

  1. Union renewal and development 15 January 2010

    Teacher trade unionists missing after Haiti disaster

    Following Tuesday's devastating earthquake in Haiti, EI is trying to establish contact with the colleagues of its national affiliate, the Confédération National des Enseignants d’Haïti (CNEH). While EI has received news of some colleagues, others are still unreachable. Any assistance in establishing communication with them would be greatly appreciated.

    Teacher trade unionists missing after Haiti disaster
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 15 January 2010

    Iranian Kurdish teacher activist Kamangar in imminent danger of execution

    Education International has been informed that the Iranian authorities have threatened imminent execution of Kurdish activists, including teacher Farzad Kamangar and others.

    Iranian Kurdish teacher activist Kamangar in imminent danger of execution
  3. Union renewal and development 13 January 2010

    Teachers gear up to help Haiti

    Education International and its affiliates are beginning to collect information and funds in preparation for an international solidarity effort to assist members and their families in earthquake-stricken Haiti.

    Teachers gear up to help Haiti
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 13 January 2010

    GNAT: Invest in people to achieve EFA

    “We provide a clear vision for education and society, powerful arguments for investing in people, a capacity to mobilize globally, regionally, nationally and locally, and a strategy of proposition for the well-being of our communities and nations,” said EI's President Susan Hopgood at the opening of the 50th national conference...

    GNAT: Invest in people to achieve EFA
  5. Trade union rights are human rights 12 January 2010

    Teacher unions research impact of teacher shortages in Côte d’Ivoire

    In September 2008 representatives of IE-SCI, the alliance of Ivorian teacher unions working together on the EI EFAIDS Programme, met with the political and administrative authorities of Bondoukou and San Pedro to present the results of their research into the shortage of teachers and its impact on the education system...

    Teacher unions research impact of teacher shortages in Côte d’Ivoire
  6. Trade union rights are human rights 12 January 2010

    Young offenders benefit from EFAIDS training by the Surinamese unions

    Surinamese teacher unions working on the EI EFAIDS Programme have reached out to almost forty young offenders offering them training on HIV prevention and behaviour change. Catering for the needs of the different age groups, trainers from BvL, SOB and KOB facilitated two one-day workshops at the Santo Boma Reformatory...

    Young offenders benefit from EFAIDS training by the Surinamese unions
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 12 January 2010

    Namibia teacher union promotes HIV prevention and supports treatment

    Through their EFAIDS Programme, the Namibia National Teachers’ Union is committed to showing in a practical way that that HIV and AIDS is a workplace issue.

    Namibia teacher union promotes HIV prevention and supports treatment
  8. Union renewal and development 12 January 2010

    EI opens its new African regional office

    On January 7, the new EI office premises in Accra, Ghana, were formally opened by the Minister of Education for Ghana, in the presence of EI President Susan Hopgood, EI General Secretary Fred van Leeuwen and EI Deputy General Secretary Charlie Lennon.

    EI opens its new African regional office
  9. Union growth 7 January 2010

    Ethiopia: last detained teacher activist out of prison

    The last teacher unionist imprisoned for his connection with the independent ETA (Ethiopia Teachers Association) in Ethiopia was released on 16 December. Meqcha Mengistu, Chairman of former ETA branch in East Gojam and EFAIDS programme coordinator, was officially pardoned after having served a three year prison term in the Kality...

    Ethiopia: last detained teacher activist out of prison
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 7 January 2010

    Basic Academic Freedoms and Rights Violated in Israel and Palestinian Territories

    The academic freedom and professional rights of higher education teaching personnel in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza are increasingly under assault as a result of the continuing political conflict in the region, according to a report released today by Education International and the Canadian Association of University Teachers.

    Basic Academic Freedoms and Rights Violated in Israel and Palestinian Territories
  11. Union renewal and development 21 December 2009

    Worlds of Education 32 now available

    The latest issue of EI's flagship magazine, Worlds of Education, reports on the various activities organised by affiliates on World Teachers’ Day.

    Worlds of Education 32 now available
  12. News 21 December 2009

    Copenhagen: A small step forward, but much remains to be done

    The controversial Copenhagen Accord, ratified early in the hours of 19 December, is the least that the international community could have agreed in order to recognise and begin to avert the worst expected consequences of global warming.

    Copenhagen: A small step forward, but much remains to be done
  13. Leading the profession 18 December 2009

    New 6-month special programme for trade unionists at the Global Labour University now open for application

    As a Global Union, EI is committed to support the Global Labour University. The Global Labour University is created by the Global Union Research Network (GURN), comprising the ILO's Bureau for Workers' Activities (ACTRAV), the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU), the Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD...

    New 6-month special programme for trade unionists at the Global Labour University now open for application
  14. News 16 December 2009

    Wanted: A global green New Deal

    Without transformation of the global economic model, we will not be able to solve the world’s most urgent problems, including poverty and climate change, said Pavan Sukhdev, leader of the Green Economy research project within the UN Environment Programme (UNEP).

    Wanted: A global green New Deal
  15. News 15 December 2009

    Copenhagen teachers and students work to create a carbon-neutral school

    As world leaders meet at COP 15 to negotiate a global agreement to avert climate catastrophe, students and teachers in Copenhagen are taking concrete steps towards making their school carbon neutral by 2015 – a full decade before their city aims to achieve carbon-neutrality.

    Copenhagen teachers and students work to create a carbon-neutral school
  16. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 15 December 2009

    Literature concludes that VET sector is subject to privatisation

    Education International has released a review of academic literature on Vocational Education and Training (VET). In recent months, VET has started to feature more prominently in debates on education, as it is considered pivotal in the recovery from the jobs crisis.

    Literature concludes that VET sector is subject to privatisation
  17. Trade union rights are human rights 15 December 2009

    Iran: Farzad Kamangar still at risk of being executed

    Jafar Ebrahimi, the teacher trade unionist that was held in jail simply for trying to organise a union meeting, was freed on bail in December. However, EI remains concerned about the continued detention of Farzad Kamangar, Rasoul Bodaghi and Hashem Khastar. EI addressed a letter to the Supreme Leader Ali...

    Iran: Farzad Kamangar still at risk of being executed
  18. Union growth 14 December 2009

    One Ethiopian colleague still detained

    Thanks to the constant pressure of the international community, many of the detained colleagues from the former ETA (now NTA) have been released. Only one, Meqcha Mengistu, is still held captive in Kality prison in Addis Ababa.

    One Ethiopian colleague still detained