

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 10 January 2007

    Greece: Pan-Hellenic strike on 10 Jan against privatisation of higher education

    EI affiliates Didaskalikeh Omospondia Elladas (DOE) - the Greek Primary Teachers' Federation and the Omospondÿa Leitourgÿn Mÿsehÿ Ekpaÿdeysehÿ (OLME) - the Federation of Secondary School Teachers of Greece, will be participating in a "pan-Hellenic strike" against the privatisation of higher education in the country.

    Greece: Pan-Hellenic strike on 10 Jan against privatisation of higher education
  2. Union growth 9 January 2007

    Ethiopia: Amnesty International adopts detained ETA officials as prisoners of conscience

    Education International is happy to have the support of Amnesty International in its appeal for the release of ETA officials. An urgent action appeal was launched on 4 Jan for the release of Tilahun Ayalew, Anteneh Getnet and Meqcha Mengistu, who are prominent members of EI's affiliate, the Ethiopian Teacher...

    Ethiopia: Amnesty International adopts detained ETA officials as prisoners of conscience
  3. Union renewal and development 9 January 2007

    Inaugural Meeting of the Council of Global Unions in Brussels

    The inaugural meeting of the new Council of Global Unions (CGU) is taking place today in Brussels, Belgium. The creation of the CGU marks a new milestone in the organisation and functioning of the international trade union movement.

    Inaugural Meeting of the Council of Global Unions in Brussels
  4. Union growth 5 January 2007

    Pakistan: Sindh High Court ruled that the ban on teacher unions is illegal

    On 12 Dec 2006, the High Court of the Sindh province in Pakistan ruled in favour of the Sindh Primary Teachers' Association in a case against the provincial government's ban on all activities carried out by teacher unions. The Court declared the government's ban "unlawful and of no legal effect".

    Pakistan: Sindh High Court ruled that the ban on teacher unions is illegal
  5. Union growth 4 January 2007

    EI launches Urgent Action Appeal for Ethiopia

    An urgent action appeal is launched on 4 January by EI, which calls on all member organisations and partners to support the elected union officers of the Ethiopian Teachers’ Association (ETA).

    EI launches Urgent Action Appeal for Ethiopia
  6. Union growth 21 December 2006

    Ethiopia: EI fears for the safety of two activist teachers

    Education International has been alerted by its affiliate, the Ethiopian Teachers’ Association (ETA) that two colleagues, Tilahun Ayalew and Meqcha Mengistu, are missing.

    Ethiopia: EI fears for the safety of two activist teachers
  7. News 21 December 2006

    UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity will enter into force on 18 March 2007

    Education International salutes the ratification of the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, adopted by UNESCO’s General Conference in October 2005, which will enter into force on 18 March 2007.

    UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity will enter into force on 18 March 2007
  8. Fighting the commercialisation of education 21 December 2006

    Download this year’s last issue of TradEducation News and EI’s GATS Information Kit today!

    In 2007, subscribers to EI’s electronic newsletter on trade and education and GATS will receive a brand new, revamped edition of TradEducation News. Meanwhile, the last issue of this year’s newsletter is now available for download.

    Download this year’s last issue of TradEducation News and EI’s GATS Information Kit today!
  9. Standards and working conditions 19 December 2006

    France: teachers strike against the decree on "the service obligations of secondary school teachers"

    Half of all secondary school teachers in France responded to the call of their unions to participate in a one-day strike on 18 December. The teachers are protesting against the "decree on the service obligations of secondary school teachers" proposed by Education Minister Gilles de Robien.

    France: teachers strike against the decree on "the service obligations of secondary school teachers"
  10. News 14 December 2006

    New international convention adopted

    On 13 December 2006 the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the 21st Century’s first legally-binding instrument on human rights.

    New international convention adopted
  11. Union renewal and development 14 December 2006

    EI Pan-European Conference/ETUCE General Assembly: Teachers in Europe - mobility and qualifications, recruitment, retention and remuneration

    “Teachers in Europe: mobility and qualifications, recruitment, retention and remuneration” was the theme of the first joint EI Pan-European Conference/ETUCE General Assembly.

    EI Pan-European Conference/ETUCE General Assembly: Teachers in Europe - mobility and qualifications, recruitment, retention and remuneration
  12. Union renewal and development 12 December 2006

    Take part in the EI Triennial Surveys today!

    The 5th World Congress of Education International will be held in Berlin, Germany, 20-26 July 2007 beginning with Pre-Congress Meetings on Higher Education, Women, LGBT and the Indigenous People’s Forum.

    Take part in the EI Triennial Surveys today!
  13. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 12 December 2006

    Resolution of the International Moscow Scientific and Practical Conference on “Trade Unions and the Bologna Process” from 29-30 November 2006

    Below is the English text of the resolution passed by the International Moscow Scientific and Practical Conference on “Trade Unions and the Bologna Process” which met from 29-30 November 2006. Organised by the the Education and Science Employee's Union of Russia (ESEUR) of Russia and the Syndicat des Travailleurs de...

    Resolution of the International Moscow Scientific and Practical Conference on “Trade Unions and the Bologna Process” from 29-30 November 2006
  14. News 11 December 2006

    Disability Equality Duty: helping to secure equality for disabled staff in the UK

    Groundbreaking new legal duties recently introduced in the UK could greatly improve the prospects of disabled people working or hoping to work in colleges and universities, says EI affiliate the University and College Union (UCU).

    Disability Equality Duty: helping to secure equality for disabled staff in the UK
  15. Union growth 7 December 2006

    EI strongly condemns the unlawful military takeover in Fiji

    Education International strongly condemns the unlawful military takeover in Fiji. "This unconstitutional move precludes the hopes for democracy and again throws the country into social turmoil," said the General Secretary of Education International, Fred van Leeuwen.

    EI strongly condemns the unlawful military takeover in Fiji
  16. Union growth 5 December 2006

    Kenya: Education minister thanks UASU for calling off strike

    A six-week strike by university lecturers has been called off by their union, EI affiliate the University Academic staff Union (UASU), to pave way for negotiations.

    Kenya: Education minister thanks UASU for calling off strike
  17. Union renewal and development 5 December 2006

    EI Mourns the Death of Tom Mooney, AFT Vice President

    Tom Mooney, vice president of EI affiliate the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and president of the Ohio Federation of Teachers died of an apparent heart attack Sunday at his apartment in Columbus. He was 52.

    EI Mourns the Death of Tom Mooney, AFT Vice President