

  1. Standards and working conditions 16 April 2010

    Zimbabwe: Deteriorating education system and political tensions have led to severe teacher shortage

    Zimbabwe Education Minister David Coltart promised delegates attending the annual conference of the Zimbabwe Teachers' Association (ZIMTA) on 14 April that he would immediately terminate the possibility for parents to pay incentives to teachers, if the country’s teachers organisations would ask him to do so.

    Zimbabwe: Deteriorating education system and political tensions have led to severe teacher shortage
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 April 2010

    Global Action Week: Teacher unions demand immediate action and funding

    This year’s Global Action Week, which takes place between 19 and 25 April, comes at a pivotal moment, exactly 10 years after the Education for All (EFA) objectives and Millennium Development Goals were adopted.

    Global Action Week: Teacher unions demand immediate action and funding
  3. Fighting the commercialisation of education 15 April 2010

    WTO “stocktaking” meeting fails to make progress

    The latest attempt to kick-start stalled global trade talks ended on a sour note in March as European trade officials openly accused the United States of foot-dragging.

    WTO “stocktaking” meeting fails to make progress
  4. Fighting the commercialisation of education 15 April 2010

    European Parliament demands to see ACTA text

    The European Parliament threatened on 10 March to petition the European Court of Justice in an effort to force the European Commission to make public the draft text of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA).

    European Parliament demands to see ACTA text
  5. Fighting the commercialisation of education 15 April 2010

    Trans-Pacific Partnership talks launched in Australia

    Inaugural negotiations for a Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) aimed at creating an ambitious regional free trade zone were launched in Melbourne on 15 March.

    Trans-Pacific Partnership talks launched in Australia
  6. Fighting the commercialisation of education 15 April 2010

    EU demands Canada overhaul IP rules

    A leaked text of the Canada-EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) confirms that Canada’s copyright and patent legislation are being targeted in the negotiations.

    EU demands Canada overhaul IP rules
  7. Fighting the commercialisation of education 15 April 2010

    Trade unions condemn EU-Colombia deal

    Trade unions in Europe and in Colombia are speaking out against a new free trade agreement charging that it provides political support to a regime in Colombia that is deeply implicated in gross violations of human rights and labour standards.

    Trade unions condemn EU-Colombia deal
  8. Equity and inclusion 15 April 2010

    EI Demands Gender Pay Equity Now!

    April 15 is European Equal Pay Day which serves to remind us all that a gender pay gap still exists within every single European country. The date, April 15, has been selected to symbolise exactly how many more days into the year 2010 women must work simply to earn the...

    EI Demands Gender Pay Equity Now!
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 14 April 2010

    Colombia: EI takes action to end the killing of teachers

    Education International is leading the way to develop new strategies to end the violence being inflicted upon teachers and members of our global federation.

    Colombia: EI takes action to end the killing of teachers
  10. Standards and working conditions 14 April 2010

    Argentine teachers strike for decent pay

    In the San Luis Province, Cuyo Region, in central-western Argentina, teachers have been staging a strike and holding mass rallies for five consecutive weeks. Their actions enjoy the support of 90% of the profession.

    Argentine teachers strike for decent pay
  11. Union renewal and development 14 April 2010

    East African teacher unions share experiences in negotiation

    Teacher unions from East Africa are taking part in a joint workshop on negotiations from 13-15 Apr in Nairobi, Kenya, with special reference to economic and financial issues.

    East African teacher unions share experiences in negotiation
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 13 April 2010

    Teachers and students join forces!

    Building on the official launch of the European Higher Education Area at the 10th Anniversary Bologna Ministerial Conference last month, EI announces the signature of a new agreement with the European Students’ Union (ESU).

    Teachers and students join forces!
  13. Standards and working conditions 12 April 2010

    Botswana: teachers join forces with public employees' union for the implementation of the Public Services Act

    At the national congress of the Botswana Teachers' Union (BTU) held from 5-9 Apr in Goodhope, the delegates voted to join forces with the public employees' union in order to persuade the government to implement the Public Services Act.

    Botswana: teachers join forces with public employees' union for the implementation of the Public Services Act
  14. Standards and working conditions 7 April 2010

    Lebanon: Teachers demand 12 years of allowance arrears

    In a recent press conference on 30 Mar called by the Ligue des professeurs de l'enseignement secondaire public du Liban (LPESPL), teachers demand to be paid 12 consecutive years of allowance arrears.

    Lebanon: Teachers demand 12 years of allowance arrears
  15. Union renewal and development 7 April 2010

    Haiti: unions develop Action Plan for recovery of the education system

    The Executive Board of EI affiliate CNEH is working on an Action Plan, after getting feedback from the Federations, and the preparations for the International Trade Unions Confederation (ITUC) Summit in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 8-10 April.

    Haiti: unions develop Action Plan for recovery of the education system