
Status of Teachers

  1. Standards and working conditions 20 July 2011

    Canada: Teachers report on state of public education

    The Canadian Teachers Federation (CTF), a member of Education International, has published a report on the state of Canadian public education from the perspective of teachers. The study involved 434 teachers from around Canada and highlights the growing concerns about budget and staff cuts.

    Canada: Teachers report on state of public education
  2. Standards and working conditions 18 July 2011

    Jamaica: JTA wins salary battle after nearly two years

    Following over a year of negotiations with the government, the Jamaica Teachers’ Association (JTA) will sign a wage agreement to secure salary increases for its 24,000 members.

    Jamaica: JTA wins salary battle after nearly two years
  3. Standards and working conditions 18 July 2011

    Taiwan: EI welcomes inauguration of new teachers' union

    EI has welcomed the inauguration of the National Federation of Teacher Unions (NFTU) in Taiwan. The historic milestone in Taiwanese trade unionism was celebrated in the presence of President Ma Ying-jeou, who was joined by the Chairwoman of the Executive Yuan Labour Committee, Wang Ruxuan, and Deputy Education Minister, Lin...

    Taiwan: EI welcomes inauguration of new teachers' union
  4. Standards and working conditions 18 July 2011

    Taiwan: EI expresses solidarity at the inauguration of the new National Federation of Teacher Unions

    The inauguration of the new National Federation of Teacher Unions took place on 11 July. The milestone in the history of trade unionism was attended by President Ma Yingjeou, Chairwoman of the Labour Committee of Executive Yuan, Wang Ruxuan, and Deputy Education Minister, Lin Congming.

    Taiwan: EI expresses solidarity at the inauguration of the new National Federation of Teacher Unions
  5. Standards and working conditions 15 July 2011

    France: Teachers deplore impact of government policy on the profession

    EI’s French affiliate, le Syndicat national des enseignements de second degré (SNES), has denounced its government’s failure to fill hundreds of teacher vacancies which have been subject to a new national exam.

    France: Teachers deplore impact of government policy on the profession
  6. Standards and working conditions 6 July 2011

    USA: NEA Representative Assembly votes to defend public education

    Delegates at EI’s largest affiliate, the National Education Association (NEA), have debated and approved a number of policies that will help the union and its members fight back against attacks on public education.

    USA: NEA Representative Assembly votes to defend public education
  7. Standards and working conditions 6 July 2011

    Australia: Federal government attacks teachers’ rights

    The government of New South Wales in Australia is trying to take away the right of teachers to negotiate pay and conditions. The government has capped wage increases for public service employees at 2.5 per cent and has taken away their rights to bargain for improved pay and conditions.

    Australia: Federal government attacks teachers’ rights
  8. Standards and working conditions 5 July 2011

    Zimbabwe: Teachers on strike for a living wage

    Teachers who are members of the Progressive Teachers’ Union of Zimbabwe (PTUZ) are demanding a 150 per cent pay rise and an end to the violence which is meted out to them by government supporters.

    Zimbabwe: Teachers on strike for a living wage
  9. Standards and working conditions 1 July 2011

    British teachers on strike against pension cuts

    Over 750,000 teachers and other public and civil service workers went on a 24-hour strike in the United Kingdom to decry the drastic cuts in pensions the government is trying to push through. Classes were cancelled at more than 10,000 schools across England and Wales, as members of the Association...

    British teachers on strike against pension cuts
  10. Standards and working conditions 29 June 2011

    Teachers in Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago join pay protests

    Graduate teachers on the Caribbean islands of Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago are taking protest action over their salaries. More than 800 teachers, who are all graduates of the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT), are still being paid as assistant teachers, despite the fact that they have been awarded...

    Teachers in Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago join pay protests
  11. Standards and working conditions 28 June 2011

    Greece: Teachers join two day general strike

    The EI General Secretary has met with Greek teachers who are set to be among thousands of public and private sector workers who are taking part in a 48-hour general strike in Greece this week as the parliament prepares for a key vote on tough austerity measures.

    Greece: Teachers join two day general strike
  12. Standards and working conditions 21 June 2011

    Global unions launch campaign for the common good

    The Council of Global Unions will launch the worldwide Quality Public Services - Action Now! campaign on Thursday 23 June, UN Public Services Day. The aim is to advance quality public services for all people through unprecedented coordinated solidarity action across borders.

    Global unions launch campaign for the common good
  13. Standards and working conditions 16 June 2011

    UK: Teachers join college and university lecturers in strike action

    EI affiliates in Britain have voted to take part in strike action on 30 June to defend members’ pensions. The National Union of Teachers (NUT) and the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) have voted to join University and College Union (UCU) members in the national day of action.

    UK: Teachers join college and university lecturers in strike action
  14. Standards and working conditions 14 June 2011

    Mexico: Teachers protest against test-driven education

    More than 70,000 teachers have marched through Oaxaca, Mexico, and taken strike action to protest against inadequate school funding and a recent policy that ties teacher compensation to standardised test results.

    Mexico: Teachers protest against test-driven education
  15. Standards and working conditions 31 May 2011

    Wisconsin ‘budget bill’ struck down by court

    The controversial Wisconsin law which proposed to take away most collective bargaining rights from public workers has been struck down by a circuit court judge. However, the ruling will not be the final say in the union fight that brought tens of thousands of protesters to the streets this year.

    Wisconsin ‘budget bill’ struck down by court