Trade union rights are human rights 7 November 2024 Iran: Education International denounces new detention of teacher unionist Mohammad Habibi for defending female students
Mohammad Habibi, a teacher and union activist in Tehran, is a resilient and prominent figure in Iran’s education rights movement, standing against oppression under the Islamic regime. His commitment to defending the rights of teachers and students has led to repeated arrests, torture, and harassment by Iranian authorities, making him...
Iran: Education International denounces new detention of teacher unionist Mohammad Habibi for defending female students -
Democracy 28 February 2024 Iran: Education International demands the unconditional release of teacher unionists
Education International renewed its call for the release of imprisoned teachers and unionists in Iran and asked for the International Labour Organization (ILO) to follow up on the issue in a recent meeting with the Director General, Gilbert Houngbo in Geneva.
Iran: Education International demands the unconditional release of teacher unionists -
Trade union rights are human rights 13 October 2023 Iran: Education International denounces harassment of teachers at United Nations Human Rights Committee
Education International (EI) denounced the arbitrary detention and torture of teachers and students, particularly girls, in Iran, to the United Nations Human Rights Committee on October 9 in Geneva. As a signatory to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), Iran is obligated to uphold rights related to...
Iran: Education International denounces harassment of teachers at United Nations Human Rights Committee -
Trade union rights are human rights 14 September 2023 Iran: Education International demands an end to all violations of human and trade union rights!
This September 16th, 2023 marks one year since the murder of Jina Mahsa Amini at the hands of police in Iran. Her death sparked widespread protests across Iran and gave rise to the Woman Life Freedom movement. Since then, the repressive state apparatus has worked to silence all dissent, increasing...
Iran: Education International demands an end to all violations of human and trade union rights! -
Trade union rights are human rights 13 September 2023 Iran: Release teacher union leaders voicing legitimate workers’ demands!
Education International (EI) calls on its member organisations to urge the authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran to immediately and unconditionally release jailed Iranian teacher unionists and to respect trade union rights.
Iran: Release teacher union leaders voicing legitimate workers’ demands! -
Democracy 13 September 2023 Global Unions condemn the escalating violations of human and labour rights and civil liberties in Iran
Statement by the Council of Global Unions
The Council of Global Unions (CGU), representing over 200 million workers through the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), the Global Union Federations (GUFs), and the Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD (TUAC), condemns the escalating violations of trade union leaders' and activists' human and labour rights and civil liberties...
Global Unions condemn the escalating violations of human and labour rights and civil liberties in Iran
Cooperative Council of Iranian Teachers Trade Associations
CCITTA [email protected] tel: +98 (21) tel: +98 fax: +98 (21) floor, No.4, 21 Azar Al. Miriam St. East of Emamzade Ghasem sq. tajrish sq. P.O. Box 193953543 Tehran