

  1. Union renewal and development 4 June 2010

    Be prepared for EI’s sixth World Congress!

    Education International’s sixth World Congress will take place from 22–26 July, 2011, in Cape Town, South Africa. The Executive Board of EI has agreed that the main theme will be ‘Building the Future through Quality Education’.

    Be prepared for EI’s sixth World Congress!
  2. Equity and inclusion 4 June 2010

    Spain: Education for equality

    The Spanish union FETE-UGT has launched an awareness campaign on gender equality. Developed on the back of an agreement with the Ministry for Equality, it aims to open up new spaces for dialogue and debate on gender equality issues, while providing teachers with specific tools to address the issues across...

    Spain: Education for equality
  3. Equity and inclusion 4 June 2010

    World Day Against Child Labour: Join the fight

    A new EI publication called Go for the Goal: End Child Labour is being launched on 12 June to mark the World Day Against Child Labour.

    World Day Against Child Labour: Join the fight
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 4 June 2010

    Iran and Women’s Rights

    Iranian teachers are speaking out against human and trade union rights violations that result in them being imprisoned and killed for peaceful activism. Four teachers are reported to have been jailed in recent months, while 35-year-old teacher, Farzad Kamangar, is reported to have been executed in secret despite the legal...

    Iran and Women’s Rights
  5. Union renewal and development 4 June 2010

    Talented youngsters discover the world of robotics

    Technology is everywhere, including the classroom, so we publish articles on software and computers, we test netbooks and smartphones, but in this issue we report on an initiative being supported by EI’s Swiss member organisationDachverband Schweizer Lehrerinnen und Lehrer(LCH). In partnership with the Canton of Aargau, which manages a grants...

    Talented youngsters discover the world of robotics
  6. Trade union rights are human rights 4 June 2010

    Francophone conference on HIV/AIDS in Casablanca

    More than one thousand participants from 40 different countries attended the fifth Francophone Conference on HIV/AIDS which took place in Casablanca, Morocco, from 28-31 March.

    Francophone conference on HIV/AIDS in Casablanca
  7. Union renewal and development 4 June 2010

    Mary Hatwood Futrell Scholarships: Fund helps disadvantaged students to achieve their dreams

    Nearly twenty postgraduate students have benefited from the Mary Hatwood Futrell Scholarship Fund since its inception in 2005. The fund is sponsored by Education International in honour of Mary Hatwood Futrell who was the founding President (1993-2004).

    Mary Hatwood Futrell Scholarships: Fund helps disadvantaged students to achieve their dreams
  8. Union renewal and development 3 June 2010

    Hands up for education! : EI strategy for post crisis recovery

    Since the financial crisis broke out in 2008, EI has been promoting education and training as a strategy for economic growth through our campaign Hands Up for Education. We work together with our members, other Global Unions and civil society organisations to bring our position to world leaders. Slowly, governments...

    Hands up for education! : EI strategy for post crisis recovery
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 3 June 2010

    Teachers murdered in Colombia: Twenty years of impunity

    Some men wearing masks came into the classroom and shot him, right in the middle of our lesson. They didn’t give him a chance to say anything. One of the masked men lifted our teacher’s dead body by the back of his shirt and spoke to us: ‘This man had...

    Teachers murdered in Colombia: Twenty years of impunity
  10. Union renewal and development 3 June 2010

    Quality Educators Project: Teachers improve skills through development co-operation

    The ‘Quality Educators For All’ project has been developed by EI in partnership with Oxfam Netherlands Novib. Commonly referred to as the ‘Quality-Ed Project’, its purpose is to help public authorities meet their responsibility of providing good quality public education.

    Quality Educators Project: Teachers improve skills through development co-operation
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 3 June 2010

    UNESCO Global Monitoring Report 2010: Too many children still out of school

    Education International has responded to the Education For All Global Monitoring Report (GMR) 2010. The report is an annual publication that monitors progress towards achievement of the six Education For All (EFA) goals that were agreed in Dakar in 2000. It is produced by an independent team working under for...

    UNESCO Global Monitoring Report 2010: Too many children still out of school
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 3 June 2010

    Interview with Ulrika Peppler Barry: At the Crossroads of Destiny

    Ulrika Peppler Barry is the team manager in charge of the Education For All Global Monitoring Report at UNESCO, and the Deputy Executive Secretary of UNESCO’s Education For All Forum. The French teacher union SNUipp-FSU met with Ulrika in Paris to reflect on the opportunities and challenges involved in achieving...

    Interview with Ulrika Peppler Barry: At the Crossroads of Destiny
  13. Union renewal and development 3 June 2010

    No more lip service to global justice

    Many teachers and students all over the world will be feverishly watching matches and cheering for their favourite teams during the Football World Cup. The game embodies many values that educators promote, such as fair play and respect for other cultures. The World Cup will also be a time when...

    No more lip service to global justice
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 3 June 2010

    Global Action Week Round Up: Don’t lose sight of the goal!

    Thousands of teachers, students and activists turned out to mark Global Action Week (GAW) between 19-25 April in order to demand action for the 72 million children who still miss out on getting an education.

    Global Action Week Round Up: Don’t lose sight of the goal!
  15. Leading the profession 19 May 2010

    Unions worldwide call for the implementation of a global Financial Transaction Tax

    Ahead of the informal meeting of the vice Finance Ministers and deputy Central Bankers of the Group of 20 nations convening today in Berlin, trade unionists and other activists around the world launched the "Make Finance Pay Week" on Monday calling for the implementation of a global tax on financial...

    Unions worldwide call for the implementation of a global Financial Transaction Tax