
Human and Trade Union Rights

  1. Union growth 4 March 2015

    The right to strike worth fighting for in Zimbabwe and Niger

    Teacher unions from Zimbabwe and Niger answered Education International’s call to support the Global Action Day on the Right to Strike by organising and spearheading various activities that stressed the importance of taking labour action.

    The right to strike worth fighting for in Zimbabwe and Niger
  2. Union growth 27 February 2015

    UK: Survey highlights plight of teachers

    The excessive workloads and working hours facing teachers in the UK have been clearly established in figures published by the Trades Union Congress (TUC) to mark its annual Work Your Proper Hours Day.

    UK: Survey highlights plight of teachers
  3. Union growth 26 February 2015

    Education heavyweights line up to support the rights of Korean teachers

    The Global Campaign for Education has called on the South Korean authorities to respect the basic union rights of teachers in a powerful statement of solidarity delivered at its world assembly in Johannesburg, South Africa.

    Education heavyweights line up to support the rights of Korean teachers
  4. Union growth 18 February 2015

    Harassed Bahraini teacher unionist awarded significant international Prize

    Leaders of the Bahrain Teachers’ Association have won the 2015 Arthur Svensson International Prize for trade union rights for their efforts to promote and strengthen trade unions and trade union rights in their country.

    Harassed Bahraini teacher unionist awarded significant international Prize
  5. Union growth 17 February 2015

    Educators ready to stand-up for their right to strike

    Education International has called on its affiliates to raise their voices and mobilise for the Global Action Day for the Right to Strike, a right that is increasingly being challenged by employers and governments worldwide.

    Educators ready to stand-up for their right to strike
  6. Union growth 12 February 2015

    Italy: government sidesteps social dialogue on teachers

    Italian education unions have gone public to vent their opposition to the government’s vow of silence after calls to kick-start social dialogue on teachers’ employment conditions continue to go unanswered.

    Italy: government sidesteps social dialogue on teachers
  7. Union growth 10 February 2015

    Girls at center of attacks on education

    According to a new report by the United Nations, schools are far from being safe places for girls, who continue to be the main target of attacks in at least 70 countries.

    Girls at center of attacks on education
  8. Trade union rights are human rights 22 January 2015

    Teachers’ strike highlights Kenya’s education challenges

    A Kenyan school made global headlines on Monday when children, some as young as seven, protesting against the seizure of their playground by property developers, were tear-gassed by police.

    Teachers’ strike highlights Kenya’s education challenges
  9. Union growth 14 January 2015

    Anti-slavery petition sends clear message to UN Secretary General

    When Nobel Peace Prize laureate Kailash Satyarthi handed over a petition against child slavery to UN General Secretary Ban Ki-Moon, he did so with the support of half-a-million signatures and the backing of Education International.

    Anti-slavery petition sends clear message to UN Secretary General
  10. Union growth 8 January 2015

    What the teachers of Kenya are fighting for

    The fight for decent living conditions and fair salaries are behind the closure of schools in Kenya following the walkout of the country’s public school teachers who are calling for an acceptable collective bargaining agreement.

    What the teachers of Kenya are fighting for
  11. Trade union rights are human rights 7 January 2015

    Denmark’s unions receive ILO support in lockout case

    The Danish Union of Teachers has secured significant endorsement for its actions in a recent ILO decision following a complaint made by the union last August about the government’s intervention in the collective bargaining process.

    Denmark’s unions receive ILO support in lockout case
  12. Trade union rights are human rights 5 January 2015

    Ukraine: trade unions give government cuts a resounding ‘thumbs down’

    Over ten thousand trade union members, most of them public sector workers, along with youth groups and students, packed the streets of Kiev to rally against government cuts to social programmes.

    Ukraine: trade unions give government cuts a resounding ‘thumbs down’
  13. Trade union rights are human rights 16 December 2014

    Teachers called to create the World’s Largest Lesson

    Education International and its global partners have launched the World’s Largest Lesson Plan, a project which invites the world’s teachers to educate and popularise the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals, to be launched in September.

    Teachers called to create the World’s Largest Lesson
  14. Trade union rights are human rights 10 December 2014

    Nobel Peace Prize headlines Human Rights Day

    On the day marked to recognise the importance of human rights around the world, Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthi highlight education as an essential right, receiving the Nobel Peace Prize.

    Nobel Peace Prize headlines Human Rights Day
  15. Trade union rights are human rights 27 November 2014

    Mexico: 60 days and still no answers surrounding missing students

    Despite international pressure for a thorough investigation, and demonstrations that continue to sweep the country, the fate of the 43 students who disappeared two months ago in the state of Guerrero, Mexico, remains unclear.

    Mexico: 60 days and still no answers surrounding missing students
  16. Trade union rights are human rights 26 November 2014

    USA: Teacher union objects to Coca-Cola in schools

    The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) has banned Coca-Cola products from its facilities and events, citing Coca-Cola's child labour and human rights record.

    USA: Teacher union objects to Coca-Cola in schools
  17. Trade union rights are human rights 20 November 2014

    Universal children's day: a long way ahead

    Today marks the 25th Anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child - a defining moment in history, when for the first time, all children around the world were viewed as human beings with their own set of rights, including the right to a quality education.

    Universal children's day: a long way ahead
  18. Trade union rights are human rights 19 November 2014

    Urgent appeal: take action against child slavery

    More than five million children in the world are forced to work as slaves, with working days reaching 18 hours per day. The right to education is just one of many human rights that they are deprived of.

    Urgent appeal: take action against child slavery