

  1. Union renewal and development 26 March 2009

    Invest in education to mitigate economic crisis, EI leaders say

    Members of EI's Executive Board discussed a wide range of issues, in particular the emerging impact of the global economic crisis on public education around the world. Expressing concern that it will be a deep and lengthy crisis, the Board reaffirmed the importance of significant investment in quality public services...

    Invest in education to mitigate economic crisis, EI leaders say
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 25 March 2009

    Schools must remain safe sanctuaries

    The Executive Board of Education International unanimously adopted a declaration calling on the international community, governments, and all parties to conflicts to recognise and respect the right of all children and adults to a safe education in a peaceful environment, and to respect education institutions as safe sanctuaries.

    Schools must remain safe sanctuaries
  3. Union renewal and development 25 March 2009

    Georgia: Pilot project on collective bargaining launched

    The first EI workshop on negotiations and organising was held in Tbilisi, Georgia, on 12 -13 March 2009, thus paving the way for a new initiative to support its members in the South East European region.

    Georgia: Pilot project on collective bargaining launched
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 24 March 2009

    Condom use central to the AIDS response

    Education International (EI) reaffirms that correct and consistent use of condoms is an integral aspect of an effective HIV prevention strategy.

    Condom use central to the AIDS response
  5. Union renewal and development 24 March 2009

    EI leaders tackle economic crisis, other pressing issues

    Developing strategies to minimise the impact of the global economic crisis on teachers, teacher unions and the education sector worldwide will be one of the top-priority items on the agenda as leaders of Education International meet from 24-26 March in Brussels.

    EI leaders tackle economic crisis, other pressing issues
  6. Equity and inclusion 18 March 2009

    Equality progresses at the UN: Outcomes of the 53rd Session of the Commission on the Status of Women

    The United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) has a long track record of civil society participation in its meetings. The advocacy work of the civil society, including trade unions, played an important role again this year in giving coherence to the work of the commission.

    Equality progresses at the UN: Outcomes of the 53rd Session of the Commission on the Status of Women
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 16 March 2009

    Put People First: Join the pre-G20 demonstration in London on 28 March!

    On 28 March, thousands will march through London as part of a global campaign to challenge the G20, ahead of their 2 April summit on the global financial crisis. Both EI and the International Trade Union Confederation strong urge their member organisations, and in particular those in the G20 countries,...

    Put People First: Join the pre-G20 demonstration in London on 28 March!
  8. Union renewal and development 16 March 2009

    Latest edition of Worlds of Education now available for download

    The 29th edition of EI's flagship magazine "Worlds of Education" focuses on the latest EI documentary produced for the Video for Union Educators (VUE) project: "Beyond Burma: lessons in hope for refugee children". The video offers a glimpse into the lives of dedicated teachers who, with few resources but plenty...

    Latest edition of Worlds of Education now available for download
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 13 March 2009

    Union movement urges intervention over escalating repression in Iran

    The global trade union movement is pressing the International Labour Organization (ILO) for action in response to a growing tide of oppression against trade unionists in Iran.

    Union movement urges intervention over escalating repression in Iran
  10. Union growth 12 March 2009

    The killing of teachers in Colombia should stop, says EI.

    A total of three teachers were targets of assassination last February in Colombia. Two of them were killed, and one barely survived. EI voices its strong protest to the authorities, requesting a better protection of teachers facing threats to their lives.

    The killing of teachers in Colombia should stop, says EI.
  11. Trade union rights are human rights 11 March 2009

    EI condemns school shooting in Germany

    EI has issued a statement condemning the shooting which took place on 11 March in Winnenden, Germany.

    EI condemns school shooting in Germany
  12. Equity and inclusion 11 March 2009

    Indonesia: teacher union joins the ILO to combat child labour

    In a bid to decrease school drop-out rates, the International Labour Organisation and the Indonesian teachers' union, the Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia (PGRI), are organising a joint programme aimed at combating child labour.

    Indonesia: teacher union joins the ILO to combat child labour
  13. Standards and working conditions 10 March 2009

    Korean teacher leader on hunger strike

    The President of the Korean Teachers and Education Workers’ Union KTU (Jeon-Gyo-Jo) has been on hunger strike since 23 February to protest the recent dismissal of a number of KTU members for not cooperating in carrying out standardized tests which the government introduced last autumn. To publicize his hunger strike,...

    Korean teacher leader on hunger strike
  14. Trade union rights are human rights 9 March 2009

    Farzad Kamangar: New risks and uncertainties

    EI has been informed that Farzad Kamangar (who was sentenced to death on February 25, 2008 on “absolutely zero evidence” according to his lawyer) has been retransferred from Rajaiee Shahr prison to the section 204 of Tehran’s Evin prison. EI is worried about this last development as the reason of...

    Farzad Kamangar: New risks and uncertainties
  15. Fighting the commercialisation of education 5 March 2009

    GATS negotiations to resume

    WTO negotiations aimed at liberalizing the international trade in services, including education, are set to begin again after nearly a year-long hiatus.

    GATS negotiations to resume
  16. Fighting the commercialisation of education 5 March 2009

    Economic crisis spurs fear of “WTO monster”

    Concerns are being raised that trade agreements like the WTO could hamper the ability of governments to respond effectively to the growing economic crisis.

    Economic crisis spurs fear of “WTO monster”
  17. Fighting the commercialisation of education 5 March 2009

    Protest grows over “Buy American” plan

    Criticism is growing over the inclusion of a “Buy American” clause in the U.S. stimulus legislation.

    Protest grows over “Buy American” plan