
Quality Teaching

  1. Fighting the commercialisation of education 27 August 2018

    Australia: government urged to halt underfunding of public schools!

    The Australian Education Union has called on educators and concerned citizens to add their names to an open letter addressed to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull calling for more funding to be allocated to public schools and towards bringing special support for students from disadvantaged backgrounds.

    Australia: government urged to halt underfunding of public schools!
  2. Union growth 24 August 2018

    Statement to the G20 Education and Employment Ministers

    As the voice of the world’s educators, we welcome the inclusion of education as a priority for the G20, and hope the commitment to education will be ensured moving forward into Japan in 2019.

    Statement to the G20 Education and Employment Ministers
  3. Union renewal and development 21 August 2018

    Japanese, Chinese and Korean teachers raise their voices for peace education

    Historical events are interpreted and taught differently, and many times in radically opposed ways, in different countries. When countries have been at war with each other, their national education systems, their textbooks and their collective memory often glorify the victors, hide the atrocities and deny the claims of the victims.

    Japanese, Chinese and Korean teachers raise their voices for peace education
  4. Union growth 9 August 2018

    #EI25: "Remaining a trade unionist and staying strong", by Marième Sakho Dansokho (SYPROS, Senegal)

    Marième Sakho Dansokho

    Education International (EI) is celebrating 25 years of existence; 25 years of advocacy for education and the teaching profession. A long journey peppered with successes, wins and persistent challenges. EI and its affiliated organisations have to contend with capital and capitalists more concerned with their own profits than with the...

    #EI25: "Remaining a trade unionist and staying strong", by Marième Sakho Dansokho (SYPROS, Senegal)
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 6 August 2018

    Lesotho: public authorities must act on education unions’ concerns

    Education International has supported its Lesotho’s affiliates striking to protest the government’s refusal to consider their legitimate demands concerning teacher professional issues and the achievement of quality education for all.

    Lesotho: public authorities must act on education unions’ concerns
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 July 2018

    Iraq: teacher union expands to better advocate for quality public education

    The opening of a new headquarters for its branch in the centre of the Iraqi Chamchamal region represents a golden opportunity for the Kurdistan Teachers’ Union to highlight the importance of providing quality education for all in the country and renew its commitment to ensure it.

    Iraq: teacher union expands to better advocate for quality public education
  7. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 11 July 2018

    Indonesia: governmental promise to hire 100,000 teachers and bridge the teacher gap

    Indonesian education unionists have welcomed the announcement made by the national government during a Public Discussion on National Education to hire 100,000 teachers in 2018 in an effort to combat the teacher shortage in the country.

    Indonesia: governmental promise to hire 100,000 teachers and bridge the teacher gap
  8. Union growth 11 July 2018

    New Zealand teachers and nurses to hold first mass strike in a generation

    Thousands of nurses, primary school teachers and principals are calling on New Zealand’s public authorities to ensure decent pay for educators, as well as guaranteeing the future of quality public education, and are prepared to walk off the job.

    New Zealand teachers and nurses to hold first mass strike in a generation
  9. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 3 July 2018

    Mexico: Teachers fight to overhaul education reform measures

    The Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación (SNTE) is pushing for a structural review of the 2013 education reforms introduced by outgoing president Enrique Peña Nieto.

    Mexico: Teachers fight to overhaul education reform measures
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 3 July 2018

    Germany: united for a greater investment in quality education

    Reacting to the recommendations of the European Union’s Commission in the framework of the “European Semester”, German teachers’ unions have insisted on the need to provide public education with adequate funding.

    Germany: united for a greater investment in quality education
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 27 June 2018

    EI promotes the ideas of youth to strengthen unions in Senegal and Ivory Coast

    The continuation of the program led by Education International in Senegal and Ivory Coast has the aim of spreading unionisation,getting young activists involved in union activity, and strengthening trade union unity.

    EI promotes the ideas of youth to strengthen unions in Senegal and Ivory Coast
  12. Fighting the commercialisation of education 8 May 2018

    Educators confront Pearson for funding profit driven Bridge International Academies

    Education activists, teachers and global union leaders went to London to urge shareholders at the Pearson Annual General Meeting to stop funding Bridge International Academies, a for-profit company that makes money by shortchanging the education of thousands of at risk children.

    Educators confront Pearson for funding profit driven Bridge International Academies
  13. Leading the profession 7 May 2018

    #ResNet: Amplifying teacher voice: getting stuck into research, by Philippa Cordingley

    Philippa Cordingley

    One of the things we are exploring in our research into how different countries construct teachers’ professional identities that will be presented at Education International’s annual Research Network meeting today, is the nature of the links between investing in research-informed teaching and amplifying teachers’ collective professional voice.

    #ResNet: Amplifying teacher voice: getting stuck into research, by Philippa Cordingley
  14. Future of work in education 19 April 2018

    Protecting and growing the profession: The Professional Standards Conundrum, by Jelmer Evers

    Jelmer Evers

    Not too long ago I had a formal lesson observation as part of my yearly performance review. It’s meant as a basis for professional growth and as such it succeeded. I enjoyed the reflection. In my view it should be a regular part of a teacher’s job, not just a...

    Protecting and growing the profession: The Professional Standards Conundrum, by Jelmer Evers
  15. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 19 April 2018

    #MakeitPublic: New campaign to drive national education monitoring

    The Global Education Monitoring Report has launched #MakeitPublic, a new advocacy campaign calling on governments and regional organisations to report on education progress to their citizens.

    #MakeitPublic: New campaign to drive national education monitoring