

  1. Fighting the commercialisation of education 12 February 2025

    Defending academic freedom: Higher education unions mobilise against escalating attacks

    Across the world, governments, right-wing pressure groups, conservative and religious organisations, and corporate interests are escalating their attacks on academic freedom. Efforts to censor curricula, restrict research, and erode institutional autonomy are increasing, and political harassment of educators is becoming more widespread.

    Defending academic freedom: Higher education unions mobilise against escalating attacks
  2. Standards and working conditions 7 February 2025

    Academic freedom at risk: the view from North America

    David Robinson

    To fulfil their mission of preserving, sharing, and advancing knowledge, higher education institutions must ensure that academic staff enjoy academic freedom. Academic freedom isn’t a special perk or privilege. Rather, it’s a necessary condition for the job. It is a professional and contractual right ensuring that in their teaching, research,...

    Academic freedom at risk: the view from North America
  3. Standards and working conditions 20 January 2025

    Canada : Quebec teaching staff demand that negotiations be sped up

    Around 450 teachers from Northern Quebec went on strike until January 21st to express their exasperation because negotiations with employers have come to a standstill. They want their demands to be heard and for them to produce concrete results.

    Canada : Quebec teaching staff demand that negotiations be sped up
  4. Go public! Fund education 2 July 2024

    Go Public! G7 milestone achieved by Education International and member solidarity

    Education International (EI), alongside member organisations from G7 countries, sent a powerful message about the fundamental role of education unions and social dialogue ahead of the G7 Italy 2024 Ministerial meeting on Education.

    Go Public! G7 milestone achieved by Education International and member solidarity
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 6 June 2024

    Charting the course for elevating our profession

    Dianne Woloschuk

    In the lead-up to Education International’s 10th World Congress, we invited members of the Executive Board to share their thoughts about the theme of the Congress: “Growing our unions, elevating our professions, defending democracy”.

    Charting the course for elevating our profession
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 17 May 2024

    Union action for the rights of LGBTQI+ people: the experience of the CSQ

    Julien Poirier

    The trade union movement is no stranger to fighting for the rights, support and inclusion of LGBTQI+ people in Quebec. In this respect, the ongoing work of the Centrale des syndicats du Québec (CSQ) is of particular importance. Its contribution has stood out over the years. In addition to having...

    Union action for the rights of LGBTQI+ people: the experience of the CSQ
All articles: Canada


  1. Canadian Teachers' Federation/Fédération canadienne des enseignantes et des enseignants

    http://www.ctf-fce.ca tel: +1 (613) 232.15.05 fax: +1 (613) 232.18.86
    2490 Don Reid Drive ON K1H 1E1   Ottawa, Ontario
  2. Fédération québécoise des professeures et professeurs d'université

    http://www.fqppu.org tel: +1 (514) 843.59.53 fax: +1 (514) 843.69.28
    666, rue Sherbrooke ouest, # 300 H3A 1E7   Montréal, Québec