
Human and Trade Union Rights

  1. Trade union rights are human rights 5 June 2015

    A Teachers’ Code for fair recruitment

    A new Code, backed by the American Federation of Teachers, will help ensure that international recruitment and employment of teachers in the United States is ethical, fair and transparent.

    A Teachers’ Code for fair recruitment
  2. Union growth 5 June 2015

    Education International puts teachers’ voice at the centre of talks in Geneva

    Freedom of association and the right to strike remain contested issues at the International Labour Conference, where EI is making the case for better working conditions for all workers and increased social dialogue worldwide.

    Education International puts teachers’ voice at the centre of talks in Geneva
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 4 June 2015

    Chilean educators receive international support to have their voices heard

    The fight for quality public education in Chile is counting on increasing international support, as teachers and students take to the streets to defend their rights in the face of new reforms.

    Chilean educators receive international support to have their voices heard
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 27 May 2015

    Zimbabwe: Teachers advancing a rights culture

    Helping teachers to embrace their universal rights in and outside of the classroom was the focus of hands-on training sessions held in Zimbabwe last month to foster a strong culture of rights.

    Zimbabwe: Teachers advancing a rights culture
  5. Union growth 20 May 2015

    “I can be sent back to prison at any time»

    Sakine Esen Yilmaz and Mehmet Bozgeyik, the current and former general secretaries of the Turkish education union, E?itim Sen, are to be presented with the FNV’s « Febe Elisabeth Vasquez » prize at the end of May. The prize is awarded to trade union leaders who have fought for human...

    “I can be sent back to prison at any time»
  6. Union growth 20 May 2015

    The Netherlands: Turkish trade union leaders awarded

    Two Turkish trade unionists have been awarded the Febe Elisabeth Velasquez trade union award 2015 for their exceptional trade union work by the biggest trade union confederation in the Netherlands.

    The Netherlands: Turkish trade union leaders awarded
  7. Union growth 24 April 2015

    Former SUNY professor dies in drone strike

    The international higher education community mourns the death of an American colleague, Dr Warren Weinstein, who was held hostage by al-Qaida on the border of Pakistan and Afghanistan since 13 August 2011.

    Former SUNY professor dies in drone strike
  8. Union growth 16 April 2015

    Norway: Collective agreement a victory for teachers

    A strike by 17 teachers at a privately-run government funded school north of Oslo in Norway has ended, representing a victory for the teachers who were on strike since 18 March.

    Norway: Collective agreement a victory for teachers
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 14 April 2015

    Nigeria: Education community concerned about girls still missing after one year

    Over 270 girls are still missing in Nigeria, one year after their abduction. Educators worldwide have not forgotten about them and reiterate that schools everywhere must remain safe sanctuaries.

    Nigeria: Education community concerned about girls still missing after one year
  10. Trade union rights are human rights 10 April 2015

    Education awards go to Iraqi and Filipino leaders

    Education International has named two teacher union leaders from Iraq and the Philippines to be awarded human rights and education prizes for their outstanding commitment, engagement and courage in promoting education for all.

    Education awards go to Iraqi and Filipino leaders
  11. Union growth 10 April 2015

    Norway: private school teachers denied collective bargaining rights

    Teachers at a privately run government school have exercised their right to strike following management’s demand that they cut their ties with the Union of Education Norway.

    Norway: private school teachers denied collective bargaining rights
  12. Union growth 1 April 2015

    Global Labour University offers a course on workers' rights in a global economy

    What are global workers’ rights? Which institutions and instruments can be used to realise them? The Global Labour University has launched an online course on Workers’ Rights in a Global Economy to help answer these questions, among others.

    Global Labour University offers a course on workers' rights in a global economy
  13. Union growth 13 March 2015

    Myanmar: trade unions condemn the terrible crackdown on students

    Education International has demanded that Myanmar’s public authorities stop the violent crackdown on student protests calling for changes to the National Education Law, and include them along educators’ representatives in the parliamentary discussions.

    Myanmar: trade unions condemn the terrible crackdown on students
  14. Union growth 13 March 2015

    Korea: Unions defend teachers on multiple fronts

    Korean teacher unions are actively defending their members’ status in moves to ensure that teachers’ pensions are protected benefit and that legal assistance is on-hand to protect their rights.

    Korea: Unions defend teachers on multiple fronts