
Articles from Canada

  1. Equity and inclusion 10 May 2016

    Canada supports UN Declaration on Rights of Indigenous Peoples

    In a long-awaited move the Canadian government has shifted its position on the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples by joining more than 140 other countries in signing the agreement.

    Canada supports UN Declaration on Rights of Indigenous Peoples
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 21 April 2016

    “Speak Truth To Power Canada” receives national award

    The online teacher resource on human rights, “Speak Truth To Power Canada”, has received this year’s Award of Outstanding Achievement in New Media by the Canadian Museums Association.

    “Speak Truth To Power Canada” receives national award
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 21 March 2016

    Canada: Quebecois teachers want to give each student equal chances opportunity

    The Rendez-vous CSQ de l’éducation 2016 represented a crucial occasion for Quebec’s teacher unionists to debate and share experiences on one of the most important challenges in education, i.e. equal opportunities for all.

    Canada: Quebecois teachers want to give each student equal chances opportunity
  4. Equity and inclusion 25 January 2016

    Canada: School shooting sheds light on issues that go beyond the classroom

    The lives lost to gunfire in La Loche, Saskatchewan represent not only a tragedy to a community, but reinforce the need of quality schools and teachers in places facing social challenges.

    Canada: School shooting sheds light on issues that go beyond the classroom
  5. Equity and inclusion 21 January 2016

    Majority of Canadian teachers say that more LGBTQ support is needed in schools

    According to Canada’s largest study on teachers’ perspectives on LGBTQ inclusive education in the country, only 30 percent of educators say their schools have responded effectively to homophobic, biphobic and transphobic harassment.

    Majority of Canadian teachers say that more LGBTQ support is needed in schools
  6. Equity and inclusion 15 December 2015

    Canada: final report on residential schools paves way for reconciliation

    The Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s final report, which is calling to redress the destructive legacy of residential schools, is being acknowledged by the Canadian Teachers’ Federation as a great path towards the reconciliation process.

    Canada: final report on residential schools paves way for reconciliation
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 18 November 2015

    Global education union leaders stand in solidarity with Quebecois colleagues

    The Education International’s Executive Board has adopted a clear and strong message of solidarity in support of its colleagues in Quebec demanding better quality public services in the Canadian province.

    Global education union leaders stand in solidarity with Quebecois colleagues
  8. Trade union rights are human rights 25 August 2015

    Canada: Ontario high school teachers reach a deal with government

    With the school year fast approaching Ontario’s public high school teachers have agreed to terms on a new contract with the provincial government, avoiding labour action which included a ban on extracurricular activities.

    Canada: Ontario high school teachers reach a deal with government
  9. Union growth 2 July 2015

    Canada: the Quebecois union elected its new leadership for trade union renewal

    To close its 41th Congress, the Centrale des syndicats du Québec elected its new Executive Committee tasked with combating austerity measures that are aimed at cutting funding to the province’s education system.

    Canada: the Quebecois union elected its new leadership for trade union renewal
  10. Union renewal and development 26 June 2015

    Canada: Quebec educators look to boost social equality

    Teachers from all around Quebec are rallying under the theme “Let’s act! Let’s fight back!”, to bring attention to issues of trade union renewal and recent attacks on workers’ rights.

    Canada: Quebec educators look to boost social equality
  11. Equity and inclusion 22 June 2015

    Canada: Indigenous education, history and culture promoted

    National Aboriginal Day has prompted Canada’s education unions affiliated to Education International to shore up their commitment to promoting indigenous educational and cultural issues across the country.

    Canada: Indigenous education, history and culture promoted
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 June 2015

    Canada: poverty negatively impacts educational outcomes, new publication shows

    The Canadian Teachers’ Federation has launched a discussion booklet for students on the consequences of poverty in the classrooms and schools, aiming to engage students in school community social action projects.

    Canada: poverty negatively impacts educational outcomes, new publication shows
  13. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 21 October 2014

    Canadian academics heighten calls for fair employment

    The theme of this year’s Fair Employment Week, ‘Fair for All,’ highlights the importance of protecting all academic staff, from professors to librarians and researchers, working at universities across Canada.

    Canadian academics heighten calls for fair employment
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 29 August 2014

    Canada: Unions call for commitment to public college education

    Education unions in Quebec, Canada have appealed to the province’s Minister of Education, Sport and Leisure to publicly declare the importance of the public college system amid calls to have it abolished.

    Canada: Unions call for commitment to public college education
  15. Standards and working conditions 3 June 2014

    Canada: Call for applications to Norm Goble World Teachers’ Day Award

    The Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF) has launched the Norm Goble World Teachers’ Day Award. Only organisations with whom CTF has a current or recent (past five years) partnership are eligible to apply and earn C$1,000 to carry out its proposed World Teachers’ Day (WTD) activities.

    Canada: Call for applications to Norm Goble World Teachers’ Day Award
  16. Union renewal and development 26 May 2014

    Canada: CAUT appoints new Executive Director

    EI has warmly welcomed the appointment of David Robinson as Executive Director of its affiliate, the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT). Robinson’s appointment will become effective on 1 July.

    Canada: CAUT appoints new Executive Director
  17. Union growth 8 May 2014

    Canada: Task force recommendations undermine teachers, says union

    The Alberta Teachers’ Association (ATA) has strongly rejected the Task Force for Teaching Excellence report released by Alberta’s Education Minister, considering it as an assault on teachers.

    Canada: Task force recommendations undermine teachers, says union
  18. Union renewal and development 30 October 2013

    Canada: Marketing and consumerism focus of Media Literacy Week

    The Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF), one of EI’s national affiliates, will organise the eighth national annual Media Literacy Week on November 4-8 in collaboration with MediaSmarts, a Canadian not-for-profit centre for digital and media literacy. This year’s Week will focus on marketing and consumerism.

    Canada: Marketing and consumerism focus of Media Literacy Week