
Development Cooperation Projects: Burkina Faso

  1. Bulletins Syndicaux

    Host organizations
    Syndicat national des enseignants du secondaire et du supérieur (SNESS) and Syndicat national des enseignants africains du Burkina (SNEA-B)
    Cooperating organizations
    CTF/FCE member organizations
    Burkina Faso
    Start date
    12 April 2019
    End date
    31 March 2020
    Bulletins Syndicaux
  2. Université Syndicale

    Host organizations
    Syndicat national des enseignants africains du Burkina (SNEA-B) and Syndicat national des enseignants du secondaire et du supérieur (SNESS)
    Cooperating organizations
    CTF/FCE member organizations
    Burkina Faso
    Start date
    12 April 2019
    End date
    30 June 2020
    Université Syndicale
  3. Éducation en situation de crises

    Host organizations
    Syndicat national des enseignants africains du Burkina (SNEA-B) and Syndicat national des enseignants du secondaire et du supérieur (SNESS)
    Cooperating organizations
    CTF/FCE member organizations
    Burkina Faso
    Start date
    1 April 2019
    End date
    30 September 2019
    Éducation en situation de crises
  4. Women's Bursaries

    Host organizations
    - Burkina Faso: Syndicat national des enseignants africains du Burkina (SNEA-B) and Syndicat national des enseignants du secondaire et du supérieur (SNESS) - Ghana: Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) - Haiti: Confédération nationale des éducatrices et éducateurs d’Haïti (CNEH), Fédération nationale des travailleurs en éducation (FENATEC), and Union nationale des normaliens/normaliennes et éducateurs/éducatrices d’Haïti (UNNOEH) - Sierra Leone: Sierra Leone Teachers’ Union (SLTU) - Togo: Fédération des syndicats de l’éducation nationale (FESEN) - Uganda: Uganda National Teachers’ Union (UNATU) - India: All India Primary Teachers Federation (AIPTF)
    Cooperating organizations
    CTF/FCE member organizations
    Burkina Faso; Ghana; Haiti; Sierra Leone; Togo; Uganda; India
    Start date
    1 April 2019
    End date
    31 March 2020
    Women's Bursaries
  5. Project Overseas / Projet Outre-mer

    Host organizations
    - Burkina Faso: Syndicat national des enseignants africains du Burkina (SNEA-B) and Syndicat national des enseignants du secondaire et du supérieur (SNESS) - Dominica: Dominican Association of Teachers (DAT) - Ghana: Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) - Grenada: Grenada Union of Teachers (GUT) - Guyana: Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU) - Montserrat: Montserrat Union of Teachers (MUT) - St. Lucia: Saint Lucia Teachers’ Union (SLTU) - St. Vincent: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Teachers’ Union (SVGTU) - Sierra Leone: Sierra Leone Teachers’ Union (SLTU) - Togo : Fédération des syndicats de l’éducation nationale (FESEN) - Uganda : Uganda National Teachers’ Union (UNATU)
    Cooperating organizations
    CTF/FCE member organizations
    Burkina Faso; Dominica; Ghana; Grenada; Guyana; Montserrat; St. Lucia; St. Vincent and the Grenadines; Sierra Leone; Togo; Uganda
    Start date
    1 September 2018
    End date
    31 August 2019
    Project Overseas / Projet Outre-mer
  6. "Strengthening Multi-Partner Cooperation to Support Teacher Policy and Improve Learning” (otherwise known as the “Norwegian Teachers’ Initiative)

    Host organizations
    Burkina Faso: EI members, FESEB, F-SYNTER, SNEAB and SNESS plus 11 other education sector unions; Ghana: TEWU, NAGRAT and GNAT; Malawi: TUM and PSEUM; and Uganda: UNATU.
    Cooperating organizations
    UNESCO, ILO, UNHCR, UNICEF, the GPE, World Bank
    Burkina Faso, Ghana, Malawi, Uganda
    Start date
    1 April 2018
    End date
    31 May 2019
    "Strengthening Multi-Partner Cooperation to Support Teacher Policy and Improve Learning” (otherwise known as the “Norwegian Teachers’ Initiative)
  7. Union newsletters

    Cooperating organizations
    SNESS and SNEA-B (Burkina Faso and FESEN (Togo)
    Burkina Faso, Togo, +
    Start date
    1 April 2015
    End date
    26 April 2021
    Union newsletters
  8. Bursaries for Women

    Cooperating organizations
    AIPTF (India), FESEN (Togo), UNATU (Uganda), SNESS and SNEA-B (Burkina Faso) CNEH and UNOEH/FENATEC (Haiti)
    India, Togo, Uganda, Burkina Faso, Haiti
    Start date
    1 April 2005
    End date
    26 April 2021
    Bursaries for Women