

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 July 2010

    EI releases global study on Early Childhood Education

    The EI Early Childhood Education (ECE) Task Force has released a global study investigating ECE policies, systems, programmes and activities across the world.

    EI releases global study on Early Childhood Education
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 July 2010

    Jobs, Migration and Education

    Education was a significant talking point during the BBC World Debate broadcast last week from the OECD in Paris. The question put by presenter Nik Gowing was whether migration should be seen not as taking scarce jobs but rather as a source of scarce skills.

    Jobs, Migration and Education
  3. Standards and working conditions 15 July 2010

    Teachers out of pocket for classroom essentials

    A survey carried out by the Canadian Teachers' Federation (CTF) has discovered that in the 2008-09 school year each Canadian teacher paid out from their own pocket an average of $453 for essential classroom materials or class-related activities.

    Teachers out of pocket for classroom essentials
  4. Standards and working conditions 8 July 2010

    Kenya: Teacher shortage to be recognised a national disaster

    EI affiliate in Kenya, the Kenyan National Union of Teachers (KNUT), urged “the government to declare the shortage of teachers a national disaster,” reported the national newspaper Daily Nation.

    Kenya: Teacher shortage to be recognised a national disaster
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 7 July 2010

    Teachers and students join to promote student-centered learning

    As part of its ongoing project with the European Students’ Union (ESU), EI organised a training seminar on student-centered learning (SCL) recently from 1-4 July in Sliema, Malta.

    Teachers and students join to promote student-centered learning
  6. Union renewal and development 6 July 2010

    G20/G8 Summit Declarations: Governments agree to disagree

    The Trade Union Advisory Committee (TUAC) and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) have drafted a joint evaluation on the G20 Labour and Employment Ministers’ meeting.

    G20/G8 Summit Declarations: Governments agree to disagree
  7. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 2 July 2010

    Chilean union president gets help on charter school issue

    At the Global Education Summit, sponsored by the National Education Association (NEA), education union delegates from around the world joined by NEA President Dennis Van Roekel and Vice-President Lily Eskelsen to discuss efforts to improve public education.

    Chilean union president gets help on charter school issue
  8. Standards and working conditions 2 July 2010

    Education leaders unite for global summit

    More than 9,000 delegates have gathered in New Orleans, USA, for the Annual Meeting and Representative Assembly of the National Education Association (NEA) - one of EI's largest affiliate members in America.

    Education leaders unite for global summit
  9. Union renewal and development 1 July 2010

    Iraq: Cooperation delivers quality training for Iraqi teachers

    A long planned programme for training and development of teacher trade unionism in Iraq has begun under the expert guidance of NASUWT, an EI affiliate in Britain.

    Iraq: Cooperation delivers quality training for Iraqi teachers
  10. Trade union rights are human rights 29 June 2010

    Defending independent teacher unionism in Georgia

    An EI mission visited Georgia on 22-23 June 2010 with the aim of encouraging the Government to refrain from harassing EFSTUG, the EI member organization in Georgia, and to enter into collective bargaining as recommended by the ILO.

    Defending independent teacher unionism in Georgia
  11. Union renewal and development 29 June 2010

    Iran : European Commission supports trade unionists

    Responding to a joint International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)/Education International (EI) letter to Catherine Ashton, the High Representative /Vice President of the European Commission, the European organisation reiterates its support to trade unionists in Iran.

    Iran : European Commission supports trade unionists
  12. Union renewal and development 26 June 2010

    Union of Palestinian Teachers mourn loss of senior figure

    The International Secretary of the General Union of Palestinian Teachers (GUPTs), Hazem Nasri Qumsieh, has died at the age of 55.

    Union of Palestinian Teachers mourn loss of senior figure
  13. Union renewal and development 25 June 2010

    Education for All success at ITUC World Congress

    The 2nd ITUC World Congress, taking place in Vancouver from 21–25 June, has closed with a firm resolve to struggle for the attainment of quality public services and education for all, as a key part of the strategy to exit the global economic crisis.

    Education for All success at ITUC World Congress
  14. Union renewal and development 24 June 2010

    Call for G20 to promote quality education with qualified teachers

    The presidents of Education International and the Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF) have called on the G20 to support a new global partnership for teacher education and professional development.

    Call for G20 to promote quality education with qualified teachers
  15. Trade union rights are human rights 23 June 2010

    Turkish trade unionists' trial continues

    Education International has sent a strongly worded statement of solidarity to teacher colleagues from Egitim Sen and KESK in Turkey after the third hearing of their court case took place on 22 June.

    Turkish trade unionists' trial continues