

  1. Standards and working conditions 22 December 2009

    5 October 2009 Build the Future: Invest in Teachers Now!

    This was the resounding message from teachers around the world as they lobbied and marched and celebrated World Teachers’ Day, despite the global economic crisis threatening education and other key public services.

    5 October 2009 Build the Future: Invest in Teachers Now!
  2. 22 December 2009

    Teachers teach ... and tweet

    Those who visited the World Teachers’ Day site this year will have noticed that for the first time we integrated a Twitter board on its front page.

    Teachers teach ... and tweet
  3. Leading the profession 3 November 2009

    IMF Head : "The crisis is not over"

    EI joined ITUC and Italian trade unions meeting IMF Head Dominique Strauss-Kahn in Rome. Strauss-Kahn stressed "the crisis is not over", recognized the issue of IMF conditionalities, and announced a new IMF study on how to tax international financial transactions.

    IMF Head : "The crisis is not over"
  4. Leading the profession 5 October 2009

    World Teachers’ Day: "Build the future: Invest in teachers now!"

    In the face of the global economic crisis, it is vitally important that governments invest significantly in public education, making it a cornerstone of economic recovery plans. Education International, the global union federation representing 30 million teachers around the world, is appealing to the international community to take urgent action...

    World Teachers’ Day: "Build the future: Invest in teachers now!"
  5. Leading the profession 1 October 2009

    EI: “We must redouble our efforts”

    EI welcomed the commitments made in Pittsburgh last week to put “quality jobs at the heart of the recovery” and “to strengthen support for the most vulnerable”.

    EI: “We must redouble our efforts”
  6. Leading the profession 1 October 2009

    Keynote address by Fred van Leeuwen, EI General Secretary, at the 6th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference held in Bangkok from 28-30 September 2009

    Below is the keynote address by Fred van Leeuwen, EI General Secretary, at the 6th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference held in Bangkok from 28-30 September 2009. The title of the conference is "Asia-Pacific Teacher Organisations’ Response to the Global Crises".

    Keynote address by Fred van Leeuwen, EI General Secretary, at the 6th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference held in Bangkok from 28-30 September 2009
  7. Leading the profession 28 September 2009

    G20 : They were singing our song

    G20 Leaders responded to labour and civil society. They were “singing our song”. Now comes the hard part – getting governments to follow through

    G20 : They were singing our song
  8. Leading the profession 22 September 2009

    G20 Pittsburgh – the recovery summit?

    Will the G20 Leaders meeting in Pittsburgh this week agree on the coordinated action need for global recovery? Some positive signs from leaked letters and public statements. But will these signs be translated into real action?

    G20 Pittsburgh – the recovery summit?
  9. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 2 September 2009

    What the IMF and Central Bankers knew, but didn’t tell us

    One of the principal announcements coming out of the G20 Summit in London last April was the launch of the Financial Stability Board, which is meant to ensure global financial stability and especially to set up measures which would prevent another crisis in the future. It will bring together major...

    What the IMF and Central Bankers knew, but didn’t tell us
  10. Leading the profession 2 September 2009

    Opening Address by Fred van Leeuwen, EI General Secretary, at the High Level Seminar on the impact of the economic crisis on education in central and eastern Europe in Warsaw, 2-4 September 2009

    Below is the opening address by EI General Secretary, Fred van Leeuwen, at the High Level Seminar on the impact of the economic crisis on education in central and eastern Europe in Warsaw from 2-4 September 2009.

    Opening Address by Fred van Leeuwen, EI General Secretary, at the High Level Seminar on the impact of the economic crisis on education in central and eastern Europe in Warsaw, 2-4 September 2009
  11. Standards and working conditions 2 September 2009

    Working and learning conditions in decline

    Teachers’ working conditions around the world have deteriorated in recent years, mainly due to deep education funding cutbacks and increasing workload pressures, and the economic crisis is only likely to worsen the situation.

    Working and learning conditions in decline
  12. Standards and working conditions 2 September 2009

    Strong school leadership key to quality education

    To build towards achievement of quality education there must be greater recognition of the important role played by principals and other school leaders. This was one of the key conclusions of an EI school leadership seminar called “Quality leadership for quality education” held in Helsinki in May. Hosted by the...

    Strong school leadership key to quality education
  13. Trade union rights are human rights 1 September 2009

    Worldwide solidarity with Iranian workers

    As thousands of Iranian citizens took to the streets of Tehran and other cities to demand fairness in their national election process, workers around the world expressed their support for social justice in Iran. On 26 June, EI and its affiliates joined trade unionists and activists in many countries to...

    Worldwide solidarity with Iranian workers