

  1. Union renewal and development 1 April 2010

    Unions call for decent work while rebuilding Haiti

    In its statement today at the United Nations International Donors' Conference towards a New Future for Haiti, held in New York, the United States, the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) reiterated that "decent work must be central to the reconstruction efforts of Haiti and to shape a new development model...

    Unions call for decent work while rebuilding Haiti
  2. Union renewal and development 31 March 2010

    Latest "Worlds of Education" now online

    Hope for Haiti: The new edition of EI’s flagship magazine focuses on the solidarity shown by teachers worldwide after the devastating January earthquake.

    Latest "Worlds of Education" now online
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 29 March 2010

    Learning for Life: Teachers educating students on HIV and AIDS

    The EFAIDS Programme partners Education International, the Education Development Centre and the World Health Organisation present the most recent EFAIDS resource ‘Learning for Life: Classroom Activities for HIV and AIDS education’ a toolkit destined to support teachers to address themes relating to HIV and AIDS with their students.

    Learning for Life: Teachers educating students on HIV and AIDS
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 29 March 2010

    SNEC carries out a survey of school facilities in Bamako [VIDEO]

    Dilapidated buildings with cracked walls, filthy toilets with open plumbing and classrooms devoid of all but the most limited resources. These were the shocking conditions uncovered by Malian teacher union SNEC who carried out a survey of public school facilities at primary and secondary level in the urban area of...

    SNEC carries out a survey of school facilities in Bamako [VIDEO]
  5. Trade union rights are human rights 29 March 2010

    Ghana: providing teachers with the incentive to stay teaching is key to quality education

    Ghanaian teacher unions, GNAT and TEWU, under their national EFAIDS Programme recognised that the number of teachers leaving the profession each year is a challenge to achieving Education for all in Ghana. Recognising that identifying the cause of the problem, is key to addressing the problem they sponsored a survey...

    Ghana: providing teachers with the incentive to stay teaching is key to quality education
  6. Trade union rights are human rights 29 March 2010

    Argentinean union shares experience of HIV and AIDS work with Costa Rica

    Roxana Rogalski and Mariela Cimadevilla, coordinators of the national EFAIDS Programme of Argentinean teacher union CTERA shared their expertise on HIV and AIDS themes with the union leadership of Costa Rican unions ANDE and SEC during a workshop in San José, Costa Rica in late February.

    Argentinean union shares experience of HIV and AIDS work with Costa Rica
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 29 March 2010

    Research by Rwandan union to inform improved support to Teachers living with HIV

    A 2000 survey in Rwanda by the National Population Office found that less than a third of respondents believed that people living with HIV should continue working. Almost a decade later, Rwandan teacher union SYPERWA (Unions of Education Personnel in Rwanda) set out to examine current attitudes towards teachers living...

    Research by Rwandan union to inform improved support to Teachers living with HIV
  8. Trade union rights are human rights 29 March 2010

    Three questions to Mor Mbengue, Senegalese EFAIDS Coordinator

    Mor Mbengue, coordinates COSSEL (Senegalese committee of teacher unions for EFA and against AIDS) and is Deputy General Secretary of Senegalese union UDEN. During the 5th Francophone Conference on HIV and AIDS in Casablanca in late March he will present CARVEE (Committee of Action and Research on Vulnerability in the...

    Three questions to Mor Mbengue, Senegalese EFAIDS Coordinator
  9. Standards and working conditions 23 March 2010

    Kuwait: "Strong, independent and democratic trade unions are necessary to protect teachers' rights and employment conditions," says EI General Secretary

    Education, both secular and religious, can promote democratic principles and social justice while preparing students to cope with the complexities of adult life, EI General Secretary Fred van Leeuwen told 500 teachers attending the annual conference of the Kuwait Teachers’ Society on 23 March.

    Kuwait: "Strong, independent and democratic trade unions are necessary to protect teachers' rights and employment conditions," says EI General Secretary
  10. Union renewal and development 18 March 2010

    A wave of solidarity: Rebuilding education in Aceh

    Five years after the cataclysmic tsunami of December 2004, Education International is proud to release a video documentary on its most ambitious development cooperation project ever – to build and equip 35 schools in the devastated region of Aceh, Indonesia.

    A wave of solidarity: Rebuilding education in Aceh
  11. Union growth 18 March 2010

    Dreadful toll of assassinations mounts in Colombia

    Colombian teacher Duvian Dario Rojo Cadavid and his wife were enjoying an early evening walk together in the municipal park of their home town of Puerto Berrío when they were shot dead by unknown assailants on 13 March, the day before senatorial elections. Their deaths bring the total number of...

    Dreadful toll of assassinations mounts in Colombia
  12. Trade union rights are human rights 16 March 2010

    EI affiliates in Zambia agree to merge

    The three EI affiliates in Zambia have agreed to merge to improve their bargaining power and to better enable members to provide quality education to their students.

    EI affiliates in Zambia agree to merge
  13. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 13 March 2010

    EI attends launch of European Higher Education area at Bologna Anniversary Ministerial Conference

    The Ministers responsible for higher education in 47 countries of Europe gathered at the 10th Anniversary Bologna Ministerial Conference, celebrated on 11-12 Mar in Budapest and Vienna, for the official launch of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).

    EI attends launch of European Higher Education area at Bologna Anniversary Ministerial Conference
  14. Leading the profession 12 March 2010

    UK: EI member organisations react to report on racism in schools

    Two EI member organisations reacted to the Maurice Smith Review released today, which recommends that "teachers in England should not be banned from membership of the British National Party (BNP) or any group which may promote racism".

    UK: EI member organisations react to report on racism in schools
  15. Equity and inclusion 11 March 2010

    Canada: New CTF study highlights experiences of Aboriginal teachers

    A major study of the professional knowledge and experience of Aboriginal teachers in Canadian public schools was released today at a special Canadian Teachers' Federation (CTF) event on Aboriginal education.

    Canada: New CTF study highlights experiences of Aboriginal teachers
  16. Standards and working conditions 8 March 2010

    Lebanon: teachers held strike of unprecedented scale to demand salary improvement

    Lebanese teachers have so far received no response from the authorities concerning their demand of 24 Feb. Thousands of teachers from public secondary schools and vocational institutes took part in an industrial action that day, which was unprecedented in size and turnout.

    Lebanon: teachers held strike of unprecedented scale to demand salary improvement