
status of the teaching profession

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 6 September 2018

    #EI25: "And if those who are absent were …. right, at times?", by Daniel B. Lafrenière

    Daniel B. Lafrenière

    There is an old French adage that says “les absents ont toujours tort,” which means that those who are absent are always in the wrong (or always get the blame). But what if they were right after all under certain circumstances? This seems to be the case in the field...

    #EI25: "And if those who are absent were …. right, at times?", by Daniel B. Lafrenière
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 20 August 2018

    Kenya: delocalisation policy deepens teacher shortage

    The Kenya National Union of Teachers has called on its government to stop the delocalisation policy that has forced more than a hundred teachers to leave the profession act to close the national teacher gap, and stop the current teacher appraisal system.

    Kenya: delocalisation policy deepens teacher shortage
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 14 February 2018

    The Netherlands: Educators’ Code Red continues

    Dutch educators are on strike, demanding decent salaries and a normal workload, and urging the government to clearly and firmly address burn out and a shortage in teachers in primary education.

    The Netherlands: Educators’ Code Red continues
  4. Standards and working conditions 6 October 2017

    Palestine: education union works to empower teachers

    On the occasion of World Teachers’ Day, Palestinian education unionists strongly highlighted the need for teachers in their country and worldwide, to be empowered to provide quality education for all students.

    Palestine: education union works to empower teachers
  5. Standards and working conditions 5 October 2016

    Aanbeveling inzake de status van leerkrachten, 1966

    Aangenomen door de Bijzondere Intergouvernementele Conferentie inzake de status van leerkrachten te Parijs, in oktober 1966

    Aanbeveling inzake de status van leerkrachten, 1966
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 March 2014

    Policy and Advocacy

    Diane Woloschuk

    Policy and Advocacy