTU, Jeon Gyo Jo) have called for the withdrawal of a plan to dismiss 183 teachers who made private donations to a political party.

    Korea: EI takes action to support teachers threatened by dismissal
  5. Trade union rights are human rights 4 August 2010

    Colombia: Teacher trade unionist killed as violations continue

    Education International has expressed dismay as news emerged that another teacher trade unionist has been killed in Colombia. This latest murder brings to 17 the total number of teachers that have been killed in 2010 alone.

    Colombia: Teacher trade unionist killed as violations continue
  6. Trade union rights are human rights 4 August 2010

    China: Fatal knife attack in nursery school

    A man went on a deadly rampage as he killed at least three children and one teacher in an unprovoked knife attack at a Chinese nursery school in the city of Zibo, in the eastern province of Shandong.

    China: Fatal knife attack in nursery school
  7. Equity and inclusion 2 August 2010

    UK budget faces legal challenge over gender discrimination

    The UK government's budget may be unlawful according to a legal case launched in the high court. It is claimed Treasury officials broke the law by not carrying out an equality assessment of whether plans for spending cuts would hit women most.

    UK budget faces legal challenge over gender discrimination
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 2 August 2010

    Summer Forum for Educators opens in Oman

    His Excellency Sheikh Mohammed Bin Marhoun Al Ma’amari, Minister of State and Governor of Dhofar, has presided over the opening of the seventh Summer Forum for Educators in Salalah, Oman.

    Summer Forum for Educators opens in Oman
  9. Equity and inclusion 27 July 2010

    African women demand representation and end of violence

    Women activists from across Africa have gathered at a women's conference in Entebbe, Uganda, to demand that African Union (AU) heads of state consider gender equality when choosing representatives at all levels of AU structures.

    African women demand representation and end of violence
  10. Union renewal and development 26 July 2010

    Archbishop Tutu announces retirement from public life

    Archbishop Desmond Tutu is to withdraw from public life, after decades of struggling against apartheid and global injustices, to spend more time with his family – and watch cricket.

    Archbishop Tutu announces retirement from public life
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 26 July 2010

    Leaders accused of breaking promises at African Union talks

    African leaders have not kept their promises and are failing their citizens, according to a new report released as Heads of State arrive in Kampala, Uganda, for the African Union summit.

    Leaders accused of breaking promises at African Union talks
  12. Trade union rights are human rights 26 July 2010

    Brazil: Rio considers bullet-proofing favela schools

    Authorities in Rio de Janeiro have come under renewed pressure to bulletproof up to 200 schools in conflict-stricken areas, after an 11-year-old boy was killed by a stray bullet during a maths lesson.

    Brazil: Rio considers bullet-proofing favela schools
  13. Trade union rights are human rights 22 July 2010

    EI and Global Unions advocate for workplace action on AIDS

    EI and the Global Union Federations have been advocating for the active participation of workers in response to the AIDS pandemic as they participate in the XVIII International AIDS Conference in Vienna.

    EI and Global Unions advocate for workplace action on AIDS
  14. Fighting the commercialisation of education 20 July 2010

    Developing countries denounce ACTA

    Opposition to the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) in the developing world is mounting, with India and China formally raising complaints last month at the World Trade Organization.

    Developing countries denounce ACTA
  15. Fighting the commercialisation of education 20 July 2010

    G-20 drop Doha deadline

    The declaration issued by the leaders of the 20 largest economies meeting in Toronto, Canada in June repeated the group’s commitments to oppose protectionism and support open markets, but notably omitted a prior promise to conclude the World Trade Organization’s Doha round of trade talks by the end of this...

    G-20 drop Doha deadline
  16. Fighting the commercialisation of education 20 July 2010

    Second Round of Trans-Pacific Partnership talks conclude

    Representatives from eight Pacific-rim nations met in San Francisco last month for the second round of negotiations aimed at establishing a new regional free trade zone.

    Second Round of Trans-Pacific Partnership talks conclude
  17. Equity and inclusion 20 July 2010

    Successful Europride makes a stand for LGBT rights

    Trade unionists joined 10,000 equality campaigners from across Europe at the Europride in Warsaw, Poland. This was the first event of its kind in a post-communist country, and the largest European celebration of LGBT rights.

    Successful Europride makes a stand for LGBT rights