
Articles from Germany

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 20 November 2018

    Creating Successful Schools in Migration Society, by Marguerite Lukes

    Marguerite Lukes

    I arrived in Bremen on a flight from New York City on a gloomy late September day in 2018, not quite sure what to expect. Having been awarded a Fulbright Scholar Research and Teaching grant, I was to spend 8 weeks away from my familiar New York City streets to...

    Creating Successful Schools in Migration Society, by Marguerite Lukes
  2. Standards and working conditions 19 November 2018

    Germany: Teachers’ Day highlights that politicians must support teachers

    The 2018 Autumn Conference of the German Teachers' Day is taking place under the slogan: “Taking new paths!?”, urging public authorities to provide teachers with adequate working conditions, so they are armed to face current education challenges and can deliver quality education.

    Germany: Teachers’ Day highlights that politicians must support teachers
  3. Equity and inclusion 14 November 2018

    Germany: education unionists start 100 million campaign against child labour

    German students and politicians met with activists and education unionists from Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft and debated ways to fight the scourge of child labour in the framework of the 100 Million campaign.

    Germany: education unionists start 100 million campaign against child labour
  4. Equity and inclusion 25 October 2018

    Union support for refugee teachers in Saxony, by Brhan Al Zoabi

    Bran Al Zoabi

    Among the many people who have fled to Germany since 2015 are many skilled workers who have not only lost their families, friends, history, work, future, property, home and dreams, but also their direction, path and goal. In other words, they have lost everything. Some workers have found other areas...

    Union support for refugee teachers in Saxony, by Brhan Al Zoabi
  5. Union renewal and development 22 October 2018

    Renewed commitment and funding of activities to eradicate child labour

    Education International (EI) and the Foundation of EI’s affiliate in Germany the Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft have signed a partnership agreement, the Foundation giving responsibility to EI for projects to promote the right to education and to eradicate child labour.

    Renewed commitment and funding of activities to eradicate child labour
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 8 October 2018

    Germany: shortcomings in schools in terms of digitisation

    A new Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft’s study on the quality of educational institutions concludes that German schools are not ready for digitisation.

    Germany: shortcomings in schools in terms of digitisation
  7. Leading the profession 19 September 2018

    “Education unions: vital to meeting the professional needs of educators”, by Howard Stevenson

    Howard Stevenson

    Many countries face huge problems recruiting educators to work in schools, colleges and universities and creating the working conditions that retain them in that work. Research studies also show that educators rarely get access to the type of high quality professional development they need to be as effective in their...

    “Education unions: vital to meeting the professional needs of educators”, by Howard Stevenson
  8. Future of work in education 13 September 2018

    Germany: “Higher investment in teacher education is overdue”

    The Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft and the Verband Bildung und Erziehung have drawn attention to the long-standing “neglect” of on-going teacher training in the German discussion on educational quality.

    Germany: “Higher investment in teacher education is overdue”
  9. Union growth 24 August 2018

    Statement to the G20 Education and Employment Ministers

    As the voice of the world’s educators, we welcome the inclusion of education as a priority for the G20, and hope the commitment to education will be ensured moving forward into Japan in 2019.

    Statement to the G20 Education and Employment Ministers
  10. Equity and inclusion 16 August 2018

    Challenges for newcomers to get recognition as a teacher in Germany: The case of Bremen, by René Böhme

    René Böhme

    Germany is a country of immigration. Immigration is reflected in the labour market. According to employment statistics of the Federal Statistical Office, the proportion of foreigners in employment subject to social insurance increased between the year 2000 and the year 2016 from 6.8 to 10 percent.

    Challenges for newcomers to get recognition as a teacher in Germany: The case of Bremen, by René Böhme
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 3 July 2018

    Germany: united for a greater investment in quality education

    Reacting to the recommendations of the European Union’s Commission in the framework of the “European Semester”, German teachers’ unions have insisted on the need to provide public education with adequate funding.

    Germany: united for a greater investment in quality education
  12. Fighting the commercialisation of education 19 June 2018

    “Between hope and despair in the EU copyright reform- What's in it for education?”, by Nikola Wachter

    Nikola Wachter

    I am a teacher by training and I am concerned about the current European Union copyright reform. I am familiar with the day to day practices of preparing lessons, the search for the best picture, text snippet, piece of music or video that will help me to explain a certain...

    “Between hope and despair in the EU copyright reform- What's in it for education?”, by Nikola Wachter
  13. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 May 2018

    Go for it! The Bologna ministerial summit in Paris, by Andreas Keller

    Andreas Keller

    Isn’ it ironic? 50 years ago, in May 1968, students in Paris were going to the barricades and aspiring to a societal revolution – and initiated an overdue reform of higher education almost throughout Europe eventually. Today, in May 2018, ministers in charge of higher education from 48 countries belonging...

    Go for it! The Bologna ministerial summit in Paris, by Andreas Keller
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 7 May 2018

    #ResNet: Amplifying teacher voice: getting stuck into research, by Philippa Cordingley

    Philippa Cordingley

    One of the things we are exploring in our research into how different countries construct teachers’ professional identities that will be presented at Education International’s annual Research Network meeting today, is the nature of the links between investing in research-informed teaching and amplifying teachers’ collective professional voice.

    #ResNet: Amplifying teacher voice: getting stuck into research, by Philippa Cordingley
  15. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 10 April 2018

    Copyright and education: unequal conditions for teaching and learning in Europe, by Teresa Nobre

    Teresa Nobre

    What can a teacher do in a classroom with a poem, a video, an artwork or a piece of music created by someone else? From early childhood education to higher education, literary and artistic works can be used by teachers, academics and researchers, education support personnel and students for educational...

    Copyright and education: unequal conditions for teaching and learning in Europe, by Teresa Nobre
  16. Equity and inclusion 15 March 2018

    “What Europe can do for refugees and migrants’ education” by Silvia Costa MEP

    Silvia Costa

    Refugees and migrants education, especially minors, is a top priority, the best way to empower them and foster their integration, but also one of the principles on which the EU is funded. It is incredible, though, that education of migrants - especially forced migrants and refugees - seems to be...

    “What Europe can do for refugees and migrants’ education” by Silvia Costa MEP
  17. Standards and working conditions 2 February 2018

    Germany: Research highlights teachers’ excessive working hours

    A study commissioned by a teacher union shows that, in Germany, teachers work one hour and 40 minutes longer than other public employees per week, endangering their health.

    Germany: Research highlights teachers’ excessive working hours