
Articles from Germany

  1. Trade union rights are human rights 27 August 2013

    Germany: Berlin’s teacher unionists on strike

    Berlin’s educators have gone on strike over better working conditions and an improved salary scale, according to the Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW), one of EI’s national affiliates.

    Germany: Berlin’s teacher unionists on strike
  2. Equity and inclusion 26 June 2013

    Germany: trade unionists take action against child labour

    During its recent Congress, the Gewerkschaft Erziehung and Wissenschaft (GEW) has reaffirmed its commitment to the right to unrestricted and free access to quality education for everyone as a basic human right, to the UN Millennium Development Goals and to EI’s resolutions on education and on the elimination of child...

    Germany: trade unionists take action against child labour
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 15 February 2013

    Germany: Concrete step towards the abolition of tuition fees

    The campaign to abolish tuition fees in Bavaria has taken a step forward with a referendum on the issue set to be organised. This follows on from 10 per cent of Bavaria’s eligible voters agreeing to a referendum on the abolition of tuition fees.

    Germany: Concrete step towards the abolition of tuition fees
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 24 January 2013

    Germany: Teachers in most stressful profession

    The Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW) and Verband Bildung und Erziehung(VBE), two of EI’s national affiliates in Germany, have reacted strongly to research showing that teachers, as well as construction workers, are more stressed than other professionals. The study, conducted by the German trade union confederation, DGB, was released on...

    Germany: Teachers in most stressful profession
  5. Standards and working conditions 26 November 2012

    Germany: Teacher unionists on a warning strike over working conditions

    The Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW), one of EI’s national affiliates, was involved in a strike action in the state of Saxony. More than 10,000 teachers participated in the action, demanding more teacher jobs, better wages, and legislation regulating pre-pension.

    Germany: Teacher unionists on a warning strike over working conditions
  6. Equity and inclusion 4 October 2012

    Aob/GEW/EI Conference: combatting child labour through the right to education

    Strengthening the teacher unions’ role in combatting child labour and achieving Education For All is the aim of the International Conference on Child Labour, convened by EI and GEW, a teacher union in Germany and AOb from the Netherlands, on 5-7 October 2012 in Berlin, Germany.

    Aob/GEW/EI Conference: combatting child labour through the right to education
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 3 September 2012

    Germany: Long journeys to school undermine education

    Long journeys to school caused by the closing of local schools have a negative impact on students’ health and on their education achievement levels. That’s one of the conclusions of the latest study on absenteeism undertaken by the scientific Institute of the German health care insurance company AOK, highlighted by...

    Germany: Long journeys to school undermine education
  8. Standards and working conditions 14 March 2012

    Germany: Schools take the lead at leaders’ Congress

    ‘Schools take the lead’ was the theme of the first German school leaders’ Congress attended by over 1,200 school leaders from all over Germany, as well as Austria, Switzerland, Finland and Italy.

    Germany: Schools take the lead at leaders’ Congress
  9. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 31 January 2012

    Germany: Unions call for policy change on economic crisis

    One of EI’s affiliates in Germany, the Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW), together with unions inside the German Trade Union Federation (DGB), has taken a strong stance on the crisis in Europe, calling for a clear signal for a change of policy.

    Germany: Unions call for policy change on economic crisis
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 7 December 2011

    Germany: Unions demand more equal opportunities in education

    Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW), one of Education International's affiliates in Germany, has called for more concerted efforts to ensure stronger equal opportunities in education throughout the diverse German school system.

    Germany: Unions demand more equal opportunities in education
  11. Standards and working conditions 25 March 2011

    Action programme to improve the labour market for teachers

    The GEW, Germany’s largest teachers’ union, has called for immediate federal action on teacher training to increase the number of student and probationary teachers’ positions.

    Action programme to improve the labour market for teachers
  12. Standards and working conditions 9 March 2011

    German teachers set to strike over low pay

    Teachers and public servants from the federal states of Saxony and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, have stepped up their campaign over inadequate pay and the need to improve their professional status, by taking the decision to strike.

    German teachers set to strike over low pay
  13. Standards and working conditions 17 August 2010

    Germany: Unions deplore teacher shortage

    Many teaching positions within German schools remain vacant just weeks before the start of a new school year. Research from Germany’s largest education unions, the GEW and VBE, estimates that almost 45,000 posts are unfilled, with acute shortages in subjects such as mathematics and the sciences.

    Germany: Unions deplore teacher shortage
  14. Trade union rights are human rights 19 February 2010

    Teacher killed in German school attack

    A teacher was fatally wounded in an attack which took place yesterday morning in Ludwigshafen, Germany.

    Teacher killed in German school attack
  15. Union growth 27 April 2009

    EI at the GEW national congress in Germany: "Quality education for all is the key to economic recovery in all countries"

    Better employment conditions and quality education are two sides of the same coin, said Ulrich Thöne in his address to the national congress of the German education union, Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW), held in Nuremberg from 25-28 Apr.

    EI at the GEW national congress in Germany: "Quality education for all is the key to economic recovery in all countries"