

  1. Trade union rights are human rights 19 May 2008

    Promoting Health Education in Brazil

    The 2nd National Seminar on Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) /AIDS, organised by the Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores em Educação (CNTE) between March 31 – April 2, 2008, provided an opportunity for debate and progress on themes related to the EFAIDS programme.

    Promoting Health Education in Brazil
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 19 May 2008

    Back to School during Global Action Week

    Global Action Week 2008 lived up to its name and proved to be a truly global occasion, with coalitions of teachers’ unions issuing a simultaneous call in support of education rights everywhere for everyone. The World’s Biggest Lesson was a record-breaking event and brought the theme to a large global...

    Back to School during Global Action Week
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 19 May 2008

    World AIDS Day 2007: Activity Report

    World AIDS Day, 1st December, is an important date in the EFAIDS Calendar and in 2007 many unions took the opportunity to scale-up their HIV and AIDS education around the occasion. Affiliates accounts of activities and images of events have been compiled into a concise report available to download through...

    World AIDS Day 2007: Activity Report
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 19 May 2008

    Second ILO SHARE report

    The International Labour Organisation launched its second SHARE (Strategic HIV/AIDS Responses in Enterprises) report in April 2008. EntitledSaving Lives, Protecting Jobs , it reports on workplace interventions and profiles success stories from over 650 workplaces worldwide.

    Second ILO SHARE report
  5. Equity and inclusion 16 May 2008

    May 17: International day against homophobia

    2008 marks the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Last year, the 5th Congress of Education International reiterated its commitment to promote for all people and in all nations, peace, democracy, social justice and equality.

    May 17: International day against homophobia
  6. Union growth 16 May 2008

    International labour leaders call for action from the G8

    Trade union leaders from the G8 countries and global labour organizations called for action from the G8 on the worsening jobs situation and the global food crisis at a meeting in Tokyo with the Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda on 13 May as part of the preparations for the G8...

    International labour leaders call for action from the G8
  7. Union growth 16 May 2008

    Zimbabwe: Another trade unionist arrested

    EI strongly protests the arrest of Raymond Majongwe, the General Secretary of the Progressive Teachers’ Union of Zimbabwe (PTUZ). Majongwe was picked up by the police on May 15 at the High Court of Zimbabwe where he was attending a hearing in which leaders of the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade...

    Zimbabwe: Another trade unionist arrested
  8. Union renewal and development 13 May 2008

    Children severely affected by China’s earthquake

    Education International expresses its deep sympathy with the victims of the massive earthquake that struck China on Monday at 14:28 local time with a magnitude of 7.9.

    Children severely affected by China’s earthquake
  9. Union growth 9 May 2008

    Zimbabwe: Violence hits teachers

    Violence continues in Zimbabwe following the drawn out election process and affects particularly trade unionists and teachers. The EI affiliate ZIMTA witnessed "many teachers in rural areas being killed, maimed, wantonly tortured and abused".

    Zimbabwe: Violence hits teachers
  10. Union renewal and development 9 May 2008

    Burma: EI calls on the military junta to allow international aid to be delivered by relief agencies

    Education International is deeply concerned by the current situation in Burma caused by the cyclone Nargis and consequent flooding. EI deplores the reluctance of the Burmese authorities to facilitate the delivery of aid so urgently needed by the people of the regions most severely hit.

    Burma: EI calls on the military junta to allow international aid to be delivered by relief agencies
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 30 April 2008

    European Campaign for Higher Education Staff and Student Mobility in full gear

    The joint campaign of EI and the European Students' Union (ESU) for Staff and Student Mobility in Europe is in full gear. Entitled "Let's Go", the campaign is supported by the European Union's Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) and aims to achieve full freedom of movement for higher education staff and...

    European Campaign for Higher Education Staff and Student Mobility in full gear
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 April 2008

    The Global Campaign for Education breaks World Record for the Biggest Lesson ever

    More than 7.5 million children, adults, teachers and campaigners in more than 100 countries took part in the Global Campaign for Education’s “World’s Biggest Lesson” about the importance of everyone having the chance for a quality education. The world record for the largest simultaneous lesson in history has been broken...

    The Global Campaign for Education breaks World Record for the Biggest Lesson ever
  13. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 24 April 2008

    Millions participate in Global Action Week

    Midway through Global Action Week 2008, events and celebrations are continuing apace.

    Millions participate in Global Action Week
  14. Trade union rights are human rights 24 April 2008

    Unions Putting Pen to Paper for HIV/AIDS

    During the upcoming International Commemoration Day for Dead and Injured Workers on 28th April, the Global Unions AIDS Programme calls for trade unions worldwide to lobby the G8 countries for sustained action on HIV/AIDS.

    Unions Putting Pen to Paper for HIV/AIDS
  15. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 23 April 2008

    Teachers give the World’s Biggest Lesson ever!

    As part of Global Action Week, today teachers all around the world are cooperating in an effort to set a world record for the biggest lesson ever taught.

    Teachers give the World’s Biggest Lesson ever!
  16. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 20 April 2008

    Global Action Week 2008 has arrived!

    Teachers' trade unions around the world are coordinating and participating in a huge variety of actions to show their support for quality Education For All.

    Global Action Week 2008 has arrived!