

  1. Union renewal and development 12 February 2010

    One month on, Haitians stand united together in grief

    One month after the catastrophic earthquake of 12 January, Haitian teachers and trade unionists will join their fellow citizens in a national day of mourning and remembrance for the estimated 230,000 people who perished on that terrible day.

    One month on, Haitians stand united together in grief
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 11 February 2010

    Education under attack 2010

    Assassinations, kidnappings, disappearances, illegal imprisonment and torture, mass poisoning, acid attacks, sexual assault, forced recruitment as soldiers or suicide bombers, rocket and mortar attacks, gunfire, aerial bombing, burning, and looting: All these forms of violence have been perpetrated on teachers, students, schools and universities in the past three years, according...

    Education under attack 2010
  3. Standards and working conditions 10 February 2010

    Georgia: Teachers determined to bring the government to the negotiating table

    For the Educators and Scientists Free Trade Union of Georgia (ESFTUG), one of EI's affiliates in Georgia representing 103.000 teachers, a strike is becoming increasingly inevitable. Despite long negotiations, high pressure on the government, and even a court decision ordering the authorities to make legal provisions for social dialogue with...

    Georgia: Teachers determined to bring the government to the negotiating table
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 8 February 2010

    Shakira joins education campaign around Soccer World Cup

    The Global Campaign for Education (GCE) has named Grammy Award-winning artist and philanthropist Shakira an ambassador for 1GOAL: Education For All, an international campaign to ensure that all children can exercise their right to an education through achievement of the Millennium Development Goals by 2015. As a founding member of...

    Shakira joins education campaign around Soccer World Cup
  5. Union renewal and development 3 February 2010

    Haitian teacher unionists eager to rebuild education sector

    Although their schools have collapsed and their homes are destroyed, the leaders of the Confédération Nationale des Educateurs d’Haïti are already working with the Haitian president and education minister on the complex task of starting up classes, getting children back into school, and rebuilding an education system that was struggling...

    Haitian teacher unionists eager to rebuild education sector
  6. Union renewal and development 1 February 2010

    EI warns that public spending cuts will slow economic recovery

    Speaking at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, EI General Secretary Fred Van Leeuwen warned government representatives and business leaders that public spending cuts will slow down economic recovery and, worse, will be like a slap in the face to the millions of people who...

    EI warns that public spending cuts will slow economic recovery
  7. Union renewal and development 28 January 2010

    Tanzanian education system affected by massive floods

    Flooding in central Tanzanian regions earlier this month prevented schools from opening as usual in mid-January.

    Tanzanian education system affected by massive floods
  8. Fighting the commercialisation of education 28 January 2010

    Canada-Europe free trade talks under scrutiny

    The second round of negotiations for a Canada-Europe Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) took place in Brussels in January amid growing trade union and civil society concerns about the scope and impact of the treaty.

    Canada-Europe free trade talks under scrutiny
  9. Fighting the commercialisation of education 28 January 2010

    Little movement seen in WTO talks

    Senior trade officials are increasingly pessimistic that a deal to conclude the stalled Doha Development Round of trade negotiations can be reached this year.

    Little movement seen in WTO talks
  10. Fighting the commercialisation of education 28 January 2010

    Slovak Republic facing trade lawsuit over health care reform

    A Dutch company is suing the Slovak Republic for allegedly breaching the terms of a bilateral investment treaty following passage of a law requiring that health insurance be provided on a not-for-profit basis.

    Slovak Republic facing trade lawsuit over health care reform
  11. Fighting the commercialisation of education 28 January 2010

    Trade deal sparks controversy over copyright in Costa Rica

    Final ratification of a free trade agreement with the United States has been delayed in the Costa Rican legislature amid a growing controversy over the deal’s intellectual property provisions.

    Trade deal sparks controversy over copyright in Costa Rica
  12. Fighting the commercialisation of education 28 January 2010

    EC official confirms ACTA will force changes in domestic law

    The EC Commissioner-designate for the internal market, Michel Barnier, has admitted that the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) will require changes to domestic law.

    EC official confirms ACTA will force changes in domestic law
  13. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 26 January 2010

    Global Campaign for Education urges improved education funding

    The board of the Global Campaign for Education (GCE) met at the head office of Education International in Brussels, 26-27 January.

    Global Campaign for Education urges improved education funding
  14. News 26 January 2010

    Unions commemorate 65th anniversary of Auschwitz liberation

    EI member organisations from Germany, Austria, Poland and Israel are coming together in a two-day event to remember the 65th anniversary of the liberation of the World War II Nazi concentration camp in Auschwitz.

    Unions commemorate 65th anniversary of Auschwitz liberation
  15. Union renewal and development 22 January 2010

    Dominican teachers show solidarity to Haitian refugees

    Teacher unionists in the Dominican Republic are doing their utmost to bring water, food and medicine into the border zone as Haitian refugees flee Port-au-Prince in search of humanitarian relief.

    Dominican teachers show solidarity to Haitian refugees
  16. Union renewal and development 21 January 2010

    Unionists care: AFT affiliate sends medical help to Haiti

    A dozen nurses, paramedics and other health professionals affiliated to the American Federation of Teachers left for Haiti on 20 January to provide much-needed medical assistance for the victims of the devastating earthquake.

    Unionists care: AFT affiliate sends medical help to Haiti
  17. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 19 January 2010

    Don’t let economic crisis create a lost generation of children, report warns

    Education International stands with UNESCO in its urgent call to action for the international community to invest in sustained aid to provide quality education for the most marginalized and poorest learners worldwide.

    Don’t let economic crisis create a lost generation of children, report warns
  18. Union renewal and development 18 January 2010

    Haitian teacher unionists found alive

    EI is happy to report that two more leaders of its Haitian affiliate are confirmed to have survived the massive earthquake that devastated the capital Port-au-Prince last week.

    Haitian teacher unionists found alive