

  1. Union renewal and development 10 November 2006

    EI hosts Development Cooperation meeting

    The Annual Development Cooperation meeting took place in Brussels, Belgium, on 9 and 10 November.

    EI hosts Development Cooperation meeting
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 8 November 2006

    Bostwana: unfair dismissal of trade union leader is reversed

    The president of the Botswana Teachers’ Union has been reinstated in his teaching post, after EI and BTU members protested his unfair dismissal.

    Bostwana: unfair dismissal of trade union leader is reversed
  3. Union renewal and development 3 November 2006

    Education International welcomes ITUC

    Education International welcomes the creation of the new global trade union centre, the ITUC (International Trade Union Confederation). The unification of the ICFTU and WCL with eight trade union centres previously affiliated to neither is a historic step by unions to meet future challenges.

    Education International welcomes ITUC
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 2 November 2006

    "Stop harassment of trade unions," EI tells the Zimbabwe goverment

    EI issued a message to the Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe on 13 October, urging his government to stop harassing trade union leaders and members. EI was refering to the police intervention of World Teachers' Day celebration on 6 October by the Progressive Teachers' Union of Zimbabwe (PTUZ).

    "Stop harassment of trade unions," EI tells the Zimbabwe goverment
  5. Union renewal and development 1 November 2006

    Speech by Fred van Leeuwen, EI General Secretary and Chair of the Conference of the Global Union Federations at the founding congress of the ITUC in Vienna, Austria

    Below is the speech made by EI General Secretary and Chair of the Conference of the Global Union Federations at the founding congress of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) currently being held in Vienna, Austria.

    Speech by Fred van Leeuwen, EI General Secretary and Chair of the Conference of the Global Union Federations at the founding congress of the ITUC in Vienna, Austria
  6. Union renewal and development 31 October 2006

    Meeting of the EI Pan-European Committee and ETUCE Executive Board

    The EI Pan-European Committee and the ETUCE Executive Board are meeting in Brussels, Belgium from 30-31 October. An item featured high on the list of the agenda of this meeting is the forthcoming EI Pan-European Conference to be held in Luxemburg from 4-6 December.

    Meeting of the EI Pan-European Committee and ETUCE Executive Board
  7. Union renewal and development 31 October 2006

    Speech by Fred van Leeuwen, EI General Secretary and Chair of the Conference of the Global Union Federations at the 19th ICFTU Congress in Vienna, Austria

    Below is the speech made by EI General Secretary and Chair of the Conference of the Global Union Federations at the 19th Congress of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) which is currently being held in Vienna, Austria.

    Speech by Fred van Leeuwen, EI General Secretary and Chair of the Conference of the Global Union Federations at the 19th ICFTU Congress in Vienna, Austria
  8. Union renewal and development 31 October 2006

    A new trade union international will be born on 1 November!

    Following the dissolution of the World Confederation of Labour (WCL) and the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) on 31 October, a new trade union international, the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) will be born on 1 November in Vienna, Austria!

    A new trade union international will be born on 1 November!
  9. Union renewal and development 31 October 2006

    The EI Executive Board met in Brussels from 25-27 October

    The EI Executive Board met in Brussels, Belgium, from 25-27 October and several decisions regarding the various working areas and policies of the organisation as well as the forthcoming 2007 World Congress were made.

    The EI Executive Board met in Brussels from 25-27 October
  10. Standards and working conditions 31 October 2006

    EI lends support to teachers' struggle in Honduras

    EI is glad that the struggles of teachers in Honduras since August are finally producing positive results. In the recent negotiations with the government, the teachers have managed to obtain the latter's agreement to implement most of the 17 points listed in the Statute on Teaching Personnel.

    EI lends support to teachers' struggle in Honduras
  11. Fighting the commercialisation of education 31 October 2006

    Issue no.11 of TradEducation News now available for download

    In this issue, EI explains how the continuing deadlock of the Doha Round of WTO talks is prompting the shift in focus to bilateral and regional agreements, and warns of the potential impact this might have on education services.

    Issue no.11 of TradEducation News now available for download
  12. Standards and working conditions 30 October 2006

    Germany: Nationwide demonstration for more social justice

    On 21 October, 220,000 people participated in a nation-wide demonstration in Germany for more social justice. About 80,000 people gathered at the Brandenburg Gates in Berlin and 20,000 at the Römerberg in Frankfurt am Main to protest against the socially-divisive "Reform politics" of the federal government led by Chancellor Angela...

    Germany: Nationwide demonstration for more social justice
  13. Trade union rights are human rights 30 October 2006

    Korea: Teachers join national support network for youths in danger

    EI member organisation, the Korean Federation of Teachers' Association (KFTA) signed an agreement on 20 September to join the national support network for youths in danger.

    Korea: Teachers join national support network for youths in danger
  14. News 27 October 2006

    EI Korean and Japanese member organisations held seminar on peace education with Chinese trade union federation

    For the fifth year in a row, EI member organisations the Korean Federation of Teachers' Associations (KFTA) and the Japanese Teacher Union (NIKKYOSO), jointly held a three-day seminar on peace education together with the All China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU) on 8 October.

    EI Korean and Japanese member organisations held seminar on peace education with Chinese trade union federation
  15. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 17 October 2006

    International Day for the Eradication of Poverty - 17 October

    The promotion of peace, democracy, social justice and equality for all peoples and in all nations is at the core of Education International's mandate. The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, celebrated on 17 October, is thus a good opportunity for EI and its member organisations to highlight the...

    International Day for the Eradication of Poverty - 17 October
  16. Standards and working conditions 16 October 2006

    Nationwide strike in Portugal from 17-18 Oct to defend the teaching profession

    A two-day strike will be held from 17-18 October by education workers from all over Portugal to protest against the lack of negotiation in the forthcoming reform of teachers' career and working conditions.

    Nationwide strike in Portugal from 17-18 Oct to defend the teaching profession
  17. Standards and working conditions 16 October 2006

    Greek primary school teachers' strike enters its fifth week

    Members of EI affiliate the Didaskalikeh Omospondia Elladas (DOE) - the Greek Primary Teachers' Federation initiated a strike action on 18 September this year after several demonstrations in the capital Athens. Pre-primary and primary school teachers in the country are demanding an increase of their minimum wage from 950 to...

    Greek primary school teachers' strike enters its fifth week