
Articles from Australia

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 27 March 2025

    Tackling the teacher shortage crisis in the Commonwealth

    Oliver Mawhinney

    44 million teachers are need globally by 2030 – a shortage that affects developing and developed countries alike, as demonstrated across the Commonwealth.

    Tackling the teacher shortage crisis in the Commonwealth
  2. Equity and inclusion 16 September 2024

    Australia: Aboriginal cultures and histories now central to education

    Australia’s largest state has now made education about Aboriginal Cultures and Histories mandatory in every compulsory year of school education. The New South Wales Education Standards Authority (NESA), which is responsible for curriculum and assessment in every school and system in that state, has completed this work ensuring that school...

    Australia: Aboriginal cultures and histories now central to education
  3. Standards and working conditions 12 October 2023

    63 minutes in half an hour: the intensity of time in teaching

    Meghan Stacey, Greg Thompson, Anna Hogan, Nicole Mockler, Sue Creagh

    Education International’s 2021 Global Report on the Status of Teachers found that workload, and its impact on teachers and leaders, remains a key concern for all members. The OECD’s Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) for 2018 found that on average across OECD countries, workload-related sources of stress for teachers...

    63 minutes in half an hour: the intensity of time in teaching
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 14 September 2023

    Panel on the Teaching Profession convenes at United Nations

    Continuing on the fast-track process set by United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres, the UN High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession opened its in-person sessions Thursday with urgent calls to recruit, retain and support professionally trained teachers worldwide.

    Panel on the Teaching Profession convenes at United Nations
  5. Standards and working conditions 13 September 2023

    Elevating Teachers' Voices to the High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession

    Educators from around the world expressed their concerns about the global teacher shortage, sharing firsthand experiences which highlight the detrimental implications for their classrooms and school communities. Their testimonies were part of consultations organised by Education International to bring the voices of educators to the UN High-Level Panel on the...

    Elevating Teachers' Voices to the High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession
  6. Future of work in education 4 August 2023

    The UN High Panel on the Teaching Profession: Panelists discuss strategies to end the teacher shortage

    On 1 August, the UN High-Panel on the Teaching Profession convened its second virtual meeting bringing together leading experts, policymakers, and representatives from education organizations to address crucial issues within the teaching profession. Education International, as the voice of the profession at the global level, plays a central role in...

    The UN High Panel on the Teaching Profession: Panelists discuss strategies to end the teacher shortage
  7. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 20 July 2023

    Australia: Better access to higher education for Indigenous students in major reform of the sector

    The Australian government has announced a set of reforms aiming to increase access to higher education for Indigenous students and those from disadvantaged backgrounds. All Indigenous students will be guaranteed a Commonwealth-supported place at the university of their choice.

    Australia: Better access to higher education for Indigenous students in major reform of the sector
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 20 June 2023

    High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession launches to address the global teacher shortage and status of the profession

    One of the main outcomes of the United Nations Transforming Education Summit in 2022, the High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession, brings together key stakeholders in the education sector to help tackle the growing teacher shortage around the world. Education International brings the voice of the teaching profession to the...

    High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession launches to address the global teacher shortage and status of the profession
  9. Leading the profession 26 April 2023

    Ways to empower teachers of the world

    Steven Kolber

    It is time for teachers to be empowered to shape their work and their world, here are some approaches to achieve it!

    Ways to empower teachers of the world
  10. Leading the profession 25 April 2023

    Teachers as democracy workers

    Keith Heggart

    The work of teachers is something of a contradiction. Governments, policy-makers, educators and parents are often quick to point out the importance of education for young people – and that necessarily highlights the value of teachers. Yet at the same time, in many countries around the world, the profession of...

    Teachers as democracy workers
  11. Union renewal and development 4 December 2021

    AEU Australia: International cooperation effecting change

    Education International President and Australian Education Union (AEU) Federal Secretary, Susan Hopgood, explains how her union got started in international cooperation and highlights key moments that made a difference.

    AEU Australia: International cooperation effecting change
  12. Leading the profession 8 September 2021

    Australia: Court upholds University of Sydney’s collective agreement protecting academic freedom

    The National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) in Australia has welcomed a landmark Federal Court judgment ruling that University of Sydney staff have a legal right to be protected from disciplinary action when exercising intellectual and academic freedom.

    Australia: Court upholds University of Sydney’s collective agreement protecting academic freedom