

  1. Equity and inclusion 9 March 2007

    EI Europe launches its electronic Pan-European Women’s Network

    On International Women’s Day, 8 March, Equality Officers from 138 EI member organisations in 44 European countries received an invitation to take part in EI's electronic Pan-European Women’s Network (PEWN).

    EI Europe launches its electronic Pan-European Women’s Network
  2. Union renewal and development 9 March 2007

    Visit to Tsunami-hit areas a “life-changing experience”

    "I could never have anticipated what I experienced whilst I was in Banda Aceh", said Martin Jones, 17, from the UK as he returned from the EI Tsunami Student Tour to Banda Aceh.

    Visit to Tsunami-hit areas a “life-changing experience”
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 9 March 2007

    Turkey: Egitim-Sen offices attacked

    Arsonists have attacked and destroyed the offices of the Sakarya branch of EI member organisation Egitim-Sen. Fortunately no one was hurt in the incident.

    Turkey: Egitim-Sen offices attacked
  4. Equity and inclusion 8 March 2007

    On International Women’s Day, EI Latin America launches the Gender Equity Project

    On International Women’s Day and within the framework of the 6th EI Latin American Regional Conference, 32 education sector unions from 18 countries in the region are launching the “Equity with Gender Perspective” project.

    On International Women’s Day, EI Latin America launches the Gender Equity Project
  5. Standards and working conditions 8 March 2007

    Fiji: COPE condemns teachers’ pay cuts

    The Council of Pacific Education (COPE), an EI affiliated umbrella body of teacher organisations in the Pacific, condemns the pay cut and lowering of retirement age for teachers proposed by the Fijian government.

    Fiji: COPE condemns teachers’ pay cuts
  6. Union renewal and development 8 March 2007

    Hugo Yasky elected president of EI Latin American Regional Committee

    Hugo Yasky, General Secretary of Argentinean affiliate CTERA, was elected President of the Regional Committee of Education International for Latin America on March 4th, at the EI Latin America regional Conference.

    Hugo Yasky elected president of EI Latin American Regional Committee
  7. Equity and inclusion 5 March 2007

    The Fight for Gender Equality Must Continue, says EI on the occasion of International Women's Day

    On the occasion of International Women's Day, Education International reminds its member organisations that the fight for gender equality must continue, especially when there is still a huge gap in pay parity and working conditions between men and women in many parts of the world.

    The Fight for Gender Equality Must Continue, says EI on the occasion of International Women's Day
  8. Standards and working conditions 2 March 2007

    Statement of Protest by Teachers and Members of the Co-ordinated Council of Cultural Workers Associations

    Below is the statement, in its entirety, issued by the Teachers and Members of the Co-ordinated Council of Cultural Workers Associations of Iran at the end of their protest action on 4 Feb 2007 in front of the Parliament Building in Tehran. The views expressed in the statement do not...

    Statement of Protest by Teachers and Members of the Co-ordinated Council of Cultural Workers Associations
  9. Fighting the commercialisation of education 28 February 2007

    Doha Talks re-launched

    After being put on hold for nearly six months, controversial talks aimed at creating new trade rules for the global economy have been formally re-launched.

    Doha Talks re-launched
  10. Fighting the commercialisation of education 28 February 2007

    Differences persist on domestic regulation

    Before the suspension of GATS talks, members were divided over proposals aimed at developing new restrictions on domestic regulation. This refers to measures adopted with respect to qualification requirements and procedures, licensing procedures and requirements, and technical standards. Some countries were pressing to include a “necessity test” in the new...

    Differences persist on domestic regulation
  11. Fighting the commercialisation of education 28 February 2007

    Vietnam joins WTO

    Vietnam became the 150th member of the WTO on January 11, after ratifying its membership agreement.

    Vietnam joins WTO
  12. Fighting the commercialisation of education 28 February 2007

    ASEAN countries sign services deal with China

    The ten member nations of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) ended their annual summit on 15 January by unveiling a new free trade agreement in services with China.

    ASEAN countries sign services deal with China
  13. Fighting the commercialisation of education 28 February 2007

    U.S has failed to comply in gambling case: WTO panel

    A WTO panel has found that the United States has failed to comply with a controversial ruling against American restrictions on Internet gambling.

    U.S has failed to comply in gambling case: WTO panel
  14. Fighting the commercialisation of education 28 February 2007

    EU pushes bilateral trade agreements

    The European Union wants to negotiate free trade agreements with India, Korea, and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), an EU official announced in January.

    EU pushes bilateral trade agreements
  15. Fighting the commercialisation of education 28 February 2007

    Indian students collect five million signatures

    Five million signatures collected by the Students' Federation of India (SFI) from across the country demanding the protection of public education were submitted to Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh on January 22, 2007.

    Indian students collect five million signatures
  16. Equity and inclusion 23 February 2007

    EI-PSI-ITUC Joint Statement on the 51st Session of the UN Comission on the Status of Women, New York, March 2007

    Over 50 million women from 160 countries belong to trade unions, making the union movement the single largest voice of working women. Unions have a global reach, members working in all types of jobs, from professionals to low-skilled workers and in the informal economy.

    EI-PSI-ITUC Joint Statement on the 51st Session of the UN Comission on the Status of Women, New York, March 2007