
Status of Teachers

  1. Standards and working conditions 30 January 2012

    Netherlands: Dutch Educators are “tired”

    Nearly 22,000 Dutch secondary school teachers joined in a successful strike called by one of EI’s national affiliates, the Algemene Onderwijsbond (AOb), on 26 January. This strike opposed the latest government Bill imposing new additional classroom hours for students.

    Netherlands: Dutch Educators are “tired”
  2. Standards and working conditions 16 January 2012

    Ireland: Teachers protest against government onslaught on disadvantaged schools

    Teachers, parents and children in Dublin have been protesting on the streets against cuts in education provision announced by the government which would have serious consequences for already disadvantaged pupils and schools.

    Ireland: Teachers protest against government onslaught on disadvantaged schools
  3. Standards and working conditions 9 January 2012

    Education pays a high price for low teacher pay

    One of EI’s US affiliates, the National Education Association (NEA), has reported on a recent cross-country analysis of teacher pay and pupil performance. The study backs up the idea that better teacher pay leads to higher teaching quality and improved student performance.

    Education pays a high price for low teacher pay
  4. Standards and working conditions 3 January 2012

    EI co-organises second International Summit on the Teaching Profession

    EI will hold the second International Summit on the Teaching Profession in New York from 14-15 March 2012. The theme will be: "Preparing Teachers and Developing School Leaders".

    EI co-organises second International Summit on the Teaching Profession
  5. Standards and working conditions 15 December 2011

    International Day on Solidarity-Based Social Protection

    On 14 December, France’s Mutuelle Générale de l’Education Nationale (MGEN), a joint founder organisation of the Education and Solidarity Network along with EI, organised a European and international day on the theme of ‘Social Protection: Citizens’ Rights and Duties’.

    International Day on Solidarity-Based Social Protection
  6. Standards and working conditions 15 December 2011

    France: Education unions speak out against teacher assessment plan

    A common union front in education, to which most EI French affiliates joined, has called for a strike on 15 December. Educators protest against a governmental plan aiming at having teachers’ evaluation and career advancement decided solely by school leaders.

    France: Education unions speak out against teacher assessment plan
  7. Standards and working conditions 29 November 2011

    UK: Teachers lead largest strike in over thirty years

    Over 2.000.000 British public sector workers will stage a nationwide walkout today protesting against pension cuts of up to 25%. At the vanguard of the protest will be EI’s UK members: NUT, NASUWT, ATL and UCU.

    UK: Teachers lead largest strike in over thirty years
  8. Standards and working conditions 21 November 2011

    American Education Week Focuses on Commitment to Students and Educators

    All around the United States, communities are joining Education International's two affiliates, the National Education Association (NEA) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), this week to celebrate American Education Week. The annual observance, now in its 90th year, honors students’ hard work to learn, recognizes the professionalism and dedication...

    American Education Week Focuses on Commitment to Students and Educators
  9. Standards and working conditions 14 November 2011

    Argentina: Teachers challenge privatisation

    Teachers in Buenos Aires, Argentina, have announced plans to strike from 16-17 November against a bill that will establish a computerised rating system to decide teachers’ employment and promotion.

    Argentina: Teachers challenge privatisation
  10. Standards and working conditions 3 November 2011

    G20 Summit: Argentinian leader supports workers

    A delegation has met with Argentinian President, Cristina Kirchner, ahead of the G20 Summit, to be held in Cannes, France, from 3-4 November. It was composed of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) General Secretary, Sharan Burrow, the President of EI's Latin America Regional Committee and General Secretary of the...

    G20 Summit: Argentinian leader supports workers
  11. Standards and working conditions 25 October 2011

    2012 International Summit on the Teaching Profession: EI to host global education leaders

    EI will join the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the United States (U.S.) Department of Education to hold the second ever International Summit on the Teaching Profession in New York City, from 14-15 March. Next year’s summit will focus on ‘Preparing teachers and developing school leaders’.

    2012 International Summit on the Teaching Profession: EI to host global education leaders
  12. Standards and working conditions 24 October 2011

    Spain: Teachers protest cuts to education budgets

    A mass demonstration of teachers, parents and students from all over Spain occupied the centre of Madrid on Saturday sending a warning to the authorities: Don’t slash our education budget!

    Spain: Teachers protest cuts to education budgets
  13. Standards and working conditions 20 October 2011

    Spain: Unions march for public education

    On 22 October, teaching unions have organised a march through Madrid to protest against the public education cuts being imposed by autonomous regional authorities within the country.

    Spain: Unions march for public education
  14. Standards and working conditions 20 October 2011

    Algeria: Educators demand decent work and quality education

    EI’s Algerian member, UNPEF, has concluded a national strike in which it was joined by other teachers’ unions in a dispute over pay.

    Algeria: Educators demand decent work and quality education
  15. Standards and working conditions 19 October 2011

    Lebanon: Teachers demand minimum wage increase

    The Teacher Unions’ Coordination Committee of Lebanon, which includes the EI affiliates: Teachers Syndicate in Lebanon (TSL) and League of Public Secondary School teachers in Lebanon (LPESPL), have issued a joint statement confirming a national strike and sit-in outside the Council of Ministers’ offices on 19 October to oppose the...

    Lebanon: Teachers demand minimum wage increase
  16. Standards and working conditions 18 October 2011

    Mali: New study reveals serious teacher quality challenges

    More than half of primary school teachers in Mali are without a basic teaching qualification and the competences required to deliver quality education, according to a new study commissioned by EI and Oxfam Novib.

    Mali: New study reveals serious teacher quality challenges
  17. Standards and working conditions 17 October 2011

    New Zealand: Government takes up union concerns on workload

    The New Zealand Post Primary Teachers' Association (PPTA) President, Robin Duff, has welcomed the Minister of Education’s positive response to teachers’ concerns about workload in relation to the country's national certificate of educational achievement (NCEA).

    New Zealand: Government takes up union concerns on workload
  18. Standards and working conditions 12 October 2011

    Kuwait: Teachers act against extended school hours

    Education unionists from the EI-affiliated Kuwait Teachers’ Society (KTS) have shown their opposition to proposals to extend the number of school opening hours by protesting in front of the Ministry of Education.

    Kuwait: Teachers act against extended school hours