

  1. Standards and working conditions 16 March 2007

    Iran: EI Condemns Arrest Of Over 300 Teachers

    EI wrote to the President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, on 16 March condemning the harsh repression and arrest of hundreds of teachers who were protesting on 14 March for better pay and working conditions.

    Iran: EI Condemns Arrest Of Over 300 Teachers
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 15 March 2007

    Global Action Week 23-29 April, 2007

    Global Action Week, April 23-29, is a key date in the calendar of those working towards the achievement of quality Education for All.

    Global Action Week 23-29 April, 2007
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 15 March 2007

    African Teachers’ Unions Review EFAIDS Programme

    EI representatives visited teachers’ unions in Eastern and Southern Africa at the end of February to review the EFAIDS activities undertaken in 2006 and to plan for EFAIDS activities in 2007.

    African Teachers’ Unions Review EFAIDS Programme
  4. Standards and working conditions 15 March 2007

    Iran: Extensive Arrest of Teachers During Protest on 14 March

    According to EI contacts in Iran, over 50 teachers were reportedly arrested on 14 March during their demonstration in Tehran for better pay and working conditions through the enactment of the Pay Parity Bill.

    Iran: Extensive Arrest of Teachers During Protest on 14 March
  5. Trade union rights are human rights 15 March 2007

    BUT/Barbados heralds progress on HIV and AIDS in the workplace

    The BUT/Barbados has reacted positively to the Government of Barbados’ announcement on plans to introduce anti-discrimination legislation this year for people living with HIV/AIDS. If properly implemented, the new laws would signify a considerable step forward for the movement to ensure greater protection for HIV positive teachers and workers in...

    BUT/Barbados heralds progress on HIV and AIDS in the workplace
  6. Trade union rights are human rights 15 March 2007

    EFAIDS Brochure: now available in three languages

    The EFAIDS Brochure outlines the response by teachers and teachers’ unions to Education for All and HIV and AIDS. It is now available in all of EI’s official languages – English, French and Spanish.

    EFAIDS Brochure: now available in three languages
  7. Equity and inclusion 15 March 2007

    EI reinforces partnerships to combat child labour

    Last month Human Rights Watch and Anti-Slavery convened a meeting in London between trade union and non governmental organizations to discuss the issue of child domestic workers.

    EI reinforces partnerships to combat child labour
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 15 March 2007

    International Mother Language Day promotes bilingual classrooms

    On February 21 International Mother Language Day marked an opportunity to celebrate linguistic diversity and to promote multilingual education worldwide.

    International Mother Language Day promotes bilingual classrooms
  9. Standards and working conditions 14 March 2007

    Iran: Authorities do not understand the word 'discussion'

    "We do not understand the word 'discussion'. Your pressures have no effect on our decision-making. Whether you are present or absent, it makes no difference in our minds." This was a statement proudly pronounced by Koohkan, one of the two members of the Iranian Parliament who met with the teacher...

    Iran: Authorities do not understand the word 'discussion'
  10. Trade union rights are human rights 13 March 2007

    Zimbabwe: EI condemns the beating of opposition leaders

    EI was shocked by the use of force at a church-led prayer rally in Harare last Sunday which resulted in one death and many casualties, including women and children.

    Zimbabwe: EI condemns the beating of opposition leaders
  11. Standards and working conditions 13 March 2007

    Slovenia: EI expresses support for Slovenian teachers

    EI has sent a letter to the Prime Minister of Slovenia, Janez Jansa, in support of its affiliate ESTUS and the teachers who will demonstrate on 15 March to defend a sound public education system.

    Slovenia: EI expresses support for Slovenian teachers
  12. Standards and working conditions 13 March 2007

    Iran: Social Dialogue Opened

    The Teacher Trade Association of Iran (Kanooneh Senfiyeh Moallemaneh Iran, TTAI) and the Teacher Organisation of Iran (Sazmaneh Moallemaneh Iran) announced that they will not be holding any protest action on 13 March when members of parliament meet with the representatives of the teacher unions officially.

    Iran: Social Dialogue Opened