
Articles from Denmark

  1. Fighting the commercialisation of education 25 February 2025

    Go Public! Underfunding threatens Nordic education systems

    Despite their reputation for strong public education systems, Nordic countries in Europe are facing increasing inequalities, teacher shortages, and creeping privatisation. As governments shift the financial burden onto municipalities, schools are forced to compete with other public services for resources. The result? Wealthier areas can sustain higher investment in public...

    Go Public! Underfunding threatens Nordic education systems
  2. Standards and working conditions 17 April 2024

    Education Voices | Improving terms and conditions in higher education through collective bargaining in Denmark

    Tommy Dalegaard Madsen

    Tommy Dalegaard Madsen is the Chairman of DM’s Sectoral Board for Vocational Colleges, Vocational Academies and Maritime Education. DM represents 75,000 academic professionals in Denmark, and it is the most representative trade union in further and higher education. In this interview for Worlds of Education, he shares his perspectives on...

    Education Voices | Improving terms and conditions in higher education through collective bargaining in Denmark
  3. Union growth 12 March 2020

    Beijing +25: "Making the Promise of Beijing a Reality for Learners and for Education Sector Workers."

    madeleine kennedy macfoy

    Examples of the work done by Education International and its member organisations in different parts of the world since the Beijing Platform for Action was adopted in 1995, demonstrate the power of taking collective action to find collective solutions.

    Beijing +25: "Making the Promise of Beijing a Reality for Learners and for Education Sector Workers."
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 15 March 2019

    “Early Childhood Education – the start of lifelong learning – but build upon play and well-being”, by Lasse Bjerg Jørgensen.

    Lasse Bjerg Jørgensen

    At last Early Childhood Education (ECE) is on the agenda of an International Summit on the Teaching Profession (ISTP). At this year’s Summit, ISTP 2019, the importance of ECE for lifelong learning and well-being is now, for the first time, one of the Summit’s three plenary themes.

    “Early Childhood Education – the start of lifelong learning – but build upon play and well-being”, by Lasse Bjerg Jørgensen.
  5. Fighting the commercialisation of education 19 June 2018

    “Between hope and despair in the EU copyright reform- What's in it for education?”, by Nikola Wachter

    Nikola Wachter

    I am a teacher by training and I am concerned about the current European Union copyright reform. I am familiar with the day to day practices of preparing lessons, the search for the best picture, text snippet, piece of music or video that will help me to explain a certain...

    “Between hope and despair in the EU copyright reform- What's in it for education?”, by Nikola Wachter
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 May 2018

    Go for it! The Bologna ministerial summit in Paris, by Andreas Keller

    Andreas Keller

    Isn’ it ironic? 50 years ago, in May 1968, students in Paris were going to the barricades and aspiring to a societal revolution – and initiated an overdue reform of higher education almost throughout Europe eventually. Today, in May 2018, ministers in charge of higher education from 48 countries belonging...

    Go for it! The Bologna ministerial summit in Paris, by Andreas Keller
  7. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 10 April 2018

    Copyright and education: unequal conditions for teaching and learning in Europe, by Teresa Nobre

    Teresa Nobre

    What can a teacher do in a classroom with a poem, a video, an artwork or a piece of music created by someone else? From early childhood education to higher education, literary and artistic works can be used by teachers, academics and researchers, education support personnel and students for educational...

    Copyright and education: unequal conditions for teaching and learning in Europe, by Teresa Nobre
  8. Equity and inclusion 15 March 2018

    “What Europe can do for refugees and migrants’ education” by Silvia Costa MEP

    Silvia Costa

    Refugees and migrants education, especially minors, is a top priority, the best way to empower them and foster their integration, but also one of the principles on which the EU is funded. It is incredible, though, that education of migrants - especially forced migrants and refugees - seems to be...

    “What Europe can do for refugees and migrants’ education” by Silvia Costa MEP
  9. Standards and working conditions 26 June 2017

    Education and Training Policy in the European Semester - Public Investment, Public Policy, Social Dialogue and Privatisation Patterns across Europe

    The European Union has answered to the economic and financial crisis, adopting the Europe 2020 Strategy plan for sustainable, smart economic growth. Education, employment, fighting poverty and social exclusion are at the hearth of the Europe 2020 Strategy and the EU-policy making, coordinated through the European Semester coordination. Since the...

    Education and Training Policy in the European Semester - Public Investment, Public Policy, Social Dialogue and Privatisation Patterns across Europe
  10. Fighting the commercialisation of education 5 June 2017

    The CETA’s “Investment Court System”: A Supreme Tribunal to Protect the Wealth of Foreign Nationals

    Gus Van Harten

    Imagine if governments proposed a supreme tribunal for the world. The tribunal would have the power to review anything countries can do in their sovereign role. It could review countries’ laws and regulations at any level. It could review the judgments of their highest courts.

    The CETA’s “Investment Court System”: A Supreme Tribunal to Protect the Wealth of Foreign Nationals
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 May 2017

    Denmark: Union campaign against continuing cuts in education

    The Gymnasieskolernes Laererforening strongly condemns and is mobilising against the financial cuts imposed on the public education sector.

    Denmark: Union campaign against continuing cuts in education
  12. Union growth 11 May 2017

    Denmark: 64th country to endorse Safe Schools Declaration

    Education International welcomes the move by Denmark to endorse the Safe Schools Declaration, a commitment to protect students, teachers, schools, and universities during times of war.

    Denmark: 64th country to endorse Safe Schools Declaration
  13. Union growth 1 May 2017

    This May Day, why not try solidarity?

    As the occasion to celebrate and reaffirm the value and values of trade unions, from which their principles continue to inspire, today must also serve as a lens to carefully examine our societies and institutions.

    This May Day, why not try solidarity?
  14. Trade union rights are human rights 7 January 2015

    Denmark’s unions receive ILO support in lockout case

    The Danish Union of Teachers has secured significant endorsement for its actions in a recent ILO decision following a complaint made by the union last August about the government’s intervention in the collective bargaining process.

    Denmark’s unions receive ILO support in lockout case
  15. Trade union rights are human rights 14 November 2014

    Denmark and USA: Malthe Thomsen dismissed of all charges

    The nearly five-month investigation, reported on the EI website yesterday, into claims that a student teacher had inappropriately touched youngsters at a preschool in Manhattan has ended with the dismissal of all criminal charges, according to the New York times today.

    Denmark and USA: Malthe Thomsen dismissed of all charges
  16. Union growth 13 November 2014

    Denmark and USA: Danish Union launches Legal Defence Fund to support trainee teacher

    The Danish pre-school teachers union, BUPL, is seeking financial support from other EI affiliates, to assist with payment of the huge legal costs of defending a member of the union who has been accused of ‘inappropriate behaviour of a sexual nature ’ at a preschool in New York.

    Denmark and USA: Danish Union launches Legal Defence Fund to support trainee teacher
  17. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 June 2014

    Denmark: Union campaign focuses on teachers' importance to society

    “The future starts at the school” is the title of a new Danish campaign launched by the Danish Union of Teachers (DLF) on 16 June. This campaign focuses on the folkeskole (public schools) and teachers' importance for the individual pupil and the immediate society.

    Denmark: Union campaign focuses on teachers' importance to society