
Education For All

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 14 January 2013

    UK: Trade unions react to Academies Commission Report

    The National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT) and the National Union of Teachers (NUT), two EI affiliates in the UK, have reacted to ‘Unleashing Greatness: Getting the best from an academised system’, a report released on 10 December by the Academies Commission.

    UK: Trade unions react to Academies Commission Report
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 17 December 2012

    Consultation begins on 2013 EFA Global Monitoring Report

    EI strongly encourages affiliates to take part in the online consultation for the 2013 Education for All Global Monitoring Report (EFA GMR) focusing on “Teaching and Learning for Development” launched on 26 November.

    Consultation begins on 2013 EFA Global Monitoring Report
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 13 December 2012

    Stand up for Malala – Girls Education is a Right

    A high level advocacy event was co-organised by UNESCO and the Government of Pakistan at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France, on 10 December, International Human Rights Day. Entitled ‘Stand Up for Malala – Girls’ Education is a Right’, the event was held with the purpose of advocating for the...

    Stand up for Malala – Girls Education is a Right
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 11 December 2012

    Winners of GPE Reading Changed My Life Photo and Video Contest announced

    A child reading a colourful book to others sitting in a circle: this picture, entitled “Atin Africa Book Club: street kids read,” from Uganda, is one of the winners announced by the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) for the Reading Changed My Life Photo and Video Contest.

    Winners of GPE Reading Changed My Life Photo and Video Contest announced
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 4 December 2012

    Afghanistan: Education in the spotlight

    Security in schools and the lack of qualified teachers were just two topics discussed at an EI/Afghanistan Teachers' Association (ATA) seminar held in Kabul from 20-22 November 2012. The seminar, ‘Strategies to strengthen ATA and contribute to education development’ aimed to equip the education union with tools to provide students...

    Afghanistan: Education in the spotlight
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 29 November 2012

    Andreas Schleicher: You must emulate and innovate to keep pace

    The nature of education has moved on in high-performing nations; it's time the UK moved on too, says Andreas Schleicher, Deputy Director for Education and Special Advisor on Education Policy to the OECD's Secretary-General.

    Andreas Schleicher: You must emulate and innovate to keep pace
  7. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 22 November 2012

    Share My Lesson: using technology to share teaching resources

    Share My Lesson (SML) is a new digital platform developed by the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and its British partner, TES Connect. In the free SML online community, educators can come together to access and share high-quality teaching resources.

    Share My Lesson: using technology to share teaching resources
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 21 November 2012

    UK: Mixed reviews for 2013 English grading process

    Two of EI’s national affiliates, the National Union of Teachers (NUT) and the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT), have commented on plans to change the GCSE English grading process for 2013.

    UK: Mixed reviews for 2013 English grading process
  9. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 15 November 2012

    Tanzania: Solving the teacher shortage problem

    A shortage of teachers in over 250 schools has been the focus of Government and education union action in Zanzibar. The fundamental issue for both is to determine how Zanzibar can train, recruit and retain teachers in their teaching jobs.

    Tanzania: Solving the teacher shortage problem
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 13 November 2012

    Mali: ‘Every Child Needs a Teacher’ programme launched

    A workshop to launch the ‘Every Child Needs a Teacher’ programme was held on 30 October in Ségou, Mali. The workshop was part of the “Quality Educators for All” project, supported by EI.

    Mali: ‘Every Child Needs a Teacher’ programme launched
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 12 November 2012

    USA: Educators celebrate International Education Week

    The American Federation of Teachers (AFT), one of EI’s U.S. affiliates, will actively participate in the third annual Global Education Conference (GEC), to take place entirely online during International Education Week, from 12-16 November.

    USA: Educators celebrate International Education Week
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 October 2012

    UNESCO calls for a new deal on teachers

    UNESCO Director-General, Irina Bokova, has called for a new deal on teachers to improve the quality of learning. Bokova made this call in her opening address to the Sixth Meeting of the Collective Consultation of NGOs on Education for All (CCNGO/EFA), held at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France, from...

    UNESCO calls for a new deal on teachers
  13. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 9 October 2012

    Global leaders demand immediate attention to children’s education in crisis zones

    Global leaders from governments, international organisations and civil society have demanded attention about children's education in crisis countries. The call came on 24 September when EI participated in a side event organised by the Global Partnership for Education prior to the UN General Assembly.

    Global leaders demand immediate attention to children’s education in crisis zones
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 8 October 2012

    Susan Hopgood: The Main Challenges Facing Teachers

    Speech delivered by Susan Hopgood (President, Education International) at the Every Child Needs a Teacher launch event, co-hosted by Education International and the Global Campaign for Education, 24 September 2012.

    Susan Hopgood: The Main Challenges Facing Teachers
  15. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 26 September 2012

    EI welcomes the UN General Secretary’s Education First Initiative

    Education First is an initiative developed by UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, and involving actors from across – and beyond – the education sector. This five-year initiative aims to prioritise education through to and after the 2015 deadline.

    EI welcomes the UN General Secretary’s Education First Initiative
  16. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 26 September 2012

    1.7 million more teachers needed to deliver EFA by 2015

    On 25 September, the Global Campaign for Education (GCE) and EI launched a new report identifying severe primary teacher gaps in 114 countries, undermining efforts to achieve the UN Millennium Development Goal (MDG) of Education for All (EFA) by 2015.

    1.7 million more teachers needed to deliver EFA by 2015
  17. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 7 September 2012

    International Literacy Day: reading changes lives!

    International Literacy Day on 8 September is a reminder that literacy is a human right and the foundation of all learning. At EI, the 46th celebration of this Day, focusing this year on “Peace through Literacy”, is eagerly anticipated.

    International Literacy Day: reading changes lives!
  18. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 4 September 2012

    Australia: Union rebukes Abbot’s attack on public schools

    The Australian Education Union (AEU), one of EI’s national affiliates, has strongly rejected the claims by Opposition leader Tony Abbott that public schools are overfunded in comparison with private schools.

    Australia: Union rebukes Abbot’s attack on public schools