

  1. Trade union rights are human rights 20 September 2009

    Indian union recommends more practical teacher training

    EI affiliate, the All India Primary Teacher’s Federation published a study on the effectiveness of in-service training for primary teachers in two of the country’s states. Research was carried out in Bihar and Tamil Nadu, the third and seventh most populous states in the country.

    Indian union recommends more practical teacher training
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 20 September 2009

    Kenyan union insists on proper jobs for properly trained teachers

    As the school year begins across Kenya, the Kenya National Union of Teachers, KNUT, has successfully initiated legal action to block government plans to hire ‘intern’ teachers, fearing that this new development would create a new sub-class of underpaid teachers, which would further endanger the achievement of quality education.

    Kenyan union insists on proper jobs for properly trained teachers
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 20 September 2009

    Ghana: Teacher Shortages at all Levels as Secondary School Education Shortened

    Advancing quality education is a priority for the Ghana National Association of Teachers, which has been working extensively on the more serious barriers to quality as another academic year begins.

    Ghana: Teacher Shortages at all Levels as Secondary School Education Shortened
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 20 September 2009

    Three questions to Argentinian EFAIDS Coordinator Roxana Rogalski

    Roxana Rogalski of the Argentinian teacher union federation, CTERA, shares her experience of working on the EI EFAIDS Programme in Argentina.

    Three questions to Argentinian EFAIDS Coordinator Roxana Rogalski
  5. Union renewal and development 11 September 2009

    Sierra Leone: EI sends condolences to families of shipwreck victims

    Education International is disturbed to learn that 221 people are missing after a boat capsized off the coast of Sierra Leone, including many children heading off to begin a new school year.

    Sierra Leone: EI sends condolences to families of shipwreck victims
  6. Leading the profession 10 September 2009

    Greater public funding for education is essential for economic recovery

    Public investment in education must be significantly increased to meet growing enrolment demands and to confront the worldwide economic crisis, according to Education International, the global union federation representing 30 million teachers and education workers in 172 countries.

    Greater public funding for education is essential for economic recovery
  7. Union renewal and development 4 September 2009

    Latest edition of Worlds of Education now online

    The latest edition of EI’s flagship magazine focuses on solidarity between teachers worldwide.

    Latest edition of Worlds of Education now online
  8. Union growth 3 September 2009

    EI launches Urgent Action Appeal for the Fijian Teachers' Association

    EI has launched an urgent appeal for action to its member and partner organisations on 3 September to engage their help in appealing against the dismissal of the president of the Fijian Teachers' Association (FTA) Tevita Koroi.

    EI launches Urgent Action Appeal for the Fijian Teachers' Association
  9. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 12 August 2009

    Education now a right for Indian children

    The Indian government has approved a landmark bill which guarantees free and compulsory education to all children aged 6 to 14. The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Bill was unanimously passed in the Rajya Sabha, India’s upper House of Parliament in late July and was successfully voted...

    Education now a right for Indian children
  10. Trade union rights are human rights 12 August 2009

    Zimbabwe: teachers’ salary still below poverty line

    Zimbabwean teacher unions ZIMTA and PTUZ have called the recent salary increase that places teacher salaries at US$155 a month ‘inadequate’ and urged the government to provide a living wage for teachers.

    Zimbabwe: teachers’ salary still below poverty line
  11. Trade union rights are human rights 12 August 2009

    Teacher unions strive to safeguard education amidst the continuing crisis

    Honduran teacher unions have opted to join a general strike in the face of escalating violence in the country. Following the recent killings of two teachers, teacher unions have abandoned their previous compromise plan of teaching three days a week and supporting the national resistance to the unelected regime two...

    Teacher unions strive to safeguard education amidst the continuing crisis
  12. Trade union rights are human rights 12 August 2009

    EFAIDS Programme in West Africa

    Unions across West Africa have had a busy first half of 2009 working on the EFAIDS Programme, and have been particularly active in the area of training and publications.

    EFAIDS Programme in West Africa
  13. Trade union rights are human rights 12 August 2009

    Teach ‘One Hour on AIDS’ on World AIDS Day

    World AIDS Day may be several months away but teacher unions are eager to start preparing their activities. For many students school is a valuable, and sometimes the only source, of accurate information on HIV and AIDS.

    Teach ‘One Hour on AIDS’ on World AIDS Day
  14. Trade union rights are human rights 12 August 2009

    The real cost of cuts in HIV and AIDS spending

    People living with HIV are feeling the effects of the global economic crisis as governments around the world cut spending on treatment. According to Miguel D’EScoto President of the UN General Assembly, “many governments are resigned to reducing programmes and diminished expectations”.

    The real cost of cuts in HIV and AIDS spending
  15. Trade union rights are human rights 12 August 2009

    Interview with Astrid McDonald of Bond van Leraren

    Astrid McDonald of Bond van Leraren (BvL) shares insights into the work of the EI EFAIDS Programme in Suriname.

    Interview with Astrid McDonald of Bond van Leraren
  16. Union renewal and development 10 August 2009

    Sri Lanka: Union concerned about situation of displaced teachers and pupils

    The Ceylon Tamil Teachers’ Union (CTTU) submitted a report to the Sri Lankan minister of education, Hon Susil Prema Jeyanth, expressing its concerns about teachers and pupils currently living in refugee camps in the Vanni region, located in the northern part of the country.

    Sri Lanka: Union concerned about situation of displaced teachers and pupils
  17. Union growth 4 August 2009

    Turkish unionists remain in jail

    Trade unions worldwide continue to protest at the continued harassment, random judicial proceedings and detention of members and leaders of the teacher union Egitim Sen and Confederation of Public Employees’ Trade Unions (KESK).

    Turkish unionists remain in jail