
Migrant Rights

  1. Equity and inclusion 18 December 2020

    Statement | International Migrants Day: realising the rights of migrants

    As we celebrate the 30th anniversary of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families and near the end of an exceptional year marked by the Covid-19 pandemic, Education International calls on governments to protect and respect the human rights of all...

    Statement | International Migrants Day: realising the rights of migrants
  2. Equity and inclusion 20 June 2020

    "Overlapping crises: the impact of Covid-19 on refugee students in Lebanon", by Hussain Muhammad Jawad

    Hussain Muhammad Jawad

    Lebanon is a country with a population of 4.5 million and is home to a large number of refugees. Over two million Syrian refugees are now living in Lebanon, in addition to half a million of Palestinian refugees. More than 52% of the Syrian refugees in Lebanon are children, and...

    "Overlapping crises: the impact of Covid-19 on refugee students in Lebanon", by Hussain Muhammad Jawad
  3. Equity and inclusion 20 June 2020

    Statement | World Refugee Day 2020

    COVID-19 has exposed the vulnerabilities and structural inequities of our societies. The most vulnerable, amongst them refugee and displaced populations, have been severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and related lockdown measures.

    Statement | World Refugee Day 2020
  4. Equity and inclusion 18 December 2019

    Education unions join international efforts to ensure refugees’ rights in and through education

    Education international has seized the opportunity of the first ever Global Refugee Forum to reaffirm the crucial role education can play in the context of forced displacement, and to urge governments, UN agencies and all stakeholders to ensure displaced teachers and students’ rights in and through education.

    Education unions join international efforts to ensure refugees’ rights in and through education
  5. Equity and inclusion 16 December 2019

    “Global Refugee Forum: time for immediate and sustainable action”, by David Edwards.

    David Edwards

    The refugee Convention of 1951 was born out of the profound feeling of shame following the Second World War due to the failure to respond to and receive those fleeing the Holocaust. That action of inaction condemned many to become its victims. Lest we forget, that Convention and the 1967...

    “Global Refugee Forum: time for immediate and sustainable action”, by David Edwards.
  6. Union growth 20 June 2019

    “The Fast Track for Newly Arrived Teachers in Sweden: the union’s perspective”, by Patrik Ribe.

    Patrik Ribe

    In 2015 the number of immigrants seeking asylum in Sweden reached record numbers. In total, Sweden received 163 000 asylum seeking refugees that year. For us. as a teachers’ union, it was natural to contribute to the creation of a system that would make good use of the teaching competence...

    “The Fast Track for Newly Arrived Teachers in Sweden: the union’s perspective”, by Patrik Ribe.
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 20 June 2019

    “World Refugee Day: Stop Fencing out Democracy”, by David Edwards.

    David Edwards

    In her 1948 speech concluding the work of the nascent UN Commission on Human Rights, Eleanor Roosevelt said, “Democracy, freedom, human rights have come to have a definite meaning to the people of the world which we must not allow any nation to so change that they are made synonymous...

    “World Refugee Day: Stop Fencing out Democracy”, by David Edwards.
  8. Equity and inclusion 7 June 2019

    US: Cuts to education for children in federal custody at the border

    An official from the Health and Human Services Department of the US Administration sent an email to shelters notifying them of cancelled English classes, recreational programs and legal aid for children while in federal custody at the border after 22 May.

    US: Cuts to education for children in federal custody at the border
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 18 December 2018

    Education International calls on governments to improve protection for migrants

    On International Migrants Day, Education International reaffirms its commitment to defend and promote the rights of migrant workers and refugees as well as migrant and refugee teachers and education personnel.

    Education International calls on governments to improve protection for migrants
  10. Equity and inclusion 11 December 2018

    Global Unions Denounce Irresponsibility on Global Compact on Migration

    The global trade union movement has criticised 13 governments that have confirmed that they will not sign the historic Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM). Rather than contribute to resolving the pressing issues connected with migration and moving towards coherence and global governance of migration, they have...

    Global Unions Denounce Irresponsibility on Global Compact on Migration
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 20 November 2018

    Creating Successful Schools in Migration Society, by Marguerite Lukes

    Marguerite Lukes

    I arrived in Bremen on a flight from New York City on a gloomy late September day in 2018, not quite sure what to expect. Having been awarded a Fulbright Scholar Research and Teaching grant, I was to spend 8 weeks away from my familiar New York City streets to...

    Creating Successful Schools in Migration Society, by Marguerite Lukes
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 October 2018

    Union support for refugee teachers in Saxony, by Brhan Al Zoabi

    Bran Al Zoabi

    Among the many people who have fled to Germany since 2015 are many skilled workers who have not only lost their families, friends, history, work, future, property, home and dreams, but also their direction, path and goal. In other words, they have lost everything. Some workers have found other areas...

    Union support for refugee teachers in Saxony, by Brhan Al Zoabi
  13. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 14 September 2018

    “Our Experience with Proyecto Roma: Giving Voice to the Silence”, by Manuel Crespo Nievas, José Miguel Megías Leyva and Begoña López Cuesta

    Begoña López Cuesta, José Miguel Megías Leyva, Manuel Crespo Nievas

    Commitment to ensuring the right to education for refugee children, forcibly displaced persons, stateless persons, those seeking international protection and migrants necessitates an inclusive school system. This concerns not only teaching and didactic matters, to research and innovation in education, but also the realm of moral values and social justice.

    “Our Experience with Proyecto Roma: Giving Voice to the Silence”, by Manuel Crespo Nievas, José Miguel Megías Leyva and Begoña López Cuesta
  14. Equity and inclusion 16 August 2018

    Challenges for newcomers to get recognition as a teacher in Germany: The case of Bremen, by René Böhme

    René Böhme

    Germany is a country of immigration. Immigration is reflected in the labour market. According to employment statistics of the Federal Statistical Office, the proportion of foreigners in employment subject to social insurance increased between the year 2000 and the year 2016 from 6.8 to 10 percent.

    Challenges for newcomers to get recognition as a teacher in Germany: The case of Bremen, by René Böhme
  15. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 26 June 2018

    Fighting racism with the light of learning, by Glen Hansman

    Glen Hansman

    Canadian teachers, like our colleagues worldwide, are united in a desire to make the world a better place by confronting social injustices such as racism. In our troubled times, disturbing signs of a resurgent neo-Nazi, white supremacist movement have got teachers across North America talking about how best to confront...

    Fighting racism with the light of learning, by Glen Hansman