Standards and working conditions 28 January 2025 Belgium : unions oppose plan that worsens working conditions for teachers
A teaching profession suffering from burn out and from significant staff shortages. An undervalued non-profit sector. Demotivated, undervalued, and disrespected, teachers are advising their own children not to join the profession they have been passionately committed to for decades. These are the main issues for which teachers in Belgium have...
Belgium : unions oppose plan that worsens working conditions for teachers -
Fighting the commercialisation of education 26 April 2024 Belgium: Education unions join forces to end teacher shortage and austerity
“Enseignant, pas en saignant” (Teaching, not bleeding). This was one of the slogans used by the 8,000 educators who came from all over Belgium to the capital Brussels to call on politicians to increase funding for public education and put an end to the teacher shortage. The protest took place...
Belgium: Education unions join forces to end teacher shortage and austerity -
Standards and working conditions 30 November 2023 Early childhood educators: New data on the challenges they face raises the alarm about an education sector at risk
Isidora Vitorović
Research by Education International reveals that early childhood education (ECE) personnel have been among the education workers whose employment conditions were most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Preliminary findings of an ongoing research also identify this chronically underfunded sector as one of the most threatened by the global teacher shortage.
Early childhood educators: New data on the challenges they face raises the alarm about an education sector at risk -
Standards and working conditions 10 October 2023 Educator well-being in focus: International report reveals alarming challenges
A milestone report launched on World Mental Health Day, offers a comprehensive look at the health and well-being of education personnel worldwide.
Educator well-being in focus: International report reveals alarming challenges -
Standards and working conditions 11 October 2022 Belgium: Common front of education unions announces renewed action
After three successful actions in the last school year, which clearly demonstrated the frustration and anger of education staff, the common front of education unions is asking the government of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (FWB) to respect the commitments it has made and is organising a one-day strike in schools on...
Belgium: Common front of education unions announces renewed action -
Standards and working conditions 10 February 2022 Belgium: teaching should no longer be “despised”
With one in three French-speaking Belgian teachers considering leaving the profession, as shown by research conducted by the University of Mons , education unions have called for action on 10 February, not only because of the COVID-19 pandemic that is disrupting the school system, but also because there are many...
Belgium: teaching should no longer be “despised”
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COCBritsierlaan 5 B-1030 BrusselsConfédération des Syndicats Chrétiens de l’Enseignement
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