
Articles from Italy

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 26 June 2017

    Education and Training Policy in the European Semester - Public Investment, Public Policy, Social Dialogue and Privatisation Patterns across Europe

    The European Union has answered to the economic and financial crisis, adopting the Europe 2020 Strategy plan for sustainable, smart economic growth. Education, employment, fighting poverty and social exclusion are at the hearth of the Europe 2020 Strategy and the EU-policy making, coordinated through the European Semester coordination. Since the...

    Education and Training Policy in the European Semester - Public Investment, Public Policy, Social Dialogue and Privatisation Patterns across Europe
  2. Fighting the commercialisation of education 5 June 2017

    The CETA’s “Investment Court System”: A Supreme Tribunal to Protect the Wealth of Foreign Nationals

    Gus Van Harten

    Imagine if governments proposed a supreme tribunal for the world. The tribunal would have the power to review anything countries can do in their sovereign role. It could review countries’ laws and regulations at any level. It could review the judgments of their highest courts.

    The CETA’s “Investment Court System”: A Supreme Tribunal to Protect the Wealth of Foreign Nationals
  3. Union growth 1 May 2017

    This May Day, why not try solidarity?

    As the occasion to celebrate and reaffirm the value and values of trade unions, from which their principles continue to inspire, today must also serve as a lens to carefully examine our societies and institutions.

    This May Day, why not try solidarity?
  4. Union renewal and development 24 August 2016

    After earthquake, Italian unions join in solidarity

    With many missing and over 200 reported dead, trade unions in Italy are taking action to provide first help and ensure the recovery of the communities hit by the devastating earthquake.

    After earthquake, Italian unions join in solidarity
  5. Union growth 12 February 2015

    Italy: government sidesteps social dialogue on teachers

    Italian education unions have gone public to vent their opposition to the government’s vow of silence after calls to kick-start social dialogue on teachers’ employment conditions continue to go unanswered.

    Italy: government sidesteps social dialogue on teachers
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 30 September 2014

    Italian education workers unite in opposition to new government plan

    The 5 biggest Italian trade unions in education have joined forces to oppose a new plan set in motion by the Italian government. If carried out, the plan would extend the freeze of education workers’ salaries, which have been frozen since 2009, until 2018 and alter the structure of salaries...

    Italian education workers unite in opposition to new government plan
  7. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 11 March 2014

    Higher Education: early stage researchers’ status to be solved

    On 6 -7 of March, 38 ETUCE members from 22 different countries, met in the framework of the Higher Education& Research Standing Committee (HERSC) meeting.

    Higher Education: early stage researchers’ status to be solved
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 5 March 2014

    Italy: trade unions in education on the move for Quality of Education

    Italian teachers trade union, such as FLC – CGIL, CISL Scuola and UIL Scuola, are eager to turn the 10 key messages adopted by the ETUCE Committee on ‘What is Needed to Improve the Quality of Education in Europe?’ to specific national recommendations for better Quality of Education.

    Italy: trade unions in education on the move for Quality of Education
  9. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 13 November 2012

    The retreat of the government from Higher Education: the Italian case

    In the recent OECD report, Education at Glance 2012, a number of indicators clearly show the critical state of education in Italy. This country invests less than two per cent of its GDP in higher education and research, its graduate numbers are falling, as is the number of its researchers...

    The retreat of the government from Higher Education: the Italian case
  10. Standards and working conditions 12 September 2011

    Italy: Teachers strike against cuts

    Teachers in Italy have joined other public sector workers in mass strike action against cuts in public spending. Three million public sector workers went out on strike last week with major demonstrations in many cities including Milan, Naples and Rome. The protesters included teachers, transport workers and other public sector...

    Italy: Teachers strike against cuts
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 29 November 2010

    Italy: Huge turnout to defend the future of youth and employment

    Italian student protesters have been out in force in the capital, Rome, and other cities as MPs debate a bill on education reform.

    Italy: Huge turnout to defend the future of youth and employment
  12. Standards and working conditions 16 January 2009

    Italians resist dismantling of public education

    Teachers, parents and students across Italy are rallying in defense of quality public education and to protest a devastating package of reforms proposed the government of Silvio Berlusconi. Union leaders say it would turn back the clock thirty years in schools.

    Italians resist dismantling of public education
  13. Standards and working conditions 17 October 2008

    EI supports its Italian member organisations' call against dismantling of education

    Education International its EU organisation, the European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE), strongly support the call by their Italian member organisations - the Federazione Lavoratori della Connoscenza (FLC-CGIL), the CISL-Scuola and the UIL-Scuola for action against the plans by the government to dramatically downsize the education sector.

    EI supports its Italian member organisations' call against dismantling of education
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 28 November 2005

    The struggle for a future: the case of Italian universities

    The Bologna Process is an inter-ministerial initiative, gathering together 45 countries in the European region, which aims at establishing a European Higher Education Area by 2010. One would assume that with such an initiative in place, professionals in the Higher Education and Research sector in the European region enjoy a...

    The struggle for a future: the case of Italian universities