Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 29 September 2020 OECD PISA V results show inequalities in education and importance of qualified teachers and education support personnel
The OECD released its fifth volume of its Programme for International Assessment 2018 (PISA 2018) report today, 29 September. Although the data is from 2018, its analysis surveyed the new area of school policy.
OECD PISA V results show inequalities in education and importance of qualified teachers and education support personnel -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 31 August 2020 Jamaica: Union research highlights crucial role of state and ICT in quality education during COVID-19 and beyond
The important role of the state and access to information and communication technology in education were key results of research by the Jamaica Teachers’ Association (JTA).
Jamaica: Union research highlights crucial role of state and ICT in quality education during COVID-19 and beyond -
Future of work in education 16 September 2019 New study shows how education policies impact students, teachers and principals
A new study published today by the OECD, the Education Policy Outlook: Working Together to Help Students Achieve their Potential, reports on the progress of over 200 school improvement policies implemented over the last 10 years.
New study shows how education policies impact students, teachers and principals -
Standards and working conditions 9 September 2019 UK: increasing starting salaries – a step in the right direction for guaranteeing recruitment and retention of teachers
Reacting to the government’s announcement of an increase in starting salaries for teachers, education unions in the UK have acknowledged that this measure will make teaching more attractive and help to mitigate the recruitment and retention crisis, but further public investment in education is urgently needed.
UK: increasing starting salaries – a step in the right direction for guaranteeing recruitment and retention of teachers -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 27 June 2019 "Teacher ethics: ethics of presence", by Eirick Prairat.
Eirick Prairat
The professionalisation of the teaching profession, initiated at the beginning of the 1990s, was conceived solely in terms of technical skills. There was little talk of ethics at the time. In this text, we would like to show that far from being “an extra soul”, ethics is at the heart...
"Teacher ethics: ethics of presence", by Eirick Prairat. -
Climate action and literacy 19 June 2019 The OECD Teaching and International Survey (TALIS) 2018 data released
The latest Teaching and international Survey (TALIS) 2018 report released by the OECD illustrates the issues teachers face in their workplace; focusing on working time and training of teachers.
The OECD Teaching and International Survey (TALIS) 2018 data released -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 April 2019 Young Senegalese and Ivorian teachers come together for quality education and effective trade unions
Young teacher-activists from Senegal and the Ivory Coast came together to exchange ideas and expand their knowledge on a number of issues relating to attaining quality education for all.
Young Senegalese and Ivorian teachers come together for quality education and effective trade unions -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 14 March 2019 Iraq: Kurdistan’s education unionists take stock of obstacles to quality education system
Education unionists from the Kurdistan region of Iraq have reaffirmed the need for public authorities to allocate adequate funding for quality education and teachers.
Iraq: Kurdistan’s education unionists take stock of obstacles to quality education system -
Future of work in education 6 March 2019 Teachers’ professional development and conditions - vital signs for student well-being and progress
An Education international - commissioned study for the EI Research Institute on teacher professional identities, based on seven localities and five case studies, shows that teachers are concerned about the well-being and progress of students. They also consider professional development and learning central to that mission along with professional standing...
Teachers’ professional development and conditions - vital signs for student well-being and progress -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 28 February 2019 Haiti: trade union front for quality public education, social dialogue and a statute for teachers in the private sector
Despite many obstacles, Education International’s Haitian affiliates are jointly campaigning for quality public education and the establishment of a dialogue with the Minister of Education. They are also supporting a statute for teachers in the private sector.
Haiti: trade union front for quality public education, social dialogue and a statute for teachers in the private sector -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 13 February 2019 “A Pending Task: Addressing Inequality in Education”, by Karen Inga Eira and Juan Gabriel Espinola.
Juan Gabriel Espinola, Karen Inga Eira
2019 marks the 30th anniversary of the International Labour Organization (ILO) Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention 1989 (No 169), the only international treaty that specifically addresses the rights of Indigenous Peoples. Education International recognizes the critical role that teachers and their organizations in the education system have in ensuring the...
“A Pending Task: Addressing Inequality in Education”, by Karen Inga Eira and Juan Gabriel Espinola. -
Fighting the commercialisation of education 13 December 2018 Philippines: union leaders united around gender equality and improving campaign capacities
The annual evaluation and planning meeting of the Philippines’s women’s network bringing together Education International’s affiliates in this country has taken stock of gender and diversity issues and reinforced the education unions’ capacities and advocacy skills.
Philippines: union leaders united around gender equality and improving campaign capacities -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 October 2018 Union support for refugee teachers in Saxony, by Brhan Al Zoabi
Bran Al Zoabi
Among the many people who have fled to Germany since 2015 are many skilled workers who have not only lost their families, friends, history, work, future, property, home and dreams, but also their direction, path and goal. In other words, they have lost everything. Some workers have found other areas...
Union support for refugee teachers in Saxony, by Brhan Al Zoabi -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 8 October 2018 Germany: shortcomings in schools in terms of digitisation
A new Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft’s study on the quality of educational institutions concludes that German schools are not ready for digitisation.
Germany: shortcomings in schools in terms of digitisation -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 5 October 2018 “World Teachers’ Day: Between Recognition and Reward”, by Nelly P. Stromquist
Teacher’s Day (usually in singular) is celebrated in many countries, a testimony to the importance with which teaching is perceived by those who benefited from knowledgeable and caring teachers. Teaching, in fact, has been identified by many as one of the most influential jobs in the world. Different countries have...
“World Teachers’ Day: Between Recognition and Reward”, by Nelly P. Stromquist -
Trade union rights are human rights 28 September 2018 Burundi: Despite the crisis, STEB has been able to develop the skills of new union leaders
The Syndicat Libre des Travailleurs de l'Enseignement du Burundi (STEB) has been able to train 360 new union leaders throughout the country with financial support from Education International.
Burundi: Despite the crisis, STEB has been able to develop the skills of new union leaders -
Future of work in education 19 September 2018 “Education unions: vital to meeting the professional needs of educators”, by Howard Stevenson
Howard Stevenson
Many countries face huge problems recruiting educators to work in schools, colleges and universities and creating the working conditions that retain them in that work. Research studies also show that educators rarely get access to the type of high quality professional development they need to be as effective in their...
“Education unions: vital to meeting the professional needs of educators”, by Howard Stevenson -
Future of work in education 13 September 2018 Germany: “Higher investment in teacher education is overdue”
The Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft and the Verband Bildung und Erziehung have drawn attention to the long-standing “neglect” of on-going teacher training in the German discussion on educational quality.
Germany: “Higher investment in teacher education is overdue”