

  1. Union renewal and development 22 June 2010

    US unions call on President Obama to defend education funding

    The presidents of America’s two largest teaching unions, American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and National Education Association (NEA), have rallied together to call on the US President to advocate for education funding at G8/G20 summits.

    US unions call on President Obama to defend education funding
  2. Union renewal and development 21 June 2010

    Getting education on the G20 agenda

    There was progress in getting key messages on education through to the G20, as a result of Global Union consultations with the Canadian Prime Minister on 18 June, with the participation of EI and its Canadian affiliates.

    Getting education on the G20 agenda
  3. Leading the profession 21 June 2010

    Research helps raise teacher unions’ profile

    Over two intensive days, 34 participants from 15 countries took part in the sixth Annual Research Network meeting with keynote speakers from the UK and Japan.

    Research helps raise teacher unions’ profile
  4. Equity and inclusion 21 June 2010

    Canada: Teachers bring National Aboriginal Day to life

    The Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF) has invited teachers to highlight National Aboriginal Day which takes place on 21 June to celebrate the culture, heritage and contributions of the original peoples of North America and their descendants.

    Canada: Teachers bring National Aboriginal Day to life
  5. Union renewal and development 18 June 2010

    Share your latest project experiences!

    Education International’s role is to collect and disseminate information on current development co-operation programmes and activities implemented worldwide.

    Share your latest project experiences!
  6. Union renewal and development 18 June 2010

    Towards enhanced harmonisation of Development Cooperation efforts

    Development cooperation has always been a priority for Education International (EI). Since its founding Congress in Stockholm in 1993 EI member organisations have been promoting programmes and activities to strengthen teacher unions worldwide.

    Towards enhanced harmonisation of Development Cooperation efforts
  7. Union renewal and development 18 June 2010

    Ghanaian union GNAT showing leadership in ECE

    While the first Education For All Goal is about improving and expanding early childhood education (ECE), not much has been done to meet the needs of young children since the EFA goals were agreed in 2000. This is to a large extent due to the fact that priority was given...

    Ghanaian union GNAT showing leadership in ECE
  8. Union renewal and development 18 June 2010

    Haitian union CNEH building a future for teachers

    Following the devastating earthquake which struck Haiti on 12 January this year, EI launched an Urgent Action Appeal and a Special Fund to support its Haitian member organisation - the Confédération Nationale des Enseignants d’Haïti (CNEH) - to re-establish its work of caring for teachers and promoting education and to...

    Haitian union CNEH building a future for teachers
  9. Union renewal and development 18 June 2010

    Unions’ bridge-building in Africa leads to stronger, more effective organisations

    The 6th Education International African Regional Conference meeting in Cairo, Egypt, on 26-31 January 2007 noted the trend towards unity by unions at the international level with the unification of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) and the World Confederation of Labour (WCL) and the integration of the...

    Unions’ bridge-building in Africa leads to stronger, more effective organisations
  10. Union growth 16 June 2010

    Teachers demand reinstatement of democratic rule in Honduras

    Jose Manuel Zelaya Rosales, the ousted president of Honduras, has thanked teachers across the world for their support, during his meeting with the EI Regional Committee for Latin America in the Dominican Republic.

    Teachers demand reinstatement of democratic rule in Honduras
  11. Union renewal and development 16 June 2010

    Teachers call for improvements in teacher training in Latin America

    Meeting in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, the EI Regional Committee for Latin America called on governments in the region to prevent a heavy setback in education quality because of a lack of necessary investments.

    Teachers call for improvements in teacher training in Latin America
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 June 2010

    Civil society calls for action on Millennium Development Goals

    Anti-poverty activists from around the world have gathered at the UN headquarters in New York for a ground-breaking meeting between civil society, private sector bodies and government delegation in the General Assembly.

    Civil society calls for action on Millennium Development Goals
  13. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 15 June 2010

    World Refugee Day: Unions promote education for refugees

    This year's World Refugee Day on June 20 has ‘Home’ as its theme, to recognise the plight of 40 million uprooted people around the world. About 10 million of these people are children of special concern to the UN High Commission for Refugees.

    World Refugee Day: Unions promote education for refugees
  14. Union growth 15 June 2010

    Georgian Government still failing to respect trade union rights

    Despite the Georgian authorities’ stated commitment to respect trade union rights and the adoption of a legislative framework promoting collective bargaining, evidence is emerging that anti union initiatives continue unabated.

    Georgian Government still failing to respect trade union rights
  15. Equity and inclusion 12 June 2010

    EI calls for increased effort to end child labour

    Hundreds of millions of boys and girls across the world are engaged in work that deprives them of adequate education, health, leisure and basic freedoms, violating their fundamental rights.

    EI calls for increased effort to end child labour