

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 1 September 2009

    Reintegrating prisoners through education

    Sophie Dupont, a business education teacher, parks her modest car outside an imposing building. At the entrance gate, she shows her ID card. Smiling, she greets the guard, who then hands her a beeper. She has to wait until one gate is fully closed before the next one opens. Only...

    Reintegrating prisoners through education
  2. Union growth 1 September 2009

    Teaching abolition

    “Open a school, and you will close a prison.” – Victor Hugo

    Teaching abolition
  3. 1 September 2009

    EI helps bridge digital divide in Morocco

    We’ve been writing quite a lot about open source alternatives to popular but costly software in this column. Recently, a marvellous opportunity arose for us to put some of our recommendations into practice.

    EI helps bridge digital divide in Morocco
  4. Union renewal and development 1 September 2009

    Teachers and children survive tsunami trauma with help from EI

    Irianti Syabaruddin, a teacher and mother of three, was at the supermarket on that fateful Sunday morning when the earthquake hit. The floor lurched under her feet and groceries began crashing down off the shelves. Then all she could think of was getting home to her family as quickly as...

    Teachers and children survive tsunami trauma with help from EI
  5. Union renewal and development 1 September 2009

    EI helps rebuild education after tsunami’s devastation

    Banda Aceh, Indonesia – Girls in exquisite golden headdresses and traditional costumes of green and black brocade tossed pink flower blossoms as they danced to welcome visitors to the closing ceremony of Education International’s post-tsunami project in Aceh, the region of northern Sumatra most devastated by the cataclysmic tsunami of...

    EI helps rebuild education after tsunami’s devastation
  6. Leading the profession 25 August 2009

    Sustainable global recovery?

    Central bankers express cautious optimism about recovery. So does the IMF Chief Economist.

    Sustainable global recovery?
  7. Leading the profession 17 July 2009

    G8 2009 Summit documents on education

    The 2009 G8 Summit was held in L’Aquila Italy from 8-10 July. Leaders of the G8 group’s member countries and the European Union were joined this year by the Heads of 20 other countries, and the Heads of 10 international organisations.

    G8 2009 Summit documents on education
  8. Leading the profession 13 July 2009

    A second stimulus for the US ?

    The US needs a 2nd stimulus; Federal programmes try to compensate for State and local budget cuts; teachers and support staff in California - host for NEA's 2009 Annual meeting - are hit hard by State budget impasse.

    A second stimulus for the US ?
  9. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 8 July 2009

    Speech by Penni Stewart, President of the Canadian Association of University Teachers at the World Conference on Higher Education organised by UNESCO in Paris, 7 July 2009

    I want to address the state of the academic profession, both by looking back at developments and progress made since the last World Conference, but also by looking forward to where we might be going. Of course, the overriding issue today is how the current global economic recession may affect...

    Speech by Penni Stewart, President of the Canadian Association of University Teachers at the World Conference on Higher Education organised by UNESCO in Paris, 7 July 2009
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 6 July 2009

    Speech by Irene Duncan Adanusa, EI Vice-President at the World Conference on Higher Education organised by UNESCO in Paris, 5 July 2009

    On behalf of Education International, the largest global union federation, representing 30 million teachers and education workers worldwide, with 406 affiliate unions in 172 countries and territories, I am pleased to address the 2009 UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education.

    Speech by Irene Duncan Adanusa, EI Vice-President at the World Conference on Higher Education organised by UNESCO in Paris, 5 July 2009
  11. Leading the profession 1 July 2009

    At the end of the UN Summit, poor countries have been railroaded into accepting a weak compromise

    After weeks of negotiations, the wrap-up of the UN High Level Conference on the Financial and Economic Crisis last was a huge disappointment. The UN Summit was our opportunity to continue lobbying our demands on the global economic crisis after the Doha Conference on International Financing.

    At the end of the UN Summit, poor countries have been railroaded into accepting a weak compromise
  12. Leading the profession 1 July 2009

    UN Summit on financial crisis fails to rise to the challenge

    The UN summit on the financial crisis fails to take decisive action to deal with the gravity of the situation affecting developing countries. World media widely report civil society critique, including comments by ITUC….

    UN Summit on financial crisis fails to rise to the challenge
  13. Leading the profession 29 June 2009

    The Economic Crisis: “How Did We Get Here?”

    The most serious economic crisis since the Great Depression has exposed the failure of an obsolete economic growth strategy based on debt-fueled consumption.

    The Economic Crisis: “How Did We Get Here?”
  14. Leading the profession 26 June 2009

    OECD/IMF talk of « exit strategies » has big risks for workers and families

    OECD/IMF talk of « exit strategies » has big risks for workers and families. The OECD’s Annual Ministerial Council Meeting in Paris this week was already talking about ways to cut back public spending …

    OECD/IMF talk of « exit strategies » has big risks for workers and families
  15. Leading the profession 23 June 2009

    World Bank confirms sharp drop in financial flows to developing countries

    The World Banks announced yesterday a massive drop in private capital flows to developing countries, down to one quarter of 2007 levels, and said leading developed countries are misguided in focusing efforts on restoring demand in their own economies......

    World Bank confirms sharp drop in financial flows to developing countries
  16. Leading the profession 22 June 2009

    IMF Conditionalities Could Hurt Teachers’ Salaries

    A report released by the Global Campaign for Education concludes that IMF-loan conditionalities might put downwards pressures on public wage bills, in turn affecting teacher’s salaries. This conclusion is shocking in a time in which the world is facing a shortage of 18 million teachers to achieve universal primary education...

    IMF Conditionalities Could Hurt Teachers’ Salaries