

  1. Future of work in education 20 April 2023

    Go Public! Fund Education: Global campaign launched in Latin America

    Education International affiliates from across the region came together to coordinate their work on the new global campaign and to urge governments to invest more in public education in their countries.

    Go Public! Fund Education: Global campaign launched in Latin America
  2. Democracy 8 August 2022

    Education International Latin America to visit Chile to express support for the new constitution and its defence of the right to education

    Representatives of the Education International Latin America Regional Committee will take part in an event, alongside national affiliates, in support of Chile’s proposed new constitution The right to education is enshrined in article 35 of the new draft constitution, which will be put to a referendum on 4 September.

    Education International Latin America to visit Chile to express support for the new constitution and its defence of the right to education
  3. Democracy 1 August 2022

    Education International Latin America to visit Chile to express support for the new constitution and its defence of the right to education

    The right to education is enshrined in article 35 of the new draft constitution, which will be put to a referendum on 4 September.

    Representatives of the Education International Latin America Regional Committee will take part in an event, alongside national affiliates, in support of Chile’s proposed new constitution.

    Education International Latin America to visit Chile to express support for the new constitution and its defence of the right to education
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 16 April 2020

    Chilean teacher and trade union leader receives international award

    Education International welcomes the awarding of the Arthur Svensson International Prize for Trade Union Rights 2020 to trade union leader and educator Barbara Figueroa Sandoval from Chile.

    Chilean teacher and trade union leader receives international award
  5. Union growth 17 February 2020

    Chile: Growing Threats to Human and Trade Union Rights

    The human and trade union rights crisis in Chile is deepening, with education leaders targeted with impunity by state authorities.

    Chile: Growing Threats to Human and Trade Union Rights
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 12 December 2019

    "Inclusive Schools as a Political and Social Rights Space", by Gabriela Sancho Mena.

    Gabriela Sancho Mena

    An inclusive public school must be a space where everyone has a place. It is a right that must help strengthen all skills and abilities and encompass all the diversities in our society. It must also be a place of opportunity, reflection, debate, participatory action, invention, questions, research; a secular,...

    "Inclusive Schools as a Political and Social Rights Space", by Gabriela Sancho Mena.
All articles: Chile
