Standards and working conditions 19 February 2025 Go Public! How Albanian education unions are driving change to fund public education
Albania’s public education system remains critically underfunded, undermining the quality of teaching and learning while leaving teachers with low wages and poor working conditions.
Go Public! How Albanian education unions are driving change to fund public education -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 October 2024 Albanian unions unite for increased investment in public education and educators
Joining education unions from around the world, the Independent Trade Union of Education of Albania (SPASh-ITUEA) and the Trade Union Federation of Education and Science of Albania (FSASH) have committed to Education International's (EI) “Go Public! Fund Education” campaign. This initiative aims to increase public education funding and improve the...
Albanian unions unite for increased investment in public education and educators -
Go public! Fund education 15 May 2024 Go Public! Addressing Albania's underfunded public education system
Public education in Albania faces critical underfunding, compromising the state's capacity to deliver equitable, quality education. Education International’s affiliates in the country are rallying under the Go Public! Fund Education campaign, calling for substantial increases in government investment. This investment is crucial to improve educational infrastructure, enhance teacher compensation and,...
Go Public! Addressing Albania's underfunded public education system -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 7 July 2023 Inclusive, quality education: the key to ending child labour
From India to Senegal, from Albania to Uganda and Mali, Education International (EI) members raised their voices in support of quality education to commemorate World Day Against Child Labour on June 12th.
Inclusive, quality education: the key to ending child labour -
Union renewal and development 27 February 2023 European unions’ solidarity brings progress on social and policy dialogue, gender equity and union renewal
Development cooperation (DC) partners of the European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) – Education International’s European Region – met for a DC Café online and discussed activities related to social and policy dialogue, gender equity and union renewal.
European unions’ solidarity brings progress on social and policy dialogue, gender equity and union renewal -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 4 February 2022 Albania: Education unions' success in combating child labour
The Albanian trade unions FSASH and SPASH (1) have been involved in projects to combat child labour since 2002, with the support of international partners (2). More than 500 trade union leaders and 6,000 teachers have been trained in preventing dropping-out and in reintegrating former child labourers into school. The...
Albania: Education unions' success in combating child labour
EI/AOb Child Labour Projects | Transnational Best Practices and Union Impacts
Independent Trade Union of Education of Albania
SPASh-ITUEARruga "Sulejman Delvina" Nd.10, H.9, Ap. 4, Kati 4, Tirana P.O. Box 1019 TiranaTrade Union Federation of Education and Science of Albania
FSASHRruga Dora D'Istria Pallati Perballe Fakuktetit Juridik, Kati 3 Tirana